An Amazing Statistic On Illegal Aliens

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by YamahaRick, Aug 22, 2019.

  1. dsapsis

    dsapsis El Jefe de los Monos

  2. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Our criminal justice system is the largest and most punitive in the world already, and it’s entirely overwhelmed. And you want to dump all these additional people into it?
  3. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Imagine a store with no walls but one cash resister at the front with a really long line, and the prices are crazy expensive. At a certain point, even regularly good people are just going to say “fuck it” and leave with their stuff.

    Our country clearly has a need for these people. You guys are falling for the sham your politicians are feeding you. Neither party wants a solution, because this “problem” is too valuable politically.
    nd4spd likes this.
  4. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member


    Criminals belong in jail.

    Oh and you can take that "falling for the sham your politicians" shit and stick it. I draw my own conclusions through a combination of evidence, logic and data. I know that is hard for the smartest guy in the room (you) to imagine.
  5. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Except you’re not. These people are criminals in the sense that they’ve been labeled that for political gain.

    I may or may not be the smartest guy here, but I’m for sure the only one looking at this with any sort of objectivity instead of rambling on about whatever scary words I’m being fed by my political party of choice.
  6. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    IIRC the Bureau of Justice Statistics gives the number around 24% of the prison population. This data should be more accurate than a bias think-tank. That is a siginificant number when the illegals are less than 1% of the total population.
  7. nd4spd

    nd4spd Well-Known Member

    Because a lot of those poor people will recognize opportunity and work their fingers down to nubs doing work that people born here consider beneath them. Or they'll go and start businesses. Have a look at how many businesses are started by immigrants. And then look at how many of them on the Fortune 500 were started by immigrants.
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    So they drive down wages and make welfare leeches lives’ easier by keeping them unemployed and on the dole?

    Smrt. Real smrt.
    crashman likes this.
  9. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan My 13 year old is faster than your President

    We have Customs and Border Patrol and ICE. We already solved the problem. Let them do their them properly so they can completely staff to their requirements and give them the material resources they need....including a physical barrier between the US and Mexico.

    You're "Solution" doesn't stop them from raping little girls and killing people. You're naive if you think there's nothing but God Fearing honest people coming across the border. Castro was happy to open his prisons and reduce his prisoner costs by letting the rapists and murders blend with all the immigrants that jumped on rafts and boats to Florida...and I'm sure Mexican prisons are letting their doors open for folks that want to cross the Rio Grande so their off Mexico's books too.

    We have enough homocidal maniacs apparently already in the US by what I'm seeing in the news these days. I don't think we need to welcome more.

    There's no Right or Wrong when ti comes to the Law...the Law is the Law. The Laws define what is right in the US of Fuckin' A. And coming across the border illegally isn't right. It's wrong. It's not fair to Americans, and it's not fair to Mexicans and everyone else that wants to come here LEGALLY.

    ANYTHING BULLSHIT...pure and simple.
    Fonda Dix likes this.
  10. dsapsis

    dsapsis El Jefe de los Monos

    That would be “these” data.
    IIRC related to to data from actual incarceration and conviction reports. Impressive.
  11. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    And we LOVE when they do that, legally.

    Illegally? Hell no. Take their businesses and kick them out.

    The path is clear:

    The law that makes them illegal is just and should be enforced. We are a sovereign nation with an established border and an established process. Follow it or pick another country.
  12. nd4spd

    nd4spd Well-Known Member

    Even throughout the recession there were over a million unfilled jobs because of a lack of expertise. The people that milk the system so they can stay home will continue to do so until they are no longer allowed. There will also always be people who truly need the welfare system. So saying that immigrants aren't welcome to take jobs that Americans aren't taking anyway isn't helpful to anyone. The people that are here and working/contributing should be accommodated and fast tracked to at least Green Card status. The ones that are committing crimes or taking advantage? Sure, kick 'em out.

    I'm an immigrant. I'm well aware of what the path is. What I can tell you is that the above isn't as clear cut as it seems. My family's path to naturalization took over a decade and involved getting swindled out of a 5 figure sum by lawyers, being treated like an animal at INS offices (and with complete indifference when they lost our paperwork for the second time), discriminated against because we were foreigners or perhaps didn't have perfect grammar or pronunciations; or simply because our names were not common. Some of those things still happen to this day. I'll stop there.

    By all accounts we were poor. We came from a 3rd world country, we didn't speak the language, came here with barely more than the clothes on our backs, little to no education and never once filed for food stamps or any other type of assistance. We also filed taxes every year from year 1. Between the 4 of us we've started 4 businesses. One failed because of the economy and another is in its early stages but the other two are covering or contributing to living expenses for two households.

    Instead of saying "BOO. IMMIGRANT BAD." perhaps we'd all be better served contacting our elected officials and telling them to fix the system so that the people who are willing and wanting to work, can. Many of the people that risk their lives to get here are doing so because they're desperate for survival and are unable to navigate the system on their own. I know a very large number of immigrants - not one of them has ever been on food stamps. That isn't why they/we came here. We came to work and seize opportunities that don't exist in our home countries.

    There are assholes in every race, gender, nationality, <insert your own categorization>. Like most things, it's the 10-20% that ruin it for everybody else.
    TXFZ1 likes this.
  13. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    I really appreciate you sharing this story but I do need to clarify I never said boo immigrants. I love immigrants. My own family came here before the revolutionary war as immigrants.

    Illegal immigrants are my problem as I view anyone whose first act when wanting to come to our country is to break the laws as someone we don’t need. I don’t care if they have a cure for cancer in their pocket.

    I do really appreciate you sharing your story . People like your family are as American as apple pie.
  14. nd4spd

    nd4spd Well-Known Member

    I hear what you're saying. My point was, the immigration laws are being broken because it's too complex and daunting of a process to navigate for someone who doesn't speak the language, doesