Yesterday I was rather amused when I heard part of a speech given by our friend Obama making fun of Trump for his comments on the possible "fixed" election when our friend Obama was saying the same thing during the 08 election run up. I'll swear, those dumb asses say so many "stupid" things during an election that they can't remember them all at later dates.
That he claimed were prosecutable although that is the duty of Justice not the FBI. He found classified documents on her server which is 100% against the law though not 100% prosecuted.
Nope Bill just showed the horses head to Justice on the plane no need to ruin sheets that might be used with interns
Why, no problem. It's just a "calibration error don't cha see." Of course, so far, have we ever heard of any of these "calibration errors" going the other way? Didn't it still result in the Democrat getting the votes? Seems like I heard of this happening and the voting judge saying that it was "only on paper" that the error occurred and that the correct candidate actually got the vote. If I were a candidate I sure as hell would like to see the voting honchos prove that because I would not take them at their word.
Do you guys think it was a parable about sleeping with fishes or was it blackmail of some sort? Or both? I'm pretty sure the threat was something much worse than ruining her career. I wonder what juicy information the Clinton Machine dug up about Straight Arrow Comey and Lovely Loretta. Hookers, dead hookers, dead tranny hookers? Lovely Loretta is probably stealing from the government in some way and they found out. The Clintons also need a carrot as well as a way of controlling their bitches so they don't become inconvenient. I bet both Lovely Loretta and Straight Arrow Comey will retire from government and get 7 figure salaries as consultants of some kind. If they get uppity or make any noise the cushy job and salary go away, and if they get really uppity both Straight Arrow and Lovely die in boating accidents. Well they're both going to die accidentally anyway but they get a few more years if they shut their mouths.
Good thing the deleted files were yoga and babies
I'm really enjoying wikileaks