Red Flag Rules

Discussion in 'WERA National Endurance Series' started by NoTroublems, Mar 27, 2006.

  1. NoTroublems

    NoTroublems Well-Known Member

    Come on guys, keep talking craziness here... we almost have more views and posts on this thread than any other...

    Why does it matter.... hmm... oh yeah, it doesn't... but it's something to do....

    I've got a new topic for us:

    Have you noticed that at the McDonalds drive through it is posted that brail menus are available!! Does this mean they promote blind driving? Because that would explain some things.....
    Also, suppose a blind person drove up there, and couldn't read the sign (since they are blind) then how would they know brail menus are available?
    I don't know... but it keeps me up at night....
  2. theTank

    theTank "You're my BOY, Blue!"

    Dude! Just let it go . . . it's ok . . . just step away from the thread . . . really.

  3. moto696

    moto696 Well-Known Member

    two words

    heat cycles.
    we should do like we do in the AMA we come in off the site lap and put warmers on (not plugged in). just to keep a heat cycle off the tire. and if we have a red flag we put them back on. we do not let them cool down then heat them back up in a race.
  4. NoTroublems

    NoTroublems Well-Known Member

    Thank you.

    That is all I was hoping for here.

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