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And I thought this was a cool BBS....

Discussion in 'General' started by semiunofficiallyretired, Jul 2, 2002.

  1. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    Hey Brad,

    Hell must be freezing over because I completely agree with you. :D

    Zeb, you are without a doubt a complete and utter jackass. Why? How about a reminder:


    Alot of us toss some mindless prattle around this BBS. All well and good. But burying some dude's honest question with your moronic post padding is ludicrous. :mad:

    You don't like Mongo's decision? Too bad. Don't let the door smack you in the ass on your way out. I don't think too many people are going to be real heartbroken to see you go. Prick.
  2. ZebProctor

    ZebProctor Well-Known Member

    Sorry, have we met, THAT'S RIGHT, we HAVEN'T, so you don't know jack about me other than what you've read in an arguement between me and someone else..... you ever been in an arguement with someone? Ever been in a bad mood? that's right, noone is perfect and i don't claim to be, now if that dude want to get on here and call me a a-hole then fine, i'll appologize, but you have no room to talk, so BACK OFF!!!!:confused:
  3. ZebProctor

    ZebProctor Well-Known Member

    Oh, and what's the difference between what I did and having a post with 30 bumps? either way, when you first click on the link, the original question pops up... AANNNDD... the dude posted the thread twice if I remember correctly, that is the reason I got on that one..... cause it was posted TWICE!!!!!! didn't know that did ya? you want me to post the link???
  4. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    What do I need to know about you that I can't see right here? You act like a child you get treated like a child. It's a pretty simple concept.
  5. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    Yeah, Sean is right...whoosh! :rolleyes:
  6. ZebProctor

    ZebProctor Well-Known Member

    WRONG AGAIN... from what i hear, brad is a complete ass on the BBS, but at the track is actually a nice guy.... that's why i actually wanted to meet him at CMP, and a reason why i'm not going to get into a name calling contest with him, cause i hear he's actually a nice guy...... oh and here's the link to the thread that the guy posted twice... and yes with a VALID question that i didn't touch... just the one that had the SAME QUESTION!!!.....
  7. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    zeb, do yourself a favor and don't ever meet me. {richard cranium}
  8. ZebProctor

    ZebProctor Well-Known Member

    That's up to you... I'll introduce myself and you can talk to me if you want or walk away, personally I think not talking to someone because of something you read is a lot more childish than anything you think i've done.... but that's just my opinion.... you never did tell me what i did to annoy you so bad, or deserve the title asshole....
  9. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    Being such a big a$$hole doesn't come naturally... you must practice a lot
  10. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    That's part of the problem, but you're not even close to acting THAT age [​IMG]
  11. ZebProctor

    ZebProctor Well-Known Member

    can you please tell me what the heck i did for you to say that?? I mean if you can't come up with anything I know you're just sucking up to mongo and i'll brush it off, but all these people, well 3, calling me an asshole is really starting to make me wonder just what the heck i did.... just wanna know so i don't make the same mistake again......
  12. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    didn't someone post an example like 20 times now? damn zeb, face it. you are a little jerk!!! maybe if you apologized and calmed the F$%k down, we could have some peace and quiet around here. i'm disturbed that you don't even know. but i doubt that is the case. you are just being well, you know, an asshole!!
  13. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    It's been pointed out, and you haven't got a clue, so I doubt you ever will catch on
  14. ZebProctor

    ZebProctor Well-Known Member

    you know what, if you can justify calling me an asshole because i padded on a thread that was posted twice then fine, but this is getting ridiculous.... I officially appologize to Roger Doyle, who hasn't even posted on here to say that i hurt his feelings or made him mad, but either way, I appologize to you Roger........ you happy now brad? anything else you would like me to do? maybe I can start a thread hailing you for your concern in this matter, cause we all know you care about that poor roger guy so much, and aren't just doing this to suck up... :rolleyes:
  15. RAPTOR10

    RAPTOR10 A Predator Near you......

    Zeb, hate to jump in the conversation, I don't think it's what you did, I think it's how you did it. All this nonsense about the amount of posts is really childish. You do post pad alot and to me it doesn't really matter how much you do or don't post, but your actually takin up web space by doing some of the things your doing. Somebody asks a question and it is like an open door to you to start posting 1 and 2 letter answers. And as long as everybody keeps arguing with you, you keep dragging it out more, which I think is another way to accelerate your post number.

    Is there a contest or something that I am not aware of that If you get the most posts in a day, week, month. You get some extravagant prize or something.

    We use this board to have fun, talk to friends, ask questions, look for others, etc. Not just to max out a count. I don't mean to piss on your cheerios, and I think you are a ok guy in all, but what you are doing is a little childish.

    I know what its like to be board, hell, I am on a ship 200 miles away from land right now. Work has been stopped for 2 days now, and it doesn't look like it is gonna get back goin for another few days, so I enjoy watchin the board to see what is goin on, but I just don't jump on the first question or comment I see on the board and go to postin like crazy cause I am board and lonely. Hell, your 22 you say, new town, new atmosphere, get away from the computer some and go ride a bike, check out the area, the sorroundings, what is the town like, try and meet some people, go out, etc. etc. Hell find a gym and start working out. You can always meet somebody that way, and besides it helps when it comes to racin anyway.

    You get what I am trying to say. I am not being an asshole or anything, but your kinda stretchin this one out. I mean, how long can you beat a dead horse before you actually say it's dead.

    What is so important about a count anyway. Hell Mongo, take and give him mine, count to me is unimportant, only the friends I have met here,

    You to Brad, you schleprock.... :D
  16. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    wait a minutE!! :mad: i demand to know what i did to prompt you into calling me a schleprock!?! i mean what the hell? i wasn't doing anything. just minding my own business i tell you? WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  17. ZebProctor

    ZebProctor Well-Known Member

    Thanks raptor, you're the first person to get on here and talk like a decent human being rather than coming in guns-a-blazing...... yeah, I hate being bored and I get on here a lot at work just to waste time, and ya know the posts really don't mean that much to me either, it's just this complex that mongo has where he does whatever he wants to whoever doesn't agree with him... isn't that what this bbs is about, people with differing opinions putting in thier 2 cents......???
  18. RAPTOR10

    RAPTOR10 A Predator Near you......

    Ya your right, but that is also the difference between takin up space on this site(BBS'ers) and the Cops/Owners (WERA/MONGO)

    You can complain as much as you want, argue, yell, scream, holler, whatever you want to call it, but all in all, these guys you argue with, call names too, and bitch about, just might be the same one to help you out in a time of need. 99.9% of the people on here are racers and/or family members of racers. And as a whole, we are all family whether we like each other or not. I hate to see anybody arguing. It just really sucks, but that is human nature. If everybody got along, we wouldn't have wars. Not everybody is gonna get along, but you can always try to come to some common ground.

    Also, Whether you want to believe it or not, or agree or disagree with it, MONGO does have the final say so in everything that happens on this board. We may not always agree with what he says/does but he has to do what he feels is best for the Organization/BBS Board, and doesn't like things getting too far out of hand, and yes he also does egg people on some, but it is all in fun.

    We all like to see somebody get carried away, that's what the popcorn, candy and peanuts are for.
  19. ZebProctor

    ZebProctor Well-Known Member

    i agree with you 100%..... what mongo says goes, whether i like it or not, but is it really responsible to call someone stupid, and childish for voicing his opinion??? no hidden meaning, just a simple question?
  20. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

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