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Mike Brown

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Rob P, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    MIke Brown was a young violent criminal, willing to pound the face in of a person, to avoid arrest for robbery charge.
    Willing to shoot someone w/ their own gun, to avoid arrest for robbery charge.
    I feel this was a good shooting, but my 'feelings' are irrelevant....what is relevant was that he would have continued on his path and robbed, hurt, and possible worse, a lot of innocent people.
    He would have damaged a lot of lives, and the world is a better place w/out him.

    The shit is gonna hit the fan down here, in the next two or three weeks.

    I feel bad for the cop....he will be in hiding for a long time, his LE career is over, and probably have to change his name. This will affect his family as well.
    Undeserving officer, of all he will go through over this violent criminal. Sad.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Wrong tense.
  3. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    ? :eek: ?
  4. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    has damaged
  5. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Future tense. He would have damaged a lot of people had he lived.

    Past tense. He has damaged people already.

    Is this right?

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Yes. IMHO, the damage was already happening prior to this event.
  7. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Check for gun discharge in the car just as you would on shooters hands
  8. desmo2

    desmo2 Well-Known Member

    According to the NY Times, Brown's blood was on the officer's gun, uniform, and the inside door panel of the driver's door of the patrol car.
  9. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Outside of the Justice Department they would call that evidence
  10. aedwards01

    aedwards01 Well-Known Member

  11. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    I wanted that .pdf to be satire but holy crap. :wow:
  12. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    So are there any equal rules for the "protestors"?
  13. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Good thing they're calling it proposed because I don't see too much chance of it happening. :crackhead:
  14. Jim Moore

    Jim Moore Well-Known Member

    Every cop in that city from the chief on down should walk into the mayor's ofice and turn in his resignation when word comes down that the verdict is going to be released. "Good luck everybody. Have fun."
  15. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    There are some real doozies in those 19 points. I'm thinking if I was a cop I'd be like.....Mmmmmm, NO! I'd be in full gear and ready for the trouble those people are going to be causing. See, I'm not always FTP....just when they're fucking up....:D
  16. R Acree

    R Acree Banned


  17. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    So ... I read 19 "rules" the protesters expect of the police. Where are the protesters rules of conduct? I mean, as long as they're just throwing shit out there. :confused:
  18. desmo2

    desmo2 Well-Known Member


    The Alderman French and "The Rules" wants the police to exercise restraint when people throw water bottles at them. Let's all understand first that in August, many times these water bottles were frozen solid, effectively making them bricks. Often when they weren't frozen they were full of piss, not water. How about the "peaceful" protestors exercise restraint and not throw ANYTHING at the police? If they do, the protest is no longer peaceful and will be dealt with accordingly.

    They want a trial, regardless of whether or not the grand jury decides probable cause exists or not. Ergo, Officer Wilson's right to due process should be trampled upon and ignored for the sake of the community. It's only fair, after all.

    They want 48 hours notice before the verdict is released. I think a major reason for that is because they want time to properly organize the riots. They want notice so the non-resident rioters and instigators don't have to arrive a week in advance...they can show up a day or two before game time.

    As for "The Rules"...some are no-shitters. Some others, however:

    #8 - no armored trucks, rubber bullets, or tear gas. Well, don't shoot at us, throw bricks and frozen bottles at us, or burn shit to the ground and you won't see that stuff. Do so and you shall.

    #11 - safe houses for rioters. Really? So if a violent rioter gets back to base, he is safe? This ain't the playground, anymore.

    #13 - alternate routes for non-rioters to get to work. That ain't up to the police. Peaceful protesters sometimes stay in an assigned area. Sometimes. Violent ones don't give a damn about boundaries.

    #14 - police will allow protesters to occupy larger and more disruptive areas for longer periods of time. Hmmm, see #13.

    #15 - allow minor violations of law, such as thrown water bottles. Addressed above. No.

    #18 - don't intimidate or harass protesters. You know, because they didn't show up at the homes of troopers and deputies in August and scare the shit out of their families. I agree, let's not do it...these rules are meant for BOTH sides, correct?!?

    I find it amazing that the protesters and the mass media believes the police overreacted in August. This was a large-scale riot with significant property damage. Compare the loss of life and injuries from prior large-scale, extended riots in US history to Ferguson. The police were very light-handed.

    I have been deployed to Ferguson twice since this all started. It looks like my trip pass has been punched again, too. Great.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2014
  19. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    I'm all for the safety for the popo. Those proposed rules should be burned in front of the protesters. The reason for the request of no armored trucks, rubber bullets, or tear gas is because police probably have overused their authority to deploy it in the past; not for the sake of keeping them safe but to project power.
  20. desmo2

    desmo2 Well-Known Member

    Not that I saw when I was in Ferguson. The tear gas and rubber bullets were used in reaction to protester actions. An armored truck isn't used against anyone. It allows the police to be where they need to be without getting shot or their faces busted with bricks.

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