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VMD 2024

Discussion in 'General' started by Tristan, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. NerdSr

    NerdSr Member

    From the Mid-O website:

    "While MidOhio Sports Car Course does not encourage bringing pets to the track, we do allow them. Pets are the responsibility of the pet owner. Pet owners are liable for any injury or damage caused by their pets. All pets must be kept under the control of a leash no longer than 6 ft. Pets cannot be left in vehicles unattended. Please be courteous and clean up after your pet. Failure to do so will result in removal from the event. Pets are not permitted in any buildings, concession areas, grandstands, or viewing mounds, hospitality locations, paddock/garage areas, false grid, or pit lane. Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course reserves the right to restrict/remove disruptive or exotic pets. If your pet disrupts or causes harm to another individual or property, you and your pet may be removed from the facility without a refund."

    So that is their current policy. It is certainly a change from several years ago when I tried to bring a pup to VMD and was told they were not allowed on the property, period. I just wonder about the the statement that pets are not allowed in the paddock/garage areas, since that is where any racer is going to be. It says you can bring a pup, but you might want additional clarification about that paddock/garage thing.
  2. NerdSr

    NerdSr Member

    Peta are permitted, per the Mid-O website, which is a change from several years ago when I was going to bring a pup and was told they were not permitted, but they had some sort of kennel that you could pay to leave the dog there for the day. Not knowing what the kennel was like, I just left the pup at home. The website now says pets are permitted but lists places where pets are not allowed: "any buildings, concession areas, grandstands or viewing mounds, hospitality locations, paddock/garage areas, false grid, or pit lane". I would be concerned about the paddock/garage areas, since this is where any racer is going to be. You might want to call them for clarification on this.
  3. dave3593

    dave3593 What I know about opera I learned from Bugs Bunny

    I am not saying it is allowed at Mid Ohio but in past years there have been well behaved dogs in the paddock and garages. I don't know if the staff said anything or not.

    I would not want to take my dog out in the general lunacy of VMD.
  4. Mot Okstef

    Mot Okstef Living on the Island of Misfit Toys

    I guess they are permitted to enforce this rule listed in the previous post.

    “If your pet disrupts or causes harm to another individual or property, you and your pet may be removed from the facility without a refund."

  5. TLR67

    TLR67 Well-Known Member

    Yeah Otis usually goes to every track with me however I don’t think he would do well at VMD… He will be staying home..
  6. d1andonleebaconator

    d1andonleebaconator Active Member

    This will be my first VMD as an attendee and my first race since getting my license last year at Nelson’s Ledges race school. Im familiar with MidO as it is my home track.

    I’ll be working on pre-reg tomorrow. Do I still pay my fee for transponder rental at pre-reg even though it’s free for me? Where’s a good place to buy one? I hear that these things have gone to the awful subscription model.

    My plan is to drop my trailer Saturday morning, talk to some folks in tech to make sure my bike will pass (if they have a spare moment), and hang out Saturday. I’ll try to find a recognizable, friendly face to walk me through the flow of a race day, and give them a hand in return.

    I’ll be racing my FZ07 in two classes on Sunday.

    Any tips for me?

    PS: I’m glad forums still exist. It makes me nostalgic and I hate that everything is gatekept by Facebook and other garbage social media platforms in our modern era.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    If you're getting a free transponder no need to add it to pre entry, we'll handle it at the track.

    FWIW There is racing both Saturday and Sunday. We will definitely have people around to help you out and look the bike over.
  8. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    Come Saturday morning you'll find it a bit crowded. I doubt there will be any spots left in the lower Paddock section. Check out what I'd call the overflow paddock just above the main part. That's where we always setup and we get there Thursday morning. It's a track where a pit bike is almost mandatory. You've been there, it's huge. Our site is just behind the gas station and where the Mid O emergency vehicles are stored. Stop by if you'd like, be more than glad to assist in anything you need. This was our crew last year, it will be the same this year.

  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep, middle paddock on most maps of the area I believe.
  10. d1andonleebaconator

    d1andonleebaconator Active Member

    Thanks a ton. I'm trying to do my due diligence and read the rule book thoroughly, but I have this nagging fear in the back of my head that I may miss something. I've just completed my registration for F2 and lightweight superbike for Sunday. I've purchased my event tickets as well. A few days ago, I signed up for a "weekend" AMA membership since you guys noted in the doc for VMD that it won't be available for purchase on site at registration. All of that said, I think that covers cost logistics to get me on the grid.

    I would like to race Saturday, but I get back from a work trip late Thursday evening from Colorado. The last time I was out that way, my body began to adjust to mountain time. I'm hoping that Friday is a light work day and I can recover throughout that day and Saturday.

    I know exactly the area you're talking about. I'll see about trying to drop my trailer as early as possible. I'm only an hour south in Columbus so even if I'm wiped, it's not that big of a time investment to make multiple trips.

    My "pit bike" is a foldable electric scooter. I picked one up a few years ago after being exhausted from walking around in my full leathers and boots in the heat. I'll make sure it's charged.

    I spy with my little eye what I believe to be some SVs. Are you guys racing in the twins category? I'll try my best to find you all and pit next to you. We can always exchange info over DMs.
    rd400racer likes this.
  11. TLR67

    TLR67 Well-Known Member

    I will be running my SV in V7MW… Really looking forward to this event… Raced at a few Vintagefest with AHRMA but this will be my first time at VMD… Love the track….
    rd400racer likes this.
  12. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    You can't miss us, we're a big crew. We actually have a sponsor called Retro Wrench and he brings his big motor home up with a support crew. And then Saturday night our other crew which is Louisville Vintage Motorworks throws the mother of all parties over in the camping section. It's so crazy that the AMA magazine wrote an article about it a couple years ago. Look forward to meeting you.

    And I look forward to a good battle in V7MW, unless you've got one of those 90 hp SV's:D
  13. TLR67

    TLR67 Well-Known Member

    I am stopping in Louisville Weds PM to pick up another racer…. see you there!
    rd400racer likes this.
  14. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    Another racer in Louisville? The only other guy I know is Jimmy Vanderhaar.
  15. TLR67

    TLR67 Well-Known Member

    Bill Shackleton…. He was riding and on the track while Jimmy was on 11th street stunting! We are all friends with Jimmy… I actually met him down on 11th back in the day!
    rd400racer likes this.
  16. Waterboy

    Waterboy Rain Man

    I'm breaking out the 1st gen for the 1st time in a couple of years :eek:
    5axis and rd400racer like this.
  17. Mot Okstef

    Mot Okstef Living on the Island of Misfit Toys

    Is it clapped out and Kinda Superbikey? :D
  18. Waterboy

    Waterboy Rain Man

    Kinda superbikey, but not completely superbikey :beer:
    Mot Okstef likes this.
  19. Mot Okstef

    Mot Okstef Living on the Island of Misfit Toys

    Then mission accomplished! ;)

    Have a blast! :cool:
  20. Waterboy

    Waterboy Rain Man

    You know it!

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