Enough, let's see the books!

Discussion in 'General' started by CRRC93, May 13, 2018.

  1. jpence

    jpence Well-Known Member

    Keeping tabs on you and your wife... What race weekend was this? Everyone knew you are/were really close with Peyton and everyone thought you were going to show up to start crap.

    lol really... You are not involved at all?

    Peyton told me prior to filling the lawsuit that it doesn't matter if he wins or loses he can keep tying the CMRA up in court and just bankrupt it. It doesn't matter whether or not he is right or wrong. He just wanted to make sure the CMRA does not exist any long and he said he will own it (somehow, this part doesn't make sense). He knew about the policy the cmra carries for lawsuits prior to the suit and assumed he'd be able to burn through that easily.

    Prior to all of this crap, Peyton for whatever reason HATED Nancy S. and John Orchard I have no idea why. Maybe because Nancy didn't take his shit or called him out on something in registration who knows. I remember clear as day Peyton coming in from practice smiling and telling me how he came up next to Orchard and pushed him all the way to the edge of the track. No idea what that was all about but he found it funny.

    Peyton is the same guy who told me stories about how he had gotten super drunk and somehow stole a helicopter, yes a helicopter and expected people to believe him.... A helicopter and was able to fly it, not only that but if I remember correctly he implied it was a military helicopter hahaha.

    Linz, I do not agree with you but had always enjoyed seeing you at the track. But lets be real you were walking around with Petitions that were clearly written by a lawyer (Peyton) to have JO removed. Common man. It would seem you were talking / feeding Peyton information (this is my perception). Perception is reality.
  2. VFR#52

    VFR#52 Well-Known Member

    So just a little history about people asking for the books at Cmra.
    I stopped racing with Cmra in 1999 when they left Wera.
    Was even tossed out of a BOD meeting for asking questions about that decision.
    Now i do understand bussiness and how profits work.
    They left Wera and became a for profit organization for 1 yr and then went back to a non profit organization and have been since.
    Ive ask how thats possible and no answer has been given.
    Oh and reason they left Wera was because a novice filed a lawsuit and that would get them out of it as they didnt have to follow Weras rulebook about moving novice to expert when not in top 5 in points in any class.
    That racer started RPM in Texas also

    Any how they had a leadership change at that time to the people who have been named in lawsuits.
    Some people have come and left but a majority have been a BOD member in way or another since 2001 from my records.
    And every yr after 2001 people on BOD kept saying club is in money trouble.
    Ive heard that Charles and Connie Brothers had been skimming money.
    And linz touched on that a little.
    Funny thing is i own a transmission shop.
    Now whats relevant is that Charles worked at an auto repair shop less than 200 ft from my shop for 3 yrs and in time frame from Wera exit to Brothers leaving Cmra.
    I also know their son who happen to work with a freind at a firestone.
    Which i also happen to have a contract to repair transmissions for that firestone.
    I can say if they where indeed skimming they did a great job of hiding it.
    Cause ive seen the head quarters of Cmra.
    It was a desk in corner of their apartment most of the time.
    Lets just say they loved Cmra people as much as Linz and i dont believe they took any money.
    Now Charles did ride a SV 650 that Cmra owned and he used it as a pit bike at races.
    Also he drove a ford truck that Cmra owned to the track that also hauled gear.
    So that being said i read on Cmra board how Brooks had a hard time getting the check book when the Brothers left.
    You can still find thread on Cmra Forum.
    Look under looking at books in archive's.

    Now let progress to something i found very interesting when i did that research.
    One of the employees that is named in Peytons lawsuit worked under Connie and was promoted to her job when Connie left.
    Now in 1994 i was on team TSBA endurance team that raced with Cmra.
    One of my team mate was the treasure for Cmra.
    I used to help him count money for deposits for club.
    So i do have an understanding of how the clubs finances work at that time.
    Now fast forward to now and have a look at the IRS statements that are public record.
    Take any event you like and any yr from 2010 to 2015 and look at how many people went through the gate on a given day.
    That is the quickest way to see something is wrong and should be looked at.
    So just a little history that makes one think.
    If they have nothing to hide then why dont they just toss the books out for everyone to see?
    Well thought id share and i wont torture anyone anymore here with my writing.
    Be safe and want to say hope you all have fun racing.

