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Add me to the list of the newest Obamacare "successes"

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by jkhonea, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. daveknievel

    daveknievel I love orange kool-aid

    I have a union job with a county govt., I am VP of our union as of Jan 1. we have been working without a contract for 5 yrs. and without getting into too much detail, we agreed on a contract nov '14. the employer won't sign it now for another reason, but they want to deny us retro pay because we are still on a "Cadillac plan".
    Right now we don't pay anything for healthcare. My employer is raising costs to have us contribute into the ACA, for 1% of our salary, plus double our co-pays.
    I'm still unsure if our new plan will have a deductible. And we have 2 ULP's filed with the state. But they are trying to bully us into signing this contract, and every meeting we have they keep on bringing up how we are reaping the benefits of free healthcare.
    Basically, I'm trying to get some info on weather or not the fed's will fine my employer for us not being on the new system, and how much. Our hearing with the labor board isn't til Oct. We are the last dept. with the county to have a signed contract in place with total employees of around 2500. We are only 24 people. Also, we agreed on contributing to the new system, that's not what they are refusing to sign for, but I guess I'm trying to find out some more info and maybe use it as leverage.;)
  2. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Yea good luck on that, being one of many screwed over pretty good these past few years by our local/State government, consider yourselves extremely lucky for not being forced into paying a share into your HC. We're technically self insured and yet they managed to convince the masses that our plan costs them roughly $42k/employee. It's a downright fucking LIE seeing that Gov. FatAss imposed a tiered % that Police & Fire must pay/contribute towards our med bennies, iirc, by next year or '17 we'll be responsible for a third of THEIR so called rate. Meanwhile, checking the exchanges, their Platinum plan costs HALF of what they're claiming their 'self insured' plan is costing them. Very frustrating to say the least, nevermind the fact that our locals kept our pay in check for the 2 plus decades I've been there, rightfully so, using as an excuse...."Well, you guys get free medical, unlike some of the higher paying agencies." So now, Gov. POS comes in, bends us all over and fvcks us all by making us contribute, puts in a 2% raise cap and our pay is well below other agencies. Who do you think is laughing to the bank?

    Fucking scumbags, every single one of them.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
  3. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Hey public employees, welcome to the real world.
    You guys have paid nothing at all for health insurance up to this point?
    You are decades behind the private sector, as in 30 or so years. Cry me a river.
  4. daveknievel

    daveknievel I love orange kool-aid

    I know my salary is half of what the private sector is.
  5. daveknievel

    daveknievel I love orange kool-aid

    pretty much what seems to be going on. They must think that we all failed basic math in school. in a nutshell, they want to give a 2% raise over 4 yrs, but have us pay 1% of salary each year for benefits. Then cry poor after they just built a 85 mil dollar justice center. And try to justify to tax payers that they need more money for marble tile on the 5th floor (where their offices are) while they voted on giving our division head a 9% raise for the year. Like I said, we don't have a problem contributing to our benefits, but without seeing any increase in 8 yrs, and getting treated like morons, they still expect you to put you life on the line to protect people and property. And one of the biggest problems is politics. Its one thing myself and the union president do not play. Because it has ruined this county.
  6. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    So why don't you just move over to the private sector?
  7. daveknievel

    daveknievel I love orange kool-aid

    no free health care.:cool:
  8. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Do you have a clue on how government jobs typically entice future employees over since they're salary scale is typically NOT competitive to their private sector equivalent?

    Cry you a river? Did you not just recently share that you retired as an officer with the US Marshals, isn't that "public" employment?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  9. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Yes. They promised you a bunch of ancillary shit that tax money was going to pay for since they couldn't pay you private sector rates hoping you be stupid enough to fall for it.

    I see they were not disappointed. :D
  10. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Cute reply, I hope to see you, personally, get a dose of that kinda treatment in your life one day and see how amusing you think it is to fvck with peoples lives like that.

    Just imagine you secure a contract on certain terms then 90% into it, they change the rules making the deal sweeter for them and not so much for you. You'd have the luxury of taking it to court, deservedly so too.....us, not so much.
  11. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Am I supposed to fell bad because you fell for the delayed promise of goods or services in place of actual pay?
  12. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Uh NO, but dude, if you're in an argumentative mood go slap your wife's ass for the entertainment value, not in the mood to swipe at your troll bait. As usual, you're completely clueless on how public sector jobs operate so get back to banging on your keyboard.
  13. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    What part did I get wrong? The part where you took part in the contract negotiated between the entity that's suppose to represent your collective interest and the entity that would surely screw you the moment that it became clear they could not fulfill all the bullshit promises they made to the entity representing you?

    Who exactly failed to understand how that works again?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  14. daveknievel

    daveknievel I love orange kool-aid

    I can see I started a fight here, I was mainly looking for info on obamacare as it relates to employers.
    And as an example, our union agreed to a contract in Nov., when the previous union members sat down with said employer, they were handed a "side agreement" for them to sign. When it was read, they said we have to go to the union and have them vote on it. We denied the agreement.

    Then we were told that if we don't sign the side agreement, that they will refuse to sign our contract. Which they did. So we filed a ULP with the state for failure to execute. They tried to push an agenda on us that we did not agree to. Now we are being dealt with unfairly, and that's our fault?

    We are being bullied into signing said contract by way of " you guys are reaping the benefits of free healthcare" and its costing us too much money. So I don't see even how this is a public/private sector issue. It seems to be a governmental issue that stems from the top to the bottom.
  15. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    It's not a fight. It's merely pointing out that collective bargaining and making deals with the devil have the expected and easily foreseen outcome.
  16. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    And that deferred compensation is akin to giving a junkie outside a casino your Amex card and a hundo in cash to boot.
  17. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Damn good reading this AM, I will be back Later on, please continue...I love reading "They promised to Gimme Shit and then I find out it was a Lie", "You don't understand, I work for the Government, they don't pay us enough" (I read that as "Work Harder Bitches and Pay More Taxes so You get a Raise/Benefits and Free HealthCare")
  18. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    You misunderstood, the US Marshalls was the corner working group at Loudon for many years. I was treasurer and then VP for several years, and I was never paid a dime for the work I did as an officer of the corporation.
  19. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Well, that would explain your misspelling the [gov] org.
  20. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Welcome to capitalism, Blart.

    You didn't expect to suck off the socialist union teat forever, did you?

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