ban Clarence Randall

Discussion in 'General' started by El Cubano, Feb 13, 2015.


Who should be more ashamed?

  1. Clarence

    88 vote(s)
  2. His accusers

    22 vote(s)
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  1. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Odd how "Robby" became "Robbie" between messages...
  2. ped

    ped Banned

    that's the same one for the 4th time.....
  3. June-yer

    June-yer Well-Known Member

    2/13/15 :wow:

    2/20/15 :crackup:

    2/27/15 :down:
  4. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Don't worry about minority representation. I got that box checked.:D

    Dennis - I kid. :Poke:
  5. SupermotoFan

    SupermotoFan deep Clothing Company


    No, thanks.

    I'm pretty sure that I have my answer.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  6. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    So now the internet fight has devolved to the point of screen shots of another internet fight.

  7. SupermotoFan

    SupermotoFan deep Clothing Company

    Nope, no fight here.

    I just asked a question, that was it.
  8. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy


    Clarence, I fucking told you I was working. Im sorry that the flooring business gives you the time to need to defend yourself daily.

    Like I said earlier.

    I am not going to look through the several thousand messages we've sent over the last couple years. I honestly don't remember sending that message.

    That being said, I am not gonna deny that in many instances, I will say shit to just get you to STFU... I've even lied to you before to get you to shut up, or leave me alone. Just as I told you today. I don't have time to answer your endless messages....

    The easiest thing you can do, is delete my contact name from your phone. If my number shows up where, "Robby" is, then its quite obvious I wrote the message.

    I told you that already. I can't remember the last text I sent to my mom, much less something I may/may not have sent you months ago.

    Regardless, it appears that someone else beat me to the punch by showing the racing world your true character. I told you days ago when you BEGGED me to "end the thread" that I didn't even start. I told you that I never accused you of messing with my bikes and I told Mongo the same.

    I sincerely hope you get help of some sort because as Tristan said earlier. You're almost tolerable in person, yet you get on FB, or text and just antagonize and poke way past the limit of being fun/funny and have exhiled yourself from every riding group/club in Pensacola.

    You have been proven to be a pathological liar on several occasions by several people.

    Think about bringing me into this again because next time, I'll gladly tell more.

    For now, I am going to get back to work. :Poke:
  9. SupermotoFan

    SupermotoFan deep Clothing Company


    Please forgive me if you feel that I've dragged you into this. That was not my intention.
  10. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    LOL man I don't give 2 shits.

    It takes all of 20 seconds to see if that's my number. And before he uses it as an excuse, no I dont care if my number is posted.

    All I care is that people shit stops getting tampered with.

    WHoever it is/was, is most likely going to lay low which is a good thing:)
  11. ped

    ped Banned

    what is in your water down there?
  12. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Just cocaine I think:)
  13. Razors Edge

    Razors Edge Banned

    WOW....there's so many lies and bullshit in that post till I don't even know where to start. Might I remind you ,I sent you that post personally to "SHAKE UP" that memory of yours. In fact, I have the entire file ( literally hundreds ) of text/messages/post you've made either to me, or about me . Amazing how you can remember crap about me years ago down to the shirt I was wearing, but you get put into the corner and you have selective memory loss. There's so much psychological projection in you're post till its mind boggling . Oh and JESUS ,how many people have said to YOU, you're a nice guy in person, but on the key board you're an asshole ? Heck you've even posted to that fact. GEESH .I'LL SAY THIS AGAIN , PROVE I LIED !!!! The ONLY people giving me grief is your little "click" . You talk like I'm some kind of washed up in Pensacola, yet you're bipolar ass will turn around and invite me to ride with you. Its like living with Dr Jeckle and Mr Hyde FGS ! WTH Dude . You will drive a sane person freakin crazy . :Poke:
  14. Ben Gooding

    Ben Gooding Well-Known Member

    Tear 'em a new azzhole Uncle Clar!!
  15. bpro

    bpro Big Ugly Fat F*****

    Hey Clarence,

    You really need to stay out of the sun.

    Based on the pictures posted of you, for a 13 year old girl you really look like an old man with bad fashion sense.
  16. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Not true. Lots of us have never met Robby, aren't in his clique, and are STILL convinced beyond any doubt that you're a pathological psycho that I wouldn't leave a dead goldfish with.
  17. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

  18. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy


    Ok Clarence ...
  19. Razors Edge

    Razors Edge Banned

    NOW.....ENOUGH ALREADY ! Geeesh Dude !:Poke::moon:
  20. STEEZO

    STEEZO Well-Known Member

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