  3. VFR#52

    VFR#52 Well-Known Member

    Can i ask you a question?
    First who the hell are you?
    You dont know me cause i dont start anything.
    MSRH and yes i was followed.
    I find it amusing you show up now.
    You trolled the other thread with same accusations.
    And guess what?
    Now others have filed lawsuits.
    Notice a trend?
    Someone goes public and you show up to discredit them.
    And no i dont know guy is that filed this new one.
    And i dont know you as far as i know either.
    Notice you know me very well.
    I know why i dislike Nancy.
    Its well known about my number 52 she gave to Bill Erzal after she said it wouldnt be a problem getting back after Rich Desmond retired after taking it after i left Cmra in 99.
    So say what you like about any of us cause we know why your here.
    Be nice if you Cmra lackies could put your real name down instead of hiding behind fake names.
    And remember this about me.
    I dont hide, i also wont say anything behind anyones back i wont say to their face.
    And you cant tarnish my reputation cause i am who i am and id have to care what you think about me in 1st place.
    And i will get great satisfaction when this goes to trial and the truth comes out.
    Guess this thread made it to Cmra people.
    Lol. Good.
    Flame on dude and you have a wonderful day.

  4. jpence

    jpence Well-Known Member

    My name is literally my username.

    I am not trolling, what I typed is what Peyton told me over the phone (i can actually remember exactly where I was) I was driving home from dropping of my bike at my mechanics place.

    OK... haha
  5. BDRacing

    BDRacing Well-Known Member

    Jordan. If you "have no idea why" then maybe it wasn't true. When Eric started racing Peyton was the ONLY member to approach us and welcome us to the club. He volunteered his legal services to the club and was rebuffed. I could play your guessing game and surmise they didn't want any interested, educated, intelligent person accessing the books and inner dealings of the club but I'm not going to do that. I DO know that there was obviously a reason "they" didn't want Peyton on the board. They didn't want him bad enough to give out ballots to people who were not members. That much was admitted publicly and should have been a do-over of the election. Then there were the thinly disguised allegations of wrongdoing against Peyton posted by Nancy on the board while here husband was running for the board position. That was an unethical attempt to sway the election made by a paid employee of the club with an obvious ulterior motive, and the board allowed it to happen. If Peyton has animosity towards Nancy and Orchard now I think it's certainly understandable.

    This whole thing is pretty simple. Money is missing. Items were purchased with club money. At some point you have to ask yourself just how many sheets of drywall does a race organization need in a season? By most accounts the club has spent $750,000 to keep the books out of the sunlight. The CMRA board has been so choked down that all most of the members know is what they have been fed. I have kept out of this until now but I'm disgusted with the way Peyton had been portrayed. I tried to negotiate a settlement between Peyton and the board before the original suit was filed. Peyton's list of demands was short and very reasonable. I'll ask if it's ok for me to post them up. When you read them you will wonder why in the world things got to this point. Any rational group of people would have agreed to his request.
    Boman Forklift and VFR#52 like this.
  6. Racer997

    Racer997 Old Skool Racer

    Hey Jordan -

    Did I circulate a petition for removal of an officer at the track? No, sir.

    In early 2017, at MSRH, I conducted an informal 77 person poll. It was anonymous but the data was presented to the Board and on the CMRA message board. The other Directors were not happy about that, even though it found things we already knew to be wrong (and right). As an aside, and interestingly, one of the things that a few people in my survey complained about was a lack of visibility of the CMRA's Board of Directors at the track. When I brought this up, other Directors disagreed with me. Some of the other Directors even said "everyone knows who we are". Ironically, a couple months later, Orchard's wife would tell the Board that Directors they aren't visible enough at the track. There's a thread about this in the Board of Director's message board area.

    Following MSRH, at the next TWS race, April 2017, I had a petition for term limits for Directors. I collected a significant amount of signatures, too. But this, too, was poorly received by other Directors and voted down. Later, though, after Ryan Rutkowski was seated on the Board, he and I agreed that there should be some term limits, and I supported his push for them.

    The only petition I had for removal of John Orchard was conducted online in 2016.

    Perception is perception and reality is reality, Jordan. Perception is human organization of information and environment. Perception is processed. Reality is what is, that which can be shown to be existent by physicality or facts. What is real is that is that I do not know if what Inge says (massive theft) happened or not. I keep telling people this. I do not know, so prove it to me. Or disprove it to me. I wanted to inspect the financials to see for myself, and as a Director I was allowed to, but I was unlawfully denied.

