Kevin Schwantz // Jury Trial Date Set

Discussion in 'General' started by Hate McDead, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    that does not get you far, these days.

    luxuries become necessities, once experienced.
  2. 418

    418 Expert #59

  3. Sheik Abdul ben Falafel

    Sheik Abdul ben Falafel Well-Known Member

    I was going to the garage anyways! :D
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    About the cash, there was an interview with Schwantz and what he had planned to do with the cash he'd have made. His plan was to use it to build a team using the profits to feed american kids into the series (if I remember right). Moto2 and eventually motogp.

    $450K a year isn't going to do that.

    plus COTA deserves to get ass f@cked for the shit they pulled.
  5. TrackStar


    Then I would have 5 Million, a steady income, no bills and an extra $450,000 a year to put away for when I didnt have a steady income any more.
  6. Hate McDead

    Hate McDead Well-Known Member

    So just speculatin'
    Say Kevin wins the lawsuit.....
    What would that be worth?
  7. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    Money likes money Dave, so that $450K would meet up with some more along the one and party together.
  8. Yzasserina

    Yzasserina sound it out

    Evidently substantially more than what was offered by a party that isn't even named in the lawsuit.
  9. Pepsi Drinker

    Pepsi Drinker Well-Known Member

    This !

    "About the cash, there was an interview with Schwantz and what he had planned to do with the cash he'd have made. His plan was to use it to build a team using the profits to feed american kids into the series (if I remember right). Moto2 and eventually motogp.

    $450K a year isn't going to do that.

    plus COTA deserves to get ass f@cked for the shit they pulled."


    "Even if I didnt need 4.5 million I wouldnt pass it up on a potentially risky lawsuit."

    I think if you have Kevins mindset and feel for justice, you just might. This is all about justice and righteousness not really about the money so much, but money is really the only way to prove the point, at this point.

    I do believe, just speculation, Kevin does need the money more than one believes in order to do what he wants to do, his riding school drastically cut down its schedule due to funds amongst other reasons and yes funding a program to get more american "kids" into racing and grooming them for motogp etc isn't going to be cheap.

    I support Kevin but not knowing all facts, it is hard to sit here and speculate but he was involved with all aspects of planning then a couple parties acknowledged his promotional deal at the time then he was screwed out of it. The how and why is unknown, but then to Ban him from COTA on the inagural GP that he had a large hand in setting up... BAD FORM and that really was a slap in the face, good for him and if he gets only 1,000,000 and the judgement he still wins the judgement. I think that is more important than getting 4.5m and having to claim he didn't win.
    Sure money makes the world go round but proving you are a man of your word and being vindicated is priceless!

    I would pass on the 4.5m if it meant not being acknowledged for my efforts too and I don't have shit, so 450k a year would have added about 12 times my income for 10 years, that would have been a life changing amount of money for 10 years. Getting the judgement would be with forever!
  10. caferace

    caferace No.


  11. merle4

    merle4 Menace to sobriety

    Any chance we can get an Official WERA BBS court reporter in on the proceedings? :)
  12. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    Bla bla bla. I like Kevin for sure. One of the greats. Hope this doesn't fuck with MotoGP or F1 coming to Texas.
  13. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    It might get fucked up, but it won't be Kevin doing it….the greed down there will kill it.

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