I'm at the airport and i went to browse the classifieds and the server is down. It made me think...i used to surf them daily and i bought items frequently. Since the switch to the new classifieds, i think i have visited them no more then a few times. The listings seem pretty sparse. Are other people having different experiences? Is the new system making significant income for wera? I truly hope so, but if not is there any chance of going back?
Yeah the server is being a bitch today, not sure what is up. As for successful - from our perspective, absolutely. Been paying the electric bill in the office since they went up. We're seeing a lot of return customers so people are selling stuff.
Yeah, server is messed up. I just posted an R6 today and it isn't showing up yet, Whomp Whomp. I have had success with the classified ads here though. Don't get me wrong, I don't like to pay, but it weeds out all of the people not willing to pay, and more attention to your item for sale, So I am cool with it.
I truly don't mind it. I bought little things here and there. I search a lot of different classifieds. I just add WERA as one of them. After what Mongo said about paying some of the bills in tough times likes this, I like it even better.
I think the other site may have had more traffic, but the new site is better. I like getting updates when something is posted. And I like being able to search brand specific items.
Doesn't work for me.Every other site i'm on it's free.Carolinas rc,semdtra,neo buggy,craigs list,Ebay.But i have to pay here.Uh no.
Couldn't care less about the money. Unfortunately it's just nowhere near as popular which sucks. With the old one, if you had a wild hair up your ass and wanted to buy a nice bike you could find one in 15 minutes flat. Do like the FB updates though, but that's because I don't check it near as often as the old one.
When some one has a number that you call and talk to them directly like when i bought the last motor for my flattrack bike from kentucky.And no i won't pay to buy anything from this site thats why i don't post on the classifieds.
Email me with what you advertised and your username. I think the server issues are keeping paypal from telling the site things have been paid for so I'm going to need to manually post stuff once I can get back in.
Okay seriously, we get it, you don't like it. You can really stop bitching, your point has been made. As oddly enough, have multiple posts about the server having issues this evening...
Not this evening mongo.Anytime.Tried many times and it won't let me in.Not bitching it's just my opinion oh fucking great one.
Fairly stupid a road racing site charges to use the classifieds but an rc site doesn't.Wera that broke?Really?
The site works for me. 99 Cents to post a parts ad? Big fucking deal! I think my CC company is getting pissed at me for all these novel .99 charges. I also think the whole used parts scene everywhere has slowed down quite a bit in general everywhere, not just wera classifieds. People arent buying new shit so they arent getting rid of their old stuff either.. Noone has any extra cash to blow it seems.
You're not using the site to sell anything so what issues are you having seeing the site? If it's a registration issue the usual problems are a verification email getting marked as spam - happens a lot with yahoo and aol email addys. The other issue is cookies being enabled for weraclassifieds.com As for getting pissy - you're the one who has made repeated posts complaining. I'm just saying I get it, you don't like it. You're not the only one. I would say I'm sorry you don't but I've got nothing to be sorry about, we're providing a site for people who want it. It's not for everyone, every site on the web is like that really including this one. If you don't like being treated like a whiner then stop whining already. Make your point like a normal person and move on. Belaboring it was your choice not mine.
Mongo, how much revenue does the classified section bring WERA? Have you considered seeking a sponsor for the whole classified section, rather than have it underwritten by the sellers?