Mandate Chest Protectors

Discussion in 'General' started by OldGuyOnBlu, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. SLLaffoon

    SLLaffoon Well-Known Member

    Good helmets and good gear are defined, chapter 7.
  2. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    what region are you racing where folks run substandard helmets that dont pass tech?
  3. :stupid: only time I don't wear it is when I'm a sidecar monkey (not very often). They make multiple versions that don't get wind resistance that would make any difference on an SV. My goal is to add protection. I check the lanyard connection before I leave the hot pit the same as I do my helmet strap and gloves to make sure they are on correctly. I still don't understand why more people don't wear them but, whatever. I've never felt or noticed the vest while riding to where it would make me question wearing it.
  4. Are you being serious? Or just being argumentative for the sake of douchetivity?

    With every rule, there has to be a line drawn somewhere. And in this case, the line is drawn where something loses practicality and feasibility. There is a big difference between mandating a $40 chest protector and a $4,000 suit.
  5. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Yes I am being serious.

    Slightly off example but gives you an idea of how I think.

    My local club checks everyone, every time they get off the track for safety wire on at least the brakes and axles. They say they do it in the interest of safety. The thing is, if they really wanted to do it for safety they would check before people go onto the track.

    I have my opinion as to the root as to why they do it. But the thought that the threat of the check would cause people to put it on doesn't pan out as people have been DQed after their race for failing to have safety wire on.

    Doing something for safety is an all or nothing thing in my book. You are either going all out for safety or safety isn't your priority.
  6. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Is helmet fit also defined there? (I know...its not...nor is it checked at tech) A poorly fitting helmet doesn't do you any favors.
  7. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    Here's OMRRA's standard before you get on track:

    No holes of any size in leathers, boots, nor gloves. No duct tape on any of it. No split seams, period. (Mandatory)
    Helmets within one Snell or Euro Equivalent rating of current. Anything older needs to be replaced. (Mandatory) I.E. If current rating is 2014, and prior rating is 2010, a 2008 rating would not pass.
    Back Protector (Mandatory)

    Optional Stuff:
    Chest Protector
    Leatt Braces / Neck Braces
  8. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    Ok, Mr. Black & White...

    You know as well as I do that for someone that's serious about safety, it's a scale based on the best gear available at pricing that doesn't prohibit participation...

    $4k for a suit? Looks like I'm going in 2015, b/c my 2014 budget just got shot. $300ish for a custom chest/back protector combo? Do-able and still lets me play.

    You really need to have your colour palette expanded to more than just binary. Try the 64bit version and see how many shades of grey you can come up with :Poke: :Poke:
  9. Well said. That is kinda what i was getting at earlier, but i like how you worded it.

    Mandating something that would force people to quit racing would be counterproductive...and pretty damn silly.
  10. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

  11. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    No duct tape seems a little harsh, one of the "thingies" that hold the toe slider on my left boot is broken so I duct tape the slider on. The duct tape is evidently stronger than the "thingie", as it stays in place. I guess I could wire tie it :D
  12. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    I wear one. I don't like it, it is uncomfortable and sometimes I cannot lean forward as much as I want. I don't wear it for me. I wear it for the people I care about and who depend on me to be back at work Monday morning. I also wear padded shorts and back protector. I like to minimize the chances of a debilitating accident. I forget about them as soon as the minute board goes sideways.
  13. regularguy

    regularguy Always Krispy

  14. renegade17

    renegade17 Well-Known Member

    My issue isnt so much with helmets and I know for a fact that tech does not put a sticker on a substandard helmet in my mystery region. I am saying a chest protector under a decent suit is good, but if the guy beside me is legal because he is wearing a $200 jackoffastan made suit AND a chest protector, that is bullshit. Same can be said for any other piece of protection.
  15. bdaddy

    bdaddy Well-Known Member

  16. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    Think its been demonstrated that many off shore produced suits are made on the same assembly lines whether its marquis or no name stuff. Just because you paid $5k for a suit doesn't mean you're any safer than the guy with the used Frank Thomas that's been repaired twice.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Chest protectors have come a long way since then too. But there are also airbag vests and suits too which would not be a chest protector but would work as well or better.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You are wrong.
  19. gt#179

    gt#179 Dirt Dork

    safety gear has definitely improved over the past few years. more research, more new products, better testing and materials.

    I mostly ride off road these days and recently upgraded my gear from just a pressure suit (661 pro pressure suit) to a newer alpinestar neck brace and neck brace compatible pressure suit. IMHO it's the wave of the future. I would guess that in the near future you'll start to see more road racing or other street oriented neck braces available. Just like off road, some will wear them, some won't. I was concerned when I first got it that it would interfere with my mobility or flexibility when riding but once I get started, I totally forget about it. It's just like a knee brace, once you get used to it, you really feel naked when you don't' have it on.

    I have been planning on replacing my leathers in the near future and when I do you can bet I'll get something that fits with a chest/back protector.
  20. renegade17

    renegade17 Well-Known Member

    Never said it was a fashion show, my suit has been repaired, it is nothing fancy, has no airbag, but I will guarantee it will hold up better than a BILT suit or the like. Just because they are made in the same or similar places or buildings doesn't mean they are built to the same specs or levels of quality. It's kinda like wearing safety glasses and a mouth guard under a Gmaxx modular helmet. Bring on the rule I've been looking at chest protectors, I will wear one, I just think there are other areas that could be addressed first.

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