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Martha Shares Some Prison Wisdom

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by kmfegan, Dec 24, 2004.

  1. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I don't really understand why they are illegal, that's the reason I asked if they had an influence on behavior. As far as the long-term consequences are concerned, I think it should be anybody's choice (as adults) how long they want to live. So long as what it can do to you is fully disclosed, why not?

    0311, what specifically do/did you use them for?
  2. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    Have you looked at the side effects? Liver damage, limp wee wee, permanent breast growth (in men) and testicular shrinkage..
  3. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    The ones I mentioned specifically do have an infleunce on behavior, up to psychosis in the worst cases. Diet can effect this also.

    Bicyclists have about the worst reputation for using the juice. What someone puts into their body is none of my damn business, but I have certainly seen some of the worst case scenarios.
  4. r6rider0311

    r6rider0311 Well-Known Member

    Hey Putter,certain ones i've used,anadrol(its an orally taken steroid,thats very toxic,its used to jumpstart a cycle and you shouldn't be on it long,but produces serious gains in mass/strengh) Deca(that is an excellent one very low risk of side effects and produces good gains,but becareful!!! It can kill your sex drive and leave you limp.) Sustenon 250(a powerful 4 test blend that gives awesome gains,but has some side effects) Test. cypionate(another injectable test. thats long acting and gives decent gains.) There are others that i'd like to maybe try but sometimes being able to locate them is hard. I'm well aware of most side effects and try to minimize them or avoid steroids that produce side effects that i'm not willing to experience.
  5. r6rider0311

    r6rider0311 Well-Known Member

    Hey Papa, funny you should ask why/how i got involved in using them. In the fall of 2001 i was involved in a street accident. A women hit me on the highway and smashed me into the guardrail. That accident tore off my kneecap and almost severed my leg and left me with numerous injuries. i was so badly injured i was confined to my bed for many months and didn't do much other than rehab. I didn't get out much and didn't eat much. I lost a lot of weight. My recovery was going well and in the fall/winter of the following yr i was in the gym every day. Not so much for my leg,but to put back on lost weight. When my friend who was much older than me and had used juice way in the past suggested that maybe i give it a try. I was getting really into lifting and started researching steroids. I cutt through all the hype and came to the opinion that if used correctly and not really abused seriously,there wouldn't be a large risk to my health if i tried them. So i gave it a shot. I had huge strengh and size gains just from that 1st cycle and carefully came off it and let things return to normal. Since then i have done 2 other cycles and continued to make gains in strengh and size. still while being careful to not hurt my body or reinjury my knee(many times your muscles will grow faster than your tendons or ligaments can handle) So honestly i'm not sure if i'll do another cycle or not,but i can't say that its been a bad experience. To use it you must understand that its a commitment,you gotta lift hard when your on,eat a good diet,and make sure that you realize that your using your body as a chemistry set and sometimes side effects will happen.
  6. r6rider0311

    r6rider0311 Well-Known Member

    Putter,what do you do that has let you see the downside of steroid use?? Also some of the ones you listed are considered mild steroids,i could think of some that could deffinately turn some people into pyschos!! Oh and papa,i guess the answer to your guestion why i took them or continue to use is: Size and strengh gains,feeling of overall well being(Deca is great at that) and because certain ones provide lubrication of worn joints(again deca is great at that). So thats it i guess. I hope no one thinks i'm this crazy juice head,that would be far from the case.
  7. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Ummmmmmmm. Ohhh Kaaaaa...
  8. kmfegan

    kmfegan Well-Known Member

    I think one reason why steroids are illegal are to keep parents from using them on their kids.

    You see how carried away parents get with their kids when it comes to playing sports. I would not put it past them.
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    To reply to KM's first post:

    I agree, Legalize pot, Tax the holy hell out of it, treat it like liquor. 21 (or 19) and stiff penalties for DUI.

    As for executing users of stiffer drugs it's been done. When the communist took control in China, they emptied out the jails and opium dens of the addicts and executed them. End of problem.

    As for 'roids, treat them as if they were heroin/ cocaine and shoot the abusers. Sports stars or high school footballers or weight lifters. End of problem.
  10. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    I don't think you are a crazy juice head at all. I wasn't sure that I should list any at all because it obviously shows past use. I have used Deca and Winstrol for a few cycles lasting about two years. With a proper diet, and good weight and aerobic training, I was in the best shape of my life. Probably 6 cycles in all.

    After around the fourth or fifth cycle ended, I realized that steroids weren't a very good thing. The recovery period from a cycle began to get very rough, and I found that I couldn't stay toned, just kept building mass, which the body is not made to do. I also started experiencing the "roid rage" that you hear about so often.

    The guys I lifted with were hardcore. I don't need to mention all the juice they were using, as I am sure you know what I am talking about. I saw personally what happened to these guys in a few short years. They became massive. They also lost their hair, had horrible acne, and became downright weird. I saw the changes in their personality, and didn't like it. I don't believe they were addicted to using steroids, but they were addicted to the scene. The rigors of maintaining mass like that are horrible for your body. Your immune system can shut down, and without a proper diet when in a cycle, your body's hormones are fluctuating badly.

    My point is not to preach, just to share. If you want to look like Flex Wheeler, that is your prerogative. Just be careful man.

    Enough of this heavy shit, where is Greenie? :D
  11. r6rider0311

    r6rider0311 Well-Known Member

    kmfegan,i don't know if thats the reason,but thats a good point! Younger kids using is really,really bad. they say your testosterone level peaks at 18. Using earlier than that would prematurely cap your testosterone level. Useage in young kids is no good. But they feel they need it to be competitive.
  12. r6rider0311

    r6rider0311 Well-Known Member

    Putter,thank you man,i agree with EVERYTHING you just said and i'm finding myself in the same position as you stated you were in. Really glad you just typed all that,i just got slammed by some other people. I'm a very clean,professional acting person,who has past military service,and NO use EVER of any other drug and minimal achohol use. Thanks for your honesty man,and others shouldn't be so quick to judge!
  13. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    No problem.
  14. kmfegan

    kmfegan Well-Known Member

    If you go back and read my original post, I was advocating executing dealers of stiffer drugs, not users.
  15. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    My firefighter buddy Ted used to use steroids, he was always working out and had an incredible build. He also developed a really bad temper and would go off at anything and everything when the moods were on him.
    He was in incredible shape when he dropped dead of a heart attack at the age of 43. Bet his wife and kids would rather have had him less muscular and alive.
    Any addict can justify the use of his drug, and he'll always tell you he's in control. Getting in shape is a good thing. Being obsessed with it isn't.
  16. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Sorry Mao, missed it.

    What would you do with the users? Give them a round trip ticket to Cancun, $1500 in spending money and 6 days/ 5 nights in a four star?
  17. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    Gulags are the traditional answer.

    I hear there is less paperwork needed at the offshore ones. :Poke:
  18. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Good idea, work the "sickness" out of addicted.
  19. kmfegan

    kmfegan Well-Known Member

    Work sets you free as that old saying went.
  20. r6rider0311

    r6rider0311 Well-Known Member

    In your corner,i agree with you thats the truth. The juice itself is not addicting,but the desire to alway have and improve the build is to a lot of people. The juice is the quick answer to help achieve that size/build. I think most people come to a point were they realize is the size more important than my health/family and either stop useage or don't. Also i find myself agreeing with a lot of posts you have in the the P/R section,you and kmfegan seem like really intelligent guys,Chris.

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