Yeah! And no waves this morning. And it's foggy. And my coffee grinder was set too coarse. Life sucks! Lets all head to the garage and play stinky dizzy dead.
We’re undergoing general civilizational collapse. Even if we don’t nuke each other back into the 15th Century (at best), we’ve passed peak population and we will lose much of our technological and industrial capacity globally in the coming decades. Our ability to produce complex technologies and issues has exceeded our ability to manage them, period. The United States is on the road to either systemic revolution to survive or political collapse. All that Star Trek bullshit about running around in space in peace and harmony isn’t going to happen. If we still have electricity and indoor plumbing in 200 years we should consider it a success.
Getting paid to exercise is not a bad deal at all. All the retirees I know outta there have done pretty well. I will say, after having several bill payments get lost, I put almost all my stuff to electronic pay. Not only were my checks lost, but they didn't even arrive late in 2 idea where they went.
Croatia. This is where I have espresso every morning when there. Meeting is 8AM
Probably, I don't ask. Usually it is few of us and one will pay for all. Then we move to another coffee shop... and so on. ps. I will send you my address when I get there so we can go riding if you are in area. Most like I will settle in Krapina or Varazdin county (inland). Instead coffee shops we can go riding from vinery to vinery, it is similar to Napa county.
Quite aways from Dubrovnik, but the amazing Dalmation Coast separates the 2. Should be on every motorcyclist's bucket list, for sure.
Up the road, I am north . About 4 hours on highway but coast road is the one you want to take and is tight and slow so more like 8hr ride.
On January 23rd, I called a lighting manufacturer to get price and availability on LED arrays for the lot lights they sold a customer. No answer. Default greeting for voicemail. Left a message. Crickets. Ok, had some flights and I do not have voicemail on my cell, called them back last Wednesday. Same anonymous voicemail. Left another message. Thursday I go digging through emails to find the guy I dealt with 5 years ago to get these same parts. Find it, and reply to it asking, essentially, WTF. Email included the manufacturer label I sent them five years ago to verify the arrays I needed. An hour later I get an email back saying that guy is gone, but she has the image and is forwarding to her “team”, apologizes for whomever she (claims to have) handed this off to after my first call (yeah, right), and promises me a response. Friday comes and goes. No response. So today I get a little nasty. Email them again and tell them if I don’t get an answer by end of business, I’ll have to recommend the customer replace the fixtures with ones we can get support for. Bitch emails me back with a “warranty request form”, saying this is their procedure. I reply with this isn’t a warranty request, I am simply asking if they have the parts to repair these fixtures. Here comes the gaslighting. “We need that to identify the customer order and confirm the correct parts.” So I reply back to the email where the dumb bitch acknowledges receiving the image, send the image AGAIN, and reiterate that I simply need to know if I need to tell the customer these fixtures are EOL or not. THEN, magically, this cunt can give me an answer. “Oh yeah, we have those.” Two plus fucking weeks and ALL this bullshit. No, this wasn’t an offshored CSR. This was a company in fucking Wisconsin.