V6 HW through V8 HW Points...

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by Mongo, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. nhammond54

    nhammond54 Hammond Brothers Racing

    You don't have to lie to have friends. You know what I'm doing? Waiting....
  2. VFR#52

    VFR#52 Well-Known Member

    For what?
    Steven Isenhower #52
  3. nhammond54

    nhammond54 Hammond Brothers Racing

    You know...the thing we been talking about here...don't want to say it..He will yell and say it is only December.
    sPatlovich1 likes this.
  4. VFR#52

    VFR#52 Well-Known Member

    I give up. It's not my business.
    So that being said I am making mine grow so I can afford to come race and see if I have what it takes to beat all you champions.
    I made my case. No one wants to stand together or make a change.
    So it would do me better to solve my issues so after my long drive I can make the most of it. Lol.
    Have a Merry Christmas to all the fine vintage folks.
    See you at Tally.

    Steven Isenhower #52
    TLR67 likes this.
  5. nhammond54

    nhammond54 Hammond Brothers Racing

    I'm with you buddy!! LOL...Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your family!! We will worry about all this in January!!
    VFR#52 likes this.
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    January? Still lots of December worrying to go.
  7. nhammond54

    nhammond54 Hammond Brothers Racing

    Oh yeah....what cha got?
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Well, there is half of December 21st, all of the 22nd and 23rd. I wouldn't suggest worrying about things on the 24th or 25th no matter your religion, good days to just chill. The get back at it on the 26th and keep your worrying strong all the way through mid day on New Years Eve. At that point I'd suggest making some munchies and drinks and have a good night.
    TLR67 and VFR#52 like this.
  9. nhammond54

    nhammond54 Hammond Brothers Racing

    Oh you must be just part time. I'm full time. No days off for me sorry. LOL
    VFR#52 likes this.
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I was only talking about the worrying and you - my schedule has the office closed as of noon today and I'm still working...
  11. nhammond54

    nhammond54 Hammond Brothers Racing

    I know I was just giving you crap.
    VFR#52 likes this.
  12. El Skwid!

    El Skwid! Old guy, old bikes

    I skipped 19 pages of non-sequiter BS replies, All Vintage classes should score the same: top 6, or 4, from the season & double points @ GNF.
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    And I was doing the same, forgot my smiley :D
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    BTW - no change for 2017. "Saturday" classes will be best 4 plus double at the GNF and "Sunday" classes will be best 6 plus double at the GNF. GNF finish being the tie breaker (or if neither rider is at the GNF then most 1sts, 2nds, and so on).
  15. VFR#52

    VFR#52 Well-Known Member

    Well thanks for clearing this up.
    I mean we heard so many rumors of a change. We just didn't know what was true.
    Somebody started this thread obviously didn't have the info correct.
    But it's cleared up now.
    We can continue on with preparation and for the upcoming season.
    Merry Christmas Wera folks.

    Steven Isenhower #52
    TLR67 likes this.
  16. nhammond54

    nhammond54 Hammond Brothers Racing

    Here we go.....let's grind it out!
    VFR#52 likes this.

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