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I just saw the video.

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by todzuki, May 13, 2004.

  1. WeaselBob

    WeaselBob Well-Known Member

    Does Greenie by any chance wear a bright orange helmet?
  2. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Mark, until they join (or at least get turned down) we are all the same.
  3. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    I would love to shoot some folks, but I've done my time and quite frankly, I'm not much interested in going back. I sit here quite comfortable with my inactivity.
  4. MarkB

    MarkB All's well that ends well

    Well, ok then, lets just check back in a couple of months....

    My bet is there will still be an F3 undergoing abuse....;)
    Last edited: May 14, 2004
  5. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Full of righteous indignation (and a fifth of Jack Black), I called the AF recruiter after 9/11. When I told him my date of discharge, he politely told me I was too old. :( (I swear I heard chuckling in the background.)

    When my daughter found out about it a couple of days later, she said she'd whip my butt if I ever even thought about doing something that stupid again! She told me she was gald I got back from Vietnam, and she didn't ever want to go through that again. :wow:
  6. jwb

    jwb but... I AM NAPOLEAN!!!!

    IMHO... your argument is 180 degrees off.

    soldiers are taught that it is ok to kill for your country in times of war. and make no mistake, the people that killed berg feel they are very much at war, in their mind it is very justifiable. now we are shocked and disgusted in the method that it was carried out but alot of that has to do with cultural differences. these groups have been telling us for a long time that they will commit these acts if we continue to stick our noses were they feel we should not.

    a couple of rednecks who tortured and killed a man for no other reason than being black is way more reprehensible in my mind. no reason, no cause, just pure hate.
    and if you think that just a "few others" in this country were represented by these rednecks actions, i fear you are very much mistaken.
  7. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    I like MarkB's comments. Additionally, there was no videotaped footage of these animals dragging Mr. Byrd behind the truck. It was an equally brutal, horrible murder, and the thought of it disgusts me just like the Berg beheading. The perpetrators in both cases are animals and have no place in any society.
  8. jwb

    jwb but... I AM NAPOLEAN!!!!

    now think about this logically for a second...

    in the grand scheme of things, how is berg's death really any different from an iraqi citizen killed by a cruise missill?

    both are "citizens" killed by an opposing force, both are murders according to whose side you are on, both are justifiable to the murderers, and both are equally devastating to their respective families.

    does anyone think that here have not been iraqi citizens killed by our soldiers when they should not have been?
    there are two sides to every coin people.
    these things, and many other equally disturbing things, happen in war.
  9. ysr612

    ysr612 Well-Known Member

    still sounds like Schilling
  10. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Of course they are different. If Berg had been killed by a stray round fired by Iraqi resistors engaged in a gunfight with US Marines or Army it would have been just as horrible for his family, but an unavoidable side effect of war, and there would be no cause for outrage. The beheading of a civilian for terroristic gain is clearly not even remotely similar.

    As ridiculous as it may sound, there are international laws for the conduct of war. Problem is, terrorists by definition don't follow them.
  11. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    Each day, thousands of people (many children) die in unspeakable ways. How each of us react to each individual death depends on circumstances we have no control over. It has nothing to do with hypocrisy.
  12. jwb

    jwb but... I AM NAPOLEAN!!!!

    to you it is "not even remotely similar" but i am guessing that the distinction to many people in the middle east is not so clear cut.

    how many middle eastern lives have been ended by american bombs in the last twenty years?
    to alot of people we are the terrorists...

    and surely you are not so naive to think that every iraqi citizen who was killed was done so by a "stray bullet"?

    and yes, there are international laws concerning war and we break them as much as anyone else. the difference is that we break them under pretense whereas the terrorists make no such bones.

    which is worse?

    again, i am not trying to justify anyones murder.
    but people in this country have a nasty habbit of trying to use their beliefs and morals to judge the actions of different cultures and that does not fly.
    not only do we judge, we tend to push our beliefs and morals down other cultures throats wether they like it or not.
    and god help you if you have brown skin, we will really mess you up then.
    hell, this whole country was founded on the decimation of a race we deemed as savages and not worthy of their own land.
  13. Slider82

    Slider82 Well-Known Member

    No, that is exactly what you're trying to do.
    By stating that in Arab culture it is perfectly acceptable behavior to kidnap an innocent person and saw their head off while they scream in agony and gurgle blood until their windpipe is finally hacked in half, their severed head held up by the hair for the camera to record, you think it's just cultural differences.
    If that's their culture, they should be wiped from the face of the Earth down to the last fetus.
  14. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    I doubt that the majority, or perhaps even as many as 99.9% of Iraqi citizens would align themselves with the terrorists who beheaded Berg and consider their action representative of their culture. Those five men are terrorists, they do not represent Iraq, nor do they represent the majority of Muslims.
  15. El Amin

    El Amin Well-Known Member

    I'm not the only person in my region who thinks if this radicalism does not stop, we'll all perish in a "nuclear reset" function.

    I just hope i get advance warning. Or my mother will pass on, and I can return to America soon. I know that sounds bad, but living in both countries, i can see the broad sentiments on both sides. there's no way radical muslims would win a real war with America They count on political correctness to protect them. One day i fear, it will not. And who could blame anyone?
  16. jwb

    jwb but... I AM NAPOLEAN!!!!

    it is not so uncommon for a thief to have his hands cut off in much the same way that berg was beheaded, i have seen videos of this.

    too me it was repulsive and it still makes my stomach turn thinking about it.
    to their culture it is justifiable.

    let me qualify this by saying i do not really have any idea how common an occurence this is

    obviously it is very graphic but i dare say that these things would happen as frequently in our country if there was a foreign army occupying our country.

    and i do think that the majority of middle easterners do not align themselves nor do they support terrorist actions.
    but i do think that there is a large number who hate the fact that we like to bomb their region with an alarming frequency.
  17. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Not to be difficult, but I still don't see the analogy. What crime did Berg commit that sentenced him to death? Again, he was the victim of terrorists, not of an Iraqi court.
  18. Slider82

    Slider82 Well-Known Member

    You really don't have any idea what's going on in the world do you?
    The man who sawed Nick Bergs' head off is a Jordanian member of al-queada.
    There is no foreign army occupying his country, he left his country to go to Iraq to torture and kill American and Iraqi people.
    Please educate yourself before you post again.
  19. jwb

    jwb but... I AM NAPOLEAN!!!!

    i did not say this at all.

    i made the point that the american's judge other nations and their citizens behavior based on our own ideal's and that is silly.

    but thanks for throwing your last line in there, it just proves my point.
  20. jwb

    jwb but... I AM NAPOLEAN!!!!

    i believe i said bomb their region.
    are we not occupying a foreign country within the middle east region right now?
    are the reasons we are doing this somewhat questionable?

    what do you expect to happen as a result of these actions?
    probably some really bad things, huh?

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