    Do you agree with withholding information under penalty of law? Yes or no?

    It is convenient for the defendants in Inge's suit to label some people as the "enemy". It serves their cause well. Like being called an FOTP by other Directors while they try to marginalize me so that they can protect themselves. By the way, Jordan, I do not label you as an FOTP even though you used to hang out with Inge in his truck at the end of the race day. I never once stepped foot into his big rig at the track, but I know you did. Lots of people did. But I would never call you an FOTP because you did. That's the difference.
    Last edited: May 22, 2018
    VFR#52 likes this.
  7. jfcasley

    jfcasley Well-Known Member

    so, all the races will be delayed until you get to the track?:)
    VFR#52 likes this.
  8. John Branch

    John Branch 90125

    So i think it’s funny how we are so worried about getting to race our motorcycles!!! And this problem with CMRA is in the BIG picture a small problem!!! Have you payed attention to what’s going on in the world??? Just think if we All took a year or two off from our racing!! Or BALL SPORTS!!! Or nascar or whatever you’re job or hobbies we’re that did NOT do something positive for Humanity! And take that time money and energy and put it back into our WORLD and try to fix our BIGGER PROBLEMS at hand? I raced from 1990 to 2004. Then took 10 years off from racing to try and raise 2 boys! Not saying we take 10 years off!!! But a couple of years to try and get things back in order and perspective!! And that must start with getting some bad people out of there positions that have to much power!!!
    VFR#52 likes this.
  9. John Branch

    John Branch 90125

    You’re a fuuny guy john
    VFR#52 likes this.
  10. John Branch

    John Branch 90125

    Afternoon and night racing!!!
    VFR#52 likes this.
  11. John Branch

    John Branch 90125

    Jordon you need to be careful who you are listening too!!!! Just a tip
    VFR#52 likes this.
  12. jpence

    jpence Well-Known Member

    I was a little off the petition my bad. FOTP? Friend of the Peyton? Yes I did and I was friends with Peyton. Like I said he told me straight up what his intentions were/are. I was a friend of Peyton not anymore. I'm not good at getting a good read on someone when I first meet them. I'll keep the remainder of my opinions to myself because I do not have time for a lawsuit.
    backbone likes this.
  13. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    12 pages and all this makes me wonder . . . why a new thread? All this shit is kind of a continuation of the other thread.

    Okay, back to whatever is going on here.
    chickenpants and VFR#52 like this.
  14. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    So how does any of this justify the BOD from not sharing the financials and records of the club with the general membership as stipulated both by Texas law regarding non profits and by the CMRAs very own club bylaws?

    How do you account for this?

    You can disagree with certain members all you want but how does it change the BODs own actions of simply ignoring what they are legally bound to perform?

  15. jpence

    jpence Well-Known Member

    There was a court order to not release the financial records.
  16. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Gotta love all the talk about feelings and he said/she said.

    Look either money was stolen or it wasn’t. Nothing else matters.

    I do not give two shits what Peyton said or did not say or how people feel or if people are called names and got their feelers hurt. Just find the thieves if they exist and prosecute them. Fuck.
  17. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    Sounds like that's not true, so what's the next excuse?
    VFR#52 and BDRacing like this.
  18. Racer997

    Racer997 Old Skool Racer

    FOTP stands for "friend of the plaintiff". While discussing Board business, and before I was elected to the Board, Bill Syfan specifically addresses me as this when communicating with others on the Board as an FOTP. I discovered this after I was seated on the Board in February 2017, and later Syfan admitted what FOTP stood for. This label is a way for Board members, most of whom were defendants at the time of this his posting, to identify and categorize anyone who they say as a threat to their personal security. Fair, impartial, above board, professional. Exactly as you would expect your Board members to be. Right?

    I do not care if you like someone or not, if you have been given a professional duty, you had better conduct yourself according to law first, and with decorum after that. The last paragraph of my letter addresses this.
    VFR#52, John Branch and BDRacing like this.
  19. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Um, you are aware that the BOD wasn’t making these records available prior to the court order and that one of the reasons for the initial suit filed was made in part, specifically because the BOD refused to make these records available as well as being a key focal point in both law suites relate directly to the BOD refusing to share said financials.

    So, how do you justify and explain the BODs actions of refusing to share said financials prior to the court order? How do you account for these actions while no court order was in place?
    VFR#52 and BDRacing like this.
  20. jpence

    jpence Well-Known Member

    According to who?

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