Moving the Duck Boat into the garage tonight to service the motor and prepare for the duck and goose season. Hoping that the cold weather will push the birds down to where I can get at them. for me cold weather and snow are a really good thing as it pushes the birds to migrate and local birds to move from the ponds to the river. I wasn't able to get oput last year but really looking forward to it this year. Bonus, I no longer have to deal with cold feet
What sucks about lake effect is they can't forecast it very well. All they can say is "yeah there is going to be significant lake effect next 24-48 hours" They can't really predict amounts becuase depending on the wind directions you could get 2" or 2' in one location and 10 miles away just the opposite. We were forecast to get lake effect last night so I set the alarm earlier so I could get up and snowblow the driveway if needed. My wife was up doing God knows what when the alarm went off. She said it didn't snow that much so I hit the snooze and rolled over. Well when I got up there was almost a foot of snow on the driveway...not sure what she saw when she looked out the window! Fortunately a foot of snow is not a problem for my truck so I made it work no problem, but I called her and said "hope you don't have to go anywhere today" because her little Fusion is not going to make it through the snowplow pile at the end of the driveway. LOL!