“I need to see everyone’s ID...”

Discussion in 'General' started by Gorilla George, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The kid didn't remotely try and detain you. You could have kept walking...

    You're still the dick in the story :crackup:
  2. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    Seriously?! That's as mythical as the centaur Caustic's looking for:crackup:
    BigBird, In Your Corner, Razr and 3 others like this.
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The policy of checking receipts is for every customer too.

    This has nothing remotely to do with rights. No one in your story was infringing on any rights.
    BigBird likes this.
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Broome, being a dick to some dope scanning your shit doesn't get you anything. Being nice to them keeps them stacking the cans of lima beans you buy to give to the can food drives on top of your fruit loops keeping your loops unsmashed.

    and that's Coming from a professional dick.
  5. 83BSA

    83BSA Well-Known Member

    No doubt, and I have never purported to be. Merely a suggestion for your calm, reasoned thoughtful consideration.


  6. cha0s#242

    cha0s#242 Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand

    I just show them the fucking paper. Takes 2 seconds. Arguing my constitutional rights with dimwits is far more time consuming and I really don't give a shit. Problem solved.
    ToofPic, Sabre699 and Boman Forklift like this.
  7. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”


  8. Again, it’s all about delivery.

    The guy started jerking our groceries across the scanner as if it was our fault he is bagging groceries. The wife was caught off guard by it, but I didn’t mind it at all because at least by jerking them he is being efficient and fast. That’s why I went in his lane instead of the old lady’s lane to begin with...speed.

    It was when he chose to ignore my wife and gave her this “fuck off” look when she was just trying to be nice. That is what pissed me off. The ID thing just gave me an excuse to vent said pissedoffedness.

    He didn’t even have to say anything. Had he at least just smiled and acknowledged her attempt to be friendly, that would have changed things.

    Or if he would have been like “I know this is silly, but I have to check both of your IDs. Sorry it’s the rules”...then maybe that would have been different.

    But being shitty towards her, then following it up with being a dick about the IDs, yeah fuck him.

    I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks, I would handle it the exact same way again.
    lazlo and crashman like this.
  9. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Damn it. Why do I always have to go shopping twice for the same stuff in the same day. :D
  10. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Hey, handle it however you want. It's your lima beans and fruit loops.
  11. Sweatypants

    Sweatypants I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    "may i please see your receipt sir?"
  12. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    Why did this make me laugh?
  13. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I gots the right to arm bears, it's in the 42nd page of the best of thread!!!!
  14. He would have been my dream checkout person, had I been alone.

    He didn’t try to talk to me, jerked shit around with purpose, and didn’t give a fuck about being nice, he just wanted to get me out of in front of him as quickly as possible.

    But I wasn’t alone.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So wait - the true issue is you were pissed off at a cashier because he acted towards your wife like you act?

    badmoon692008 likes this.
  16. rafa

    rafa Well-Known Member

    Guy couldnt win then.
    He was your dream checkout person and you are angry at him.
    If he was your wife dream checkout person he would be your worse nightmare.
    Motofun352 and Robin172 like this.
  17. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    I don't think I've had this happen. Of course, I normally sit in the truck and look at cheerleader sites while the ol lady goes in and gets it.
    83BSA likes this.
  18. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    Simple remedy would be stick to self checkout.
    Sabre699 likes this.
  19. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    Takes me less time to just keep walking past.
  20. peakpowersports

    peakpowersports Well-Known Member

    Way back when I had aprox $200 in groceries all rang up at Meijer and then one bottle of Vodka. I had a friend with me who was underage. The asked to see my ID, then theirs. I was so confused.. for real? I have $200 in food and your not going to sell me my bottle of booze because I have a 19 year old with me? I walked out left it all at the counter and headed over to Walmart. Unbelievable. Now had I been in the store with a 18 year old girl, only buying a bottle of booze I may have understood.

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