disconnecting left side switches

Discussion in 'Tech' started by Dug2, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. bmwdave

    bmwdave Member

    can any one help me with the ecm logic on the clutch switch. I have disconnected the switch and cut the black and yellow wire at the starter relay. On the relay side grounded the wire to allow starting. My question is does the ecm need to see a voltage switching to not go into this reduced power mode. If it does I can use a relay to toggle to the ecm. If any one knows I would really love to know.
  2. maxpat82

    maxpat82 Well-Known Member

    It's not only a fact of starting.

    everytime you pull it the ecu see it.

    wil not just letting the switch in place?
    weight saving doesn't really count as an answer..lol

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