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I quit smoking today, anybody else want in?

Discussion in 'General' started by V5 Racer, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. tikki50

    tikki50 Well-Known Member

    I quit a while back, I had a really bad cold, you know the ones where you dont even want to smoke. I just quit then, I went three days followed up by 4 months, the wife never did, she left smokes laying out like a Malbro Ad, I couldn't resist. I will try again soon. Stay with it, after the second week it gets MUCH easier.
  2. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    The stop smoking class we went through advised against it, said there are to many cases of suicide from Chantix. Although 1 guy in our class stopped smoking using Chantix.

    I just used the 21mg patches, no meds. or lozenges. Try using the patches, and lozenges first. Don't chew the lozenges, just leave 1/2 of a tab between your cheek, and gum.

    There's another med they use besides Chantix, can't recall the name, but it helps, I tried it a few times, but it kept me awake at night big time.
  3. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    Hey pal, you'd better be smokin next season or some old dude is gonna pass you up to 10a at Rd A! Payback my Yo! friend. It's what drives me every day, my passion, my infatuation, my dream.....
    I need a good night's sleep dammmmmit!
  4. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    Oh, it's on whenever you are ready.
  5. BrianC636

    BrianC636 Well-Known Member

    My Dad quit using Chantix. He said it gave him some really crazy dreams and made him grumpy.
  6. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    Well, don't tell me your toe hurts or some such. And I got friends in that class that will block for me!
  7. Wingnut

    Wingnut Well-Known Member

    regarding Chantix:

    First hand knowledge, Wife and I were friends with another couple our age. The husband just staring taking Chantix for about 2 weeks, we were with them at a pool party when out of nowhere the husband starts acting erratic, walks to his house grabs his handgun, threatens to kill his wife, everybody is trying to get him to calm down at the same time clear the kids and other people from the home.

    He's talking in complete nonsense, starts pacing around, puts the gun to his head and blows his fucking brains out on the spot.

    He had no other prior mental health issues, no other noticeable problems. Had a good job, good wife, money in the bank, ETC. He did mention the nightmares and strange thoughts just a few hours earlier to a few of us.

    Look up all the other cases of Chantix before staying on that brain eraser shit.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2013
  8. I can't seem to quit. It's making me crazy. I quit for 4 years went through a divorce and started again out of stress (poor excuse) and I've been smoking a pack a day again for 2 years. I can quit for a month at most now and then I just start smoking 1 here and there and within a week it's back to a pack a day. I think I just need someone to punch me in the face everytime I want to smoke.
  9. JohnS

    JohnS Well-Known Member

    Every time I quit before, I always thought I could just have one and be fine. Everytime I had one, I was hooked again. Once I truely realized I could not have just one I was quit for good (so far).

    Sounds simple but sticking to it was a lot harder.
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I was fine with one, it was the one every time I was out for a beer that got me back to full time :D
  11. I don't even drink anymore. I think it's been really hard to give it up because I'm at work and everyone smokes, I go home and my girlfriend smokes, I go to her parents house and her mom smokes. I'm smoking as I type this.
  12. yeah think i'll stay clear of the pills...the losenges to pretty well but I wish I could go with no nicotine....how did you cold turkey stoppers get past those cravings to chew your face off from the inside out???
  13. Is it weird that I can still run and breathe just fine? The only real reason I want to quit is because I noticed last time I broke some bones in my hand that it took twice as long to heal then when I didn't smoke. I feel like everything just takes longer to heal now but maybe I'm just getting older and my body doesn't bounce back like it used too.
  14. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    So... we can assume IYC has been on Chantix for a decade or more?

  15. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    Those Cravings only last 3 to 5 mins..One way to get past those, is deep breathing exercises, sounds funny, but it works for some.

    Have you tries the patches..?

    Chew gum, get some cinnamon tooth picks, they work for others, life savers...any thing that will keep your mind off of smoking.
  16. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    If my toe isn't broken I won't tell you it's hurting. Don't you get mad and lock yourself in your camper when I beat you.

    Atomic fireballs and a true desire to quit was enough for me.
  17. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    THE key!
  18. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    ^^ CRUCIAL^^

    Along with these:

  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    8 years this past March.

    No patches, gum never worked, I would pop a piece in my mouth and then go out for a smoke. Morphine and a broken hip were the key for me.
  20. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Me? Grumpy?

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