I was buying audio books/cd's when I was truck driving OTR.I bought that shitty book,and literally threw it out the next time I got fuel!!
and I knew that and almost said “like this run in sentence” when typing that see there you are picking up the slack thanks man!
Edgar, Uncle Paul, Ted Sheckler, Boardroom Jimmy, Regular Joe, Trinidadian Jimmy, Craig Schinkel, Valley Jim, and one of my all time favorites, Jimcy. Check out the old O&A shows on YouTube with Jimcy. You'll be rolling!
So this morning I glanced down at my bike computer near the beginning of the ride. I was at 3.11 miles. A song immediately popped into my head.
Probably some deep seated maladaptive throwback to the predator/prey part of the brain seeing safety in familiar patterns and danger when they change. Or some such horseshit. I fall prey to patterns in numbers, letters , shapes and colors. Could be any combo of ASD, ADD, ADHD, OCD or PTSD or another form of neurodivergent. People refuse to play games with me after a couple times. I think some of us relate to the Big Bang as it was a caricature of our childhood nerdom.
Can't forget this one. It took me a bit of planning, then pulling off the highway and into a residential area once I got close. (jeez, that sounds creepy all typed out. )
You old geezers will know what I'm talking about. These days I rarely sleep all night without having to get up and take a wizz. I always look over at the clock and way more than you might think it's 3:34. "Kessler time."
I'll readily admit to not reading this thread, but surely I'm not the first person to point out that there may be better places to initiate a normalcy check?