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Estate Tax....

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by XFBO, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    While they may be needed, they don't necessarily need to be provided by the government. Plenty of so called "needed" jobs could easily be fulfilled by the private sector. Also the term absolutely needed is highly subjective. I love how public workers always present it as if they are the ones who are indispensable and must remain in place in order for the remainder of society to exist.

    If you don't want government jobs to be politicized, then remove them from government and replace them with the private sector, shocking idea I know.
  2. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    That is about the most ignorant statement I've read in here yet, but if you believe it, so it must be true. :rolleyes:

    I'll always find it amusing when people get their rant on on how 100% bad all government is and how they'd like to see it replaced by the private sector but ALWAYS leave out the details......oh the details, they always seem to be the rant killer huh?

    But G97, YOU got it all figured out don't you? ROFLMAO!! :crackup:
  3. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    There are some things the Government does...and does with some efficiency, But ComeOn X you have to admit most of it is fked up...less than efficient and wasteful, with less productivity than the private sector..

    Here in my area, there is a Public / Private partnership "Hot Lane" toll road being built...it is AMAZING how FAST this shit is being constructed...on the other hand..if it is the GDOT or my County Roads & Bridges Dept...the shit TAKES FOREVER..even when they sub it out...to CW Matthews Paving, and then the road surface cracks and comes apart in a few years, because the halfass the repave...there is zero incentive to make it last.

    I could go on, but have work to get done...I will be back.

    I will say it is slightly amusing to see G"workers get their knickers n a twist when you point the shortfalls out...excuses usually ensue.
  4. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    There are some things government does better, some things the private sector does better, others are a toss-up. I have run the numbers on some of our activities and we try to use the most cost effective method. Whether work is performed by private or public sector workers, both could work more efficiently if the processes were streamlined. One area where government does get an epic fail is in the number of people that create the demand for reports and procedures that hamper actually getting anything done. They don't produce anything other than paper. Quite frankly, they frustrate the government employee in the field as much as they do you.

    There are a lot of private sector corporations that have similar problems in that regard.
  5. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Britt, you really need to pay closer attention if that's what you think I'm doing. I THOUGHT I've voiced my disdain and negative opinion about many government involved actions and entities, if this is news to you then you should read more diligently. And mind you, when a public sector employee makes an argument about it, it tends to be from firsthand knowledge not hearsay like 99% of the rants in here. I've ALWAYS supported smaller government.

    I don't reside in your State so I can't weigh in on your example, however, I know for a fact that many other States don't even get involved in 'highway building' any longer, it's ALL subbed out.....to whom Britt?
    That's right, the PRIVATE SECTOR.....and it's not all peaches and cream now is it Britt? State level jobs usually need to be bidded out to a handful of 'authorized' (wink wink, who donated most to current politicians) contractors before ground is even broken. Do all these jobs run efficiently Britt? NO! Why? When it comes to the Almighty $$$$$, it corrupts all, even the private sector Britt....when that happens, how do we fix that???

    I have no clue how old G97 is but dude, YOU should be old enough to know this, but like many in here, your thought process is tainted by your disdain for anything government.
  6. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    So, "at my age", there may be a REASON for the disdain.. Would'nt ya think??
    My Sisters husband is a "City Manager", She was a Cop for along time in many different places.. So I do have some insight.
    I have never worked for a city, or state, I have done many US Gov. Jobs... As an IC.
  7. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    So you have all that personal experience and you're denying the hoodwinks that go on EVEN with the private sector???
  8. beac83

    beac83 "My safeword is bananna"

    If Prince had bothered to do any estate planning, he very likely could have avoided all taxes.

    If you have anything of value, and/or dependents\descendants, talk with a good estate planner, and then get a will written.

    If you don't write a will, your state will provide one for you, and your survivors probably won't like it.
  9. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    No, just in camparo...PS still gets it done way better than G'ment...not the Military/Leo/Fire...you know what I am talking about...
    Damnit man, you need to come South and I will buy you a beer and we can talk about it...:)
  10. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    I hope to be in the mid south soon enough! We'll work out the details later...:beer:
    Britt likes this.

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