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What's your biggest fear?

Discussion in 'General' started by HPPT, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    One minute to Wapner. Definitely a very good driver.
  2. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew


    And I have never really been badly hurt. I have done some soft tissue damage, and broken ONE bone (bone in hand) and cracked a few.

    And I have raced/ridden motorcycles my whole life, and been an athlete my whole life.

    My worry would be have I been storing it all up for one BIG one :wow:
  3. I have a fear of not being able to move, if that makes sense. I can't deal with the feeling that I can't go anywhere or move or get up or do something different.

    Like being locked in someplace, or tied down, or shit like that. Or even just being told that I "can't leave my office" will aggravate the fuck out of me and I will go apeshit. Whether I had planned on leaving or not, is irrelevent, I just have to know that I CAN if I want to.
  4. Ok, im gonna stop now. :crackup:
  5. novice201

    novice201 "I'm a robot chicken!"

    Holy...yeah that's it exactly. Even. Hate it!
    Must be hereditary 'cause my mom would check the doors, lights, stove, everything, over and over, before we left the house.

    Could be worse: know someone who if they drive somewhere, they have to go do the whole drive again. Last one was north Jersey to Boston. 5 hours! :wow:
  6. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    You are one fucked up dude :lmao

    Id like to see you do a hearing test :crackup:. I bet it would be funny as fuck to watch.
  7. gaitherb

    gaitherb Well-Known Member

    There's a youtube video of an antenna worker climbing about 1800-2000 feet that's f'ing unreal.
  8. QFT
  9. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    lmao, i wanna see that too
  10. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    1) Addiction (again)

    2) Cancer (again)

    BTDT with both of those, have a healthy fear of returning to either.

    3) Candiru
  11. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    There is a youtube video of me climbing a water tower if you look for it :D. Two or three of them from one tower that is close to 300ft. Some family and friends wanted to see, so I carried my go-pro up.

    Id love to climb one of those 2000 ft radio towers, once. Only once. Just to do it. But fuck all that. I sigh every time I get to a water tower these days. I am not afraid, it is just a lot of work :crackup:

    I do want to do this too :D, radio tower on top of empire state building

  12. SmokeSignalRT

    SmokeSignalRT Fat Member

    Getting old.
  13. TSWebster

    TSWebster Well-Known Member

    Too late for me to be afraid of that.

  14. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

    Heights, and gangstas. and the mexican mafia and electricity
  15. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.


    I'm not ready to be old.
  16. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    It's funny, I never had claustrophobia once in my entire life until my first MRI.

    It felt like being in a coffin - and it didn't matter what kind of music or air was pumped in. Had to exit out and go for an open MRI after that.
  17. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    OK, f@ck that. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of heights, but the notion of being high enough that if something happened you'd be falling for long enough to get out your cellphone & call the wife and tell her goodbye is nucking futs.

    My fear: fire. 2nd degree burns on over half my back (and the accompanying daily debridement sessions for 3 weeks thereafter) are to blame for that one. If you're ever in a burning building/car/whatever & I'm your only hope, you better get out your cellphone & call your wife! :D
  18. James Bayles

    James Bayles Well-Known Member

    High side! I have got be the latest mofo back on the right grip. Honestly its the only thing I can think of that I'm truly affraid of.
  19. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Last time was when my daughter got married, and then it under a death threat.

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