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I need a new handgun...lets talk guns today. :D

Discussion in 'General' started by Kris87, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    Agree with both of you. The only cool part was that the Flow shot a ridiculous plume of titanium sparks out the front.
  2. RonR

    RonR Well-Known Member

    That doesn’t sound good. The new ones were made differently from mine but my 30 and 5.56 don’t blow sparks
  3. gapman789

    gapman789 Well-Known Member

    So you dont worry about being able to CC in a non constitutional carry state, but that state would recognize your CCW in their state?

    thats the biggest reason i want a permit cause i travel/drive alot state to state
  4. dazo

    dazo Well-Known Member

    I recently bought a P322 and it came with a threaded barrel. Out of the box it has the thread protector on which is flush with the front of the gun. It comes with a thread adapter to connect to suppressors.

    Link has a pic halfway down that shows what I am talking about:
  5. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    Depends on if the state requires a CCW. I don't really care as I'm a fifty something year old that doesn't attract attention.
  6. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping it will lessen as I continue to shoot but if it keeps up this one will go up for sale.
  7. gapman789

    gapman789 Well-Known Member

    I'm just trying to play by the mans' rules that's all. :mad:
  8. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Utah is constitutional carry as well, but the CFP still gets you benefits on top of it.
    First, the school thing I mentioned. Without the CFP, you can't carry on grounds.
    The CFP means you don't pay the background check fee on new purchase, and you are out the door with the firearm much faster.
    The Utah CFP has fairly broad reciprocity. A few more perks, but it's enough of an argument for the permit.
  9. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

    You're right in that, it's not that simple. Still, I'd argue that, just like a muffler (we are talking baffles, after all :| ) if you were to drill a bunch of holes around the outlet tip, you're going to end up with a louder exhaust.

    No doubt, you're right on the last remarks with regard to intent and purpose - but how many people have a full auto ... anything (outside of Chiraq)?

    And WTF is a full auto rated can - what does mean? Are we talking 60 rounds/second over 10 seconds or 3 rounds/second over two minutes? I've yet to see that defined on any civilian manufacturer's website. There's no standard there so I don't buy into it. Just like the flow-through design.
  10. RonR

    RonR Well-Known Member

    You’d be surprised at how many people shoot FA and way more do semi mag dumps. This creates serious temperatures. Titanium cans will usually have disclaimers for that usage. And you don’t have to spend anymore money usually to have an FA rated can. YHM come to mind as a can you can truly abuse and not worry about warranty. Yes you are correct and we agree flow through design is louder. No question. It just doesn’t matter to me because of the way I use it. I’d never put one on a dedicated sub gun.
  11. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Who's the next Contestant?

  12. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

  13. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    Also, to add another data point

    I bought it from
    LGS on 3/21, certified through silencer shop on 3/26 as an individual at 4:30pm, approved 4/1 (3 work days).
  14. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Who's the next Contestant?

    I'm just getting a YHM Sidewinder M2 - 9mm for my Staccato C2 since I got it with a threaded barrel and for my Aero Precision EPC9's to see what all the suppressor hype is about.

    As far as the link I posted, I just asked Google a general question about what makes cans FA rated and that was basically the first hit.

    I offer both answers because I didn't get the full context of your question Kas. All good.
  15. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    Sorry man, playing with a velociraptor masquerading as a puppy when I asked....yeah, it was which one you were looking at and for what guns....I absolutely LOVE YHM cans so really curious what you think of it when you get it...dont forget to run subs through it to get the full experience and if flat nose subs get hung up, they do make round nose 147 gr!
  16. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Who's the next Contestant?

    New pups are so much fun.

    RonR's the one that turned me on to the YHM cans based on his time with you at the range comparing them. So bang for the buck I decided to give them a try since they had them in stock.

    Eventually, I want two more. A 5.56 compatible one for Jr. aka Numb Nuts, and a .308 for me. That will help a lot when we go to DelMarVa and go 500 yards in that shed. Just figured I'd start with the 9mm since I shoot those the most now.

    Got my first ASI pistol match at Guntry May 2nd....cannot wait!
  17. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    Nice!!! They're not the prettiest cans but they do work well....really well! My brother has a wolfman and I convinced him to get a R9, and after shooting them side by side, he bought a second R9 (the wolfman is quieter but not several hundred dollars quieter). He also really likes his Turbo 3 on his MK18 (I got a Turbo K from Ron's recommendation and that sits on an 11.5 inch PSA I just built to see what I could build that's similar to his MK18 but on a shoestring budget just to piss him off)...

    308, get a nomad 30....also got it on Ron's recommendation and I love it - weight, sound, length is great. Brother bought one of those as well after I got mine....dedicated 556 for NN = Turbo 3 (and possibly a riflespeed adjustable gas block to make sure the least amount of gas is getting in his face (and lungs). If you think he's going to move up to bigger calibers in the near future, get another Nomad 30 and put a 556 end cap on it for now and then put the .30 cal endcap back on when he moves up (my Nomad lives on my 11 inch 556 Bren 2). What ever you put on the .308, you may get some serious POI shift so set zero and use the dials to set zero with the can on....I can get anywhere from 2-4 inches of POI shift depending on the can.

    If we can arrange it (logistics and scheduling wise) I can bring cans and guns so you can see which ones you like and what works for you and little man....that way, you're not just buying blind and have an idea about what you may like.

    Once you get the sidewinder post up about your impressions (my pistol cans are Rugged Obsidians) but I have looked at the sidewinder more than once because of how much I love all the YHM cans that I have so definitely really curious what you think of it!
    RonR likes this.
  18. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Who's the next Contestant?

    Thanks Kas. Appreciate it.

    He's not so little anymore. He will be 14 in June and is as tall as I am.

    He's also got some skills on 2 wheels I never had.
  19. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    I have two YHM Turbo T2s and really like them.
  20. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

    I put nine magazines through the P into some backyard steel last night. Yeah, the gun shoots straight. Trigger is consistent; straight pull with no notching or stacking. A real clean S/A break, as one would expect. I did notice there’s no firing pin block, interesting for a gun that’s marketed for duty. Probably just another reason the trigger is most awesome.

    The weight isn’t a bother since I use a P226 for competitive shooting. Now it’s just a matter of drilling with it to see if I can shoot it better than the ‘226. A few weeks of work and I’m 99% sure it’ll become my daily carry / comp gun.

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