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Elliptical winning

Discussion in 'General' started by Gorilla George, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Question for Broome.

    You and two other guys step up to the urinals at the same time.
    Do you try to finish first or see who can piss for the longest time?
    panthercity likes this.
  2. JTW

    JTW Well-Known Member

    Took my son and his friends to race go carts today for his birthday. I'm not ashamed to admit that I bumped my son and anyone else for that matter out of the way to win. I was a little pissed at my wife when she told me that the trophy was just for the kids!
  3. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    He might still be away at work and not at his home
    Gorilla George likes this.
  4. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I don't think "how long you pee" is the ultimate test of manhood while standing at the urinal...
  5. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    If you consider it from the standpoint of how much you can hold, it might be.
  6. I am at work. I am a shorebased Superintendent over our drilling rigs in Africa, and when i am at work, i stay in an apartment. They arent going to buy every employee a big house in Africa.

    Instead they put us in a really nice fully furnished apartment complex. It has 3 pools (one indoor), 2 tennis courts, big nice gym, etc.
  7. I try to finish first.

    Not only so i can be faster and get out of there first, but because it irritates me going to the bathroom because it is wasting time. There is other shit i could be doing.
  8. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    I see what you did there.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  9. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Three pools?
    That's odd.
    Eskimo likes this.
  10. buzz-06

    buzz-06 Well-Known Member

    So Chris I thought you'd be glad to hear that today while at the gym I decided to tell my trainer about this...initially he understood and even commented of "yeah, I've done the race before". But when I told him it lasted for more than 2hrs he became speachless and said he hopes he never ends up in the "race" with you. Lol
    Gorilla George likes this.
  11. Hahahaha :D

    The only reason it lasted 2 hours is because he quit. I am not joking when i say that i was mentally prepared to stay on that thing for however long it took to win. If he could have somehow managed 6 hours, then i would have forced myself to do 6hrs and 1 minute.

    I had slowed down some and i was getting a little fatigued, but pure willpower wouldnt let me stop. The way i see if, if he could do it, then i can do it. And i was prepared to stay on that damn thing as long as it took, even if it meant pissing on myself and that i couldnt get out of bed the next day. :D
  12. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    So how is your ankle?:D
  13. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

    This story reminded of a Metalhead tale...but the comments in this thread have had me chuckling.

    Competion club level ellipitcal racing...I tip my hat to you Sir.

    I will continue my sanctioned napping events
    Gorilla George likes this.

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