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AMA at Barber- Roll Call

Discussion in 'General' started by SpEdette, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. Fuzzy317

    Fuzzy317 a Crash Truck near you

    They are already in my corner working track bag in the truck. I thought they may come in handy. You did a good job making them. When are you heading over to BMP?
  2. Nutella

    Nutella Swollen Member


    I'm in... screw that Hurricane!

    MR-MICROPHONE Breakin' the Law!!

    Cool!! :cool: Yes they will definitely come in handy if we have to drag one off of the truck (like we did the other day) or out of the gravel. Actually Mike Gorman made them, or had them made, I don't know which, and he donated them to me for use as needed, with you as WERA's Crash truck and with myself and the other AMA crash truck crews.
    I'm going to try to head to BARBER a little after lunch if everything goes right. Stuff broke around here today though and I have service techs coming out to take care of it tomorrow (hopefully in the morning) and if they get the job done quickly I will be leaving shortly thereafter.

    Gotta pack my bags and load up tonight so I will be ready to roll.

    Be careful on the trip and at the track!!


    MR-MICROPHONE Breakin' the Law!!

    Re: `

    Now that's the spirit!!!!!!! :D
  5. SonicDuck

    SonicDuck Flying Feather Duster

    I'll be driving over after I get off work around 7am on Friday. Camping with some friends, probably helping Rob Miller at the Service Pavillion Arai booth.

    Anyone possibly have a way to watch the Georgia vs LSU game Saturday afternoon? The superbike race will probably overlap the 1st quarter or so but I'd like to watch the rest of the game if possible. Otherwise I'll have to try to find a radio station in Alabama that carries Munson. :D
  6. R Rahn

    R Rahn re-Member

    I WAS going until about 7pm last night. That's when the person I WAS going with e-mails me and tells me she can't get off work. Now I'm bummed.

    I've also got to call up the boss now and get BACK ON the schedule after pissing and moaning to get OFF the schedule.

    Now, what the hell am I going to do with all the Red Bull, beer, and Gatorade in the cooler? I guess I'll save it for Jennings.

    Too bad about her plane ticket though.

    MR-MICROPHONE Breakin' the Law!!

    Well, I was planning on leaving here around lunch time, maybe shortly thereafter. However, when things break around here, I have to fix them, or have them fixed. Wouldn't you know that one of my high speed doors broke a belt yesterday, and even though there is supposed to be a tech coming out today to check this out, plus repair a timer on another high speed door, I have a bad feeling that he is going to screw my plans up. :mad:

    More later on this breaking story! :eek:
  8. Sean Jordan

    Sean Jordan Well-Known Member

    Hey, if anyone wants to put names to faces, or wants to get together, call me at 615-397-8827. I'm heading down there now.

    I'm going to try and keep my helmet with me at whatever corners I end up working. Look for it (and me) on TV!!!
  9. MGarrett50

    MGarrett50 Ready. Set. Go.

    I'll be on my way in a matter of minutes. :D
    And i'll be telling racers where to go, (on the grid) just like last weekend. :cool:
  10. Bama bound

    Leaving Houston Friday morning.
  11. freeride88

    freeride88 Hooligan

    Leaving the university now, 3 hours home, then 2 more to the track. Hope the weather's alright.

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