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I Can See!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Jeffro510, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. Ryan Nelson

    Ryan Nelson Well-Known Member

    It's OK - I've got a few leftover Percocet in my helmet bag left over from a back injury. Just one of those "just in case" things. I rarely ever take pain meds, but they sure as hell work when you need one.
  2. Jeffro510

    Jeffro510 Hand bra for hire!!!!

    Woohoo, party in Ryan's pit at TGPR... :cool:

  3. Paul1

    Paul1 wanting to be fast!!

    mongo and jeffro, thanks for all the info!! i am wanting to get it done this year if financially possable. mongo, if you have time, could you please pm me who did yours. i figured you worked a racer (or wanting to race in my case:D ) discount.
  4. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    just trying to picture mongo with thoZ cool clear gogglZ on post procedure. :D
  5. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

  6. Paul1

    Paul1 wanting to be fast!!

    putter, that pic is wrong in so many ways (funny too:cool: )
  7. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    I know. I feel (kinda) bad. But even if he can't see, he's sill muhh-fuggin Ray Charles. :cool:
  8. RB

    RB Well-Known Member

    I would love to be shed of my glasses but with only one fully functioning eyeball it's not an option. The infintesimal chance of a FU can't be taken when only one works.

    I did get contacts to try when RR. I wore them trials riding to help get acclimated. One ride it was misty / drizzly and the guys with glasses were constantly having to clean them and at the end of the day it hit me that I hadn't had to mess with that crap at all :up: .
  9. Jeffro510

    Jeffro510 Hand bra for hire!!!!

    I agree, if I had only one fully functional eye I probably wouldn't have taken the chance. That's a bummer...:(

  10. RB

    RB Well-Known Member

    I have an uncle that is in his 70's that has had fu'ed eyes forever and recently got cataracts so they fixed that and fixed his eyesight at the same time and now for the first time in at least 60 years he doesn't need glasses ! It's a cool thing !!

    For me with only one good eye my glasses work like safey glasses and have probably kept the good one from being injured.
  11. noeyes

    noeyes Well-Known Member

    Congrats Jeffro! I talked to a woman at the Michelson clinic last summer. I just don't have that kind of money right now. If I ever do they'll be doing it. :up:
  12. Jeffro510

    Jeffro510 Hand bra for hire!!!!

    Thanks. Did I mention that I can see!!!! It is soooo cool. One week exam and all is well. Make sure you use Michelson, you won't be sorry. Definitely the best around. I didn't have the money either. That's what home equity loans are for aren't they?!?!:confused:

  13. Jeffro510

    Jeffro510 Hand bra for hire!!!!


    Today's the day. Let us know how your surgery went when you can read this... Hope all went well...

  14. Hendo

    Hendo V Card Puncher

    Got my balls fixed on 16 Dec, and am seeing 20/15 now.....whoo hoo!!!!!
  15. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

    Got mine done today at 7:45 am.
    How long is it blurry up close for?
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Less time than it took you to get an answer to your post :D
  17. SOFG

    SOFG Well-Known Member

    Oh shit she can shoot and see!!
  18. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    Guess you're talking about me, Nick (it's Randy). Had mine done yesterday afternoon at 4:30. 20-20 at 7:15 this morning (I drove there myself). Still have a little bit of a haze, but, I heard that will go away in 48-72 hours. Don't know WTF was wrong with me that I waited so long to have it done. Anyone in central PA that might be interested, I strongly recommend Dr. Dailey at Dailey Eye Associates .
  19. Jeffro510

    Jeffro510 Hand bra for hire!!!!

    I didn't know that getting my balls fixed would give me good vision. I get blurry everytime I think about getting snipped. :wow: That's the next surgery for me. Stay tuned for the "I'm shooting blanks now!!!!" thread later this year... :D

    Oh wait, you mean eye balls...:rolleyes: Good on ya Hendo, we want you to see every one of those terrorists so you can stay safe and take them all out...:up:

  20. Jeffro510

    Jeffro510 Hand bra for hire!!!!

    Amen brother. It's amazing how simple an operation it really is for such immediate results.

    BTW, I notice that you are in Mechanicsburg. My father-in-law lives there. Been there quite a few times... :beer:


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