Plane crashes into Office building in Austin, Tx.....

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by XFBO, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I could've kind of appreciated his committment to his silly little cliche ideals if he'd lit himself on fire on the sidewalk or something. But this is no "Falling Down" it's just some dumba$$ who didn't get the American Dream he felt was owed him. Alot of people live a life of quiet desperation. That's not this guy! He needs everyone to know he got greedy with his taxes, repeatedly, and got penalized. Who's fault is that? Every city named in his suicide note has an international airport. If you don't like the way this country works then get the f#ck out. I will certainly take my own advice when I've had enough.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    $h^t! You actually read his diatribe?
  3. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I read all that stuff. Read the Star Report, Unibomber Manifesto, and entire 9/11 Report. I read Eric Rudolph's biography. I spend more time that I'd like to count reading legal filings, arrest records, testimony, etc on The Smoking Gun. I have no idea why I find this stuff interesting. Before anyone else judges me let me offer up that I think I must be loony for this too.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2010
  4. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    What a toolbox.
  5. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    That Eric Rudolf thing still cracks me up. The stores down in Robbinsville, NC has signs up for him. "Home of Eric Rudolf the 19XX Hide and Seek Champion". :D
  6. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I'm so thankful that someone else saw those! I've been telling people that for years and they all think I'm making it up. The first one I saw was just written as graffity in a bathroom in Andrews and I laughed so hard it looked like a sprinkler was turned on in there.

  7. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    I'm not sacrificing my life.

    Orvis, yeah, irrational hatred. He let that get to him. Sad.
  8. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused


    So, what he makes is not his? What he makes in agreement with another is his as he made it with his physical or intellectual work, just as what you make is yours.

    The "owed" part is a claim from others upon his work. What claim do you have upon his former life?
  9. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    Seriously Dave? I know you don't like paying your taxes but you atleast agree you have to right? Please don't support this guy. You're better than that.
  10. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    Why shouldn't taxes be voluntary? Government would have to be accountable. It is obvious that they are not now. And we recognize that there are those that are politically connected that don't pay. How do they do that?

    The deeper question is: do you believe that you have a right to your work?

    Not sure what you're claiming I'm "better than". And I guess you're claiming that you like paying your unaccountable taxes.
  11. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    How many of you have had close personal dealings with the IRS?? (Audit, Fines, ect.)

    I can see how this happened and am surprised it hasn't happened more often.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2010
  12. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member


    Some of the frustration is when you read about the people who are running the country, NOT paying their taxes and NOT getting Fined or Paying their full share...yet the working class does or are busted and fined, wages garnished or property seized.
  13. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    +1.....I'd go as far to say it exceeds 'some' frustration.
  14. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    When I saw that JackAss Tim Guietner, failed to pay taxes on some of his income it pissed me off because I "forgot" some money back in 2000...I am now paying 9.5k in fines and penalties on $2200 of "misreported" income. Meanwhile Charlie Rangle..forgets to report 1.2M and get FKN WOW.
  15. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I haven't talked to him lately. I think that I heard him say something this morning about...............gassing up............gulp..............his plane, and going for a joy ride. :wow:
  16. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    It sounds like this guy fell in with all the "we don't have to pay no stinking taxes" groups and took their stupidity seriously. I'm always amazed at how many dumbasses have to get their asses thrown in jail because they "don't have to pay taxes."
  17. scotth

    scotth Banned

    Because then no one would pay them. I understand your theoretical basis, but you have to recognize the practical reality.

    I'm not sure what that has to do with taxation. Really. Owning the output of my productivity isn't a question about taxes.

    Sales taxes are no more accountable, nor tariffs, nor excises, nor...

    I don't particularly 'enjoy' cutting the I.R.S. a check, but I do like me some paved roads. I also don't think the Chinese are holding off on invading the U.S. out of a sense of international largesse.

    I have. On a personal level, even. They weren't bad, it's just like everything else--you have to go in prepared.

    I'm not saying there aren't tax cheats (there are), or that the rich don't pay a fairly low rate (they do). But, for example, the I.R.S. just finished a huge crackdown and sweep of illegal offshore evaders. Like unprecedented. You would not believe the outrage over the idea that these people were going to get hammered, even though they did something wrong. I think some of them really did believe only the little people paid taxes.

    Before that, they went after--on a criminal basis--a fairly small and uber-rich group that got some bad tax advice from KPMG and stuck to it even after the Service offered them a chance to make amends. There are cases that make headlines, sure, but the I.R.S., by-and-large, has laid off the 'common man' since the early '90s and focused on the rich--because that's where the money is, on a per-capita basis.

    They're getting some manpower back, so now, if you thought the little guy was taking it before, you're going to see actual enforcement of the SB/SE (small business/self employed) cheats. Which is where the real money is, albeit in a lot more individual pockets.
  18. scotth

    scotth Banned

    You don't have to pay taxes. You're always welcome to go to jail. Or get fined, or whatever. :D
  19. justariot66

    justariot66 Well-Known Member

    I am pretty sure you have to pay your taxes, if you dont and get caught you really shouldnt cry about it.

    I do hate th BS that Geithner and Rangell and whoever else are in big positions of power and lecture me about "fair" and then they skirt the rules.

    Rangell should be in jail or heavily levied for his lies but he just keeps on keeping on.

    Just for the record, repubics should be paying whatever they have to as well, I dont want to seem like I only think dems should pay.
  20. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum

    Was it his plane? I wonder if they get to write off the value of the plane when they settle his estate or the rental fee if he just rented it? That should be a tax deduction.

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