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Next AMA/DMG bombshell: Mladin packs it in

Discussion in 'General' started by Zakath, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Coke in can

    Coke in can Banned

    based on this post alone, I pray to all gods that you didn't procreate. someone one your stature should be castrated at birth.

    The riders need to come together and build a safety team. They also need to a lot themselves time before the season to do what shouldn't be required...Tour the tracks and take notes on physical barriers, where air fence should/shouldn't go, and what exactly the track needs to do to comply to certain guidelines.

    America will be a worse plase without Mladin, and the AMA will not benefit from him leaving.
  2. Biggboi

    Biggboi wera novice #446


    when it comes to pro's racing all you fags talking about mladin whining need to shut the fuck up nobody on the site can do anything with him unless your on his level and can see what he sees on the track and ride better than him and not to mention get all the acomplishments that he has dont be quick to talk shit that is all:up:
  3. gixrben

    gixrben Well-Known Member

    I have to be honest... I automatically discounted everything and anything you might say because you spelled boy "boi"....

    Whenever I see that all I can picture is one of the LeeHotti guidos with spikey hair and the fake bake tans.
  4. digger89

    digger89 Well-Known Member

    Quick! Someone stole your period key! After them!
  5. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!



    The use of standard marks and signs in writing and printing to separate words into sentences, clauses, and phrases in order to clarify meaning.
    The marks so used.
    The act or an instance of punctuating.

    It's your friend, try your friend some time. Oh yeah, "boi" has a y and no i.
  6. drew231506

    drew231506 Zero sponsors

    I was wondering why it was so difficult to read.

    But he's on Mat's side so it's cool.
  7. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Wait, rappers use the work boi! Hey biggboi, are you a rapper? Can you lay down beats, cut tracks and hang with Puffy, Paris and Johnny Cock Page? Awesome!

    Except one small thing, "big" only has one g but if you hang with John Rock, well you get a pass.
  8. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    If he's so concerned with safety, why didn't he get in his little plane and fly out for the track inspections, when his input could have done some good?

    Shouldn't he be the head of the riders safety committee?
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Was he asked to fly out in his little plane and be a member of the rider's safety committee?
  10. drew231506

    drew231506 Zero sponsors

    From his "tweets" it sounds like they don't give an eff what he has to say. But I will agree with you that there is responsibility on all parts involved. Still I applaud him for walking away.
  11. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    I doubt it. But you get the point. Why wait till the event? If he's so concerned he should have made the effort on his own. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who needs his hand held.

    The bottom line is he hates DMG and will seize any opportunity to cause trouble.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  12. D-Swens

    D-Swens sniffin paint fumes

    :wow:OMG!!! ...this thread is turning into GIXXER dot com:wow:
  13. drew231506

    drew231506 Zero sponsors

    I don't get the difficulty in seeing issues with track safety. I'm no expert...or even close as has been proven in previous threads. But if there is 10 yards of runoff and a concrete wall....it seems that may be a safety issue. Esp for Pro racers...with club racers walls dont matter at all (to the track owners at least). Thank God for airfence.

    I drew this diagram up when we were chatting about the safety at Summit. Maybe I'll send it to the AMA to review with their experts. Thank me later.

    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  14. condon66

    condon66 Member well known

    Its my assumption that all the dinks busting Mladin are too stupid to realize every step in the direction of safety, over time, trickles down to ALL levels of motorcycle racing and even track days. I must also assume they don't have a woman in their life, based on their comments. These people are human beings with, some of them, wives and children. Tell the child their, "Dad is a whiner because he wants to live to see you on Monday."

  15. digger89

    digger89 Well-Known Member

    There is a rider safety committee. Josh Hayes and Larry Pegram are on it. They traveled to Topeka some time ago and recommended some changes, it's in the AMA PR.

    Whether the changes weren't made or proper ones weren't recommended is a mystery right now, but at this point it's not Mladin's fault, and unless he's invited by DMG to offer his suggestions in official capacity, flying in on his own is only a waste of his time.

    It's obvious you don't like him, but he's not to blame here. And, he is going home to Oz, so you get your way.
  16. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    BC, the reverse is why did DMG wait so long? They could have thrown Mat, Neil, Jake and the rest of the band into a Greyhound and have them out to the track 3 months ago?
  17. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    I have zero issue with MM wanting to make things safer. My issue is the way he goes about it. He has an agenda, and is using track safety to further it.

    The track being willing to break out heavy equipment on the eve of the event leads me to believe they are willing to listen. I think if MM would have made his case when the inspection was done with Josh and CU, they would have listened.
  18. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    That is the BBS way. It's his choice to ride or not. I have no qualms either way. I just want to see a good race. :beer:
  19. divein6

    divein6 Well-Known Member

    +1 best drawing ever
  20. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    If I recall correctly, the safety committee has been there twice.

    Dave, why does Mat t need an invite? Based on his previous actions he doesn't appear to be a conformist. Why not take the bull by the horns?

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