Can you blame em? Work hard and you just get taxed to death. May as well drink espresso and cigs by day and wine and cigs by night
Localized to some degree. We have 1 or 2 snafus a year with deliveries. We only return to places that hire good help.
Depending on how bored I get with family this weekend, or how much of story you guys want we can write some novels. Lets just start with... this is all a feature. By design. Welcome to late stage capitalism. Every time you wish for your retirement funds to keep going up and stocks in your portfolio to post never ending quarterly profit increases at the result of never ending efficiencies... here's the result.
Personally I think it’s a mix of people not having expendable income and profit-centric business models. essentially people’s cost of living increases at a higher rate than their compensation. That means they look for ways to save $ and they become more complacent with the “economic” option even if it’s lower quality, less punctual, etc. On the business side of that, companies react and offer a worse product / service and charge more for better / faster, knowing a vast majority will accept the lowest option. That somewhat snowballs as companies squeeze how terrible and cheap they can make the product / service and still collect the same money from the people who’re just trying to save because they’re more broke. the value of quality and service with a smile has taken a back seat to cheap.
Reason I am moving there . Got tired of listening to people here telling me how smoking will kill me and I shouldn't drink expresso. Back to good life
It's all a matter of perspective. I expect lousy service and total incompetence out of everybody. Sometimes, things go smoothly and I'm pleasantly surprised.
Smoking will absolutely kill you. Since you're leaving anyhow, you should at least get to enjoy a decent cup of coffee.
Maybe, maybe not. btw. I stopped smoking and drinking Turkish coffee. That coffee without smoke is not same.
I received my Husqvarna FE 350s service manual from Germany in less than two weeks from Germany last August. I believe it was shipped FedEx. About to order another one for my newest bike. I'll post how long it takes.