I need a new handgun...lets talk guns today. :D

Discussion in 'General' started by Kris87, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. sbk1198

    sbk1198 Well-Known Member

    Maybe that particular instance, but overall it's pretty sad and frustrating.
  2. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    Oh for sure I was just meaning meeting in the parking lot, I just want to be able to go buy some ammo and use my new toys but sadly that's not a option as you sad.
  3. Senna

    Senna Well-Known Member

    It’s good, but overhyped. The trigger is kind of “meh” in stock form. With Cajun parts you can get it down to some crazy small travel in SA. Mine both measured sub-2# pull weights. But those guns had another $500 in them after the cost of the gun. I’m told that a Cajun sear goes a long way and the rest is just kind of BS stuff you don’t need, though. I’m also just not a big DA/SA fan, though. I much prefer SAO or striker as I have short fingers.

    Production shooting kind of sucks, though. I’d much rather shoot Limited. 10-round mag limits suck and most stages are designed around Limited or Open capacities, so the stages flow really poorly for Production a lot of times.
    wsmc 589 and sbk1198 like this.
  4. wsmc 589

    wsmc 589 Well-Known Member

    Agreed. DA/SA is the stupidest thing ever. Who said “oh let’s make the first shot the hardest...”. Gawd I hate it.
    Limited is where it’s at. It’s a tough class to advance in.
    Senna likes this.
  5. I was at Academy sports yesterday grabbing some baseball stuff for the kid. Needed a new coyotes call since I dropped one of mine somewhere while hunting so headed over that way in the store. They haven’t had any ammo to speak of forever, score. 2 boxes of Hornaday Superperformace 150gr 308 rounds. These are my preferred rounds for yotes but I was down to 7 rounds. Grabbed the 2 boxes they had out there. They had some cheap 223 rounds and some other misc 556 and 243 rounds. I grabbed my 2 box limit of what I will actually use and still felt dirty doing it.
  6. motoracer1100

    motoracer1100 Well-Known Member

    Lol.. just had a flashback. About 30 + years ago , me and a friend went to a gun shop to pick up some once fired .45acp brass for reloading . Heading home , while driving my Dad’s huge new Imperial , a station wagon loaded with Nuns heading in the opposite direction turned right in front of us . No time to even cover the brakes , and I “T” Boned them bad . Those flimsy plastic bags exploded and brass was all over the interior and dash ankle deep . Cops show up , and have us laying face down on ground with guns drawn .. screaming .. where are the guns ... they thought we were driving around doing drive by’s ... kinda funny now , not so much at the time . :crackup::D
    Phl218, Gorilla George and sbk1198 like this.
  7. sbk1198

    sbk1198 Well-Known Member

    Oh wow! That’s crazy lol
  8. motoracer1100

    motoracer1100 Well-Known Member

    Didn’t make too many friends that day .., totaled my Dad’s car , luckily, nuns weren’t hurt . Plus my Dad HATED GUNS , and didn’t even know I had a Colt Gold Cup ....
  9. sbk1198

    sbk1198 Well-Known Member

    How long before the cops believed your story? Did they search the whole car for guns? lol Also, at least the accident wasn't your fault!
  10. motoracer1100

    motoracer1100 Well-Known Member

    Only took about 15 minutes or so , but seemed like an hour .. tore car apart and had officers looking down the street to see if we tossed them out the window.
    Edit: they found the two dated receipts for the .45 brass right off the bat , but didn’t let that get in the way of their investigation. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2021
    rice r0cket and sbk1198 like this.
  11. That shits funny and sad at the same time.
    noles19 and sbk1198 like this.
  12. sanee

    sanee Well-Known Member

    all depends on what youre using it for. its great for people that dont want a safety and a carry pistol so ya dont go pulling the first one off by accident.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  13. Senna

    Senna Well-Known Member

    So much is dependent on hand size and personal ergonomics too. If you can’t comfortably reach the trigger in DA because the gun just doesn’t fit your hand well, you’re never going to be a great shot on that first pull.

    I just have played with 10-15 grip styles before I settled on the one that provided the most palm contact while allowing for enough trigger reach on my S2.
  14. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    What state?
  15. sbk1198

    sbk1198 Well-Known Member

    Any of you guys from TX and have no power but are hoarding a shit ton of ammo, I'll trade you fully charged batteries for ammo! Various voltages! LOL
  16. Yep.

    I agree with the point he is making. When it comes to shooting them, I hate the first pull being so damn long, and taking like 10-12 lbs to get it there.

    But, in SA mode the trigger is just too short and touchy. Like the P227 TACOPS, it has that “short reset trigger” and it is exactly that. It would take a super slow motion camera to be able to actually see the trigger reset and subsequent shots. It is fun at the range, but too dangerous to carry it or leave it laying around the house in that setup (IMO).

    On all of them like that (FNX-45, TACOPS, HK-45, etc) I chamber a round, then use the decocker. I just feel better like that.

    That’s also one of the reasons I like striker fired guns. I would rather have a constant 3-4lbs trigger, with a constant travel, rather than one that takes 11lbs and a mile long travel, then 2lbs on subsequent shots, with what seems like 1/8” of travel.
    Senna likes this.
  17. sanee

    sanee Well-Known Member

    it doesnt really matter if you cant reach the hammer with one hand because why do you need to cock the hammer? it really all depends on what you want the pistol for. thats the best part as you get to choose whatever you want unlike being with a certain department and you get stuck with something and have to mold yourself over whats issued. what a great country :)
  18. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    Correction -- Limited High Power Factor is where it's at. STI Edge .40 with MBX mags. :D
  19. Fuckinhell. :crackup:
  20. I like how all the P320 shit is compatible. I already had holsters and a bunch of 21rnd extended magazines for the other P320.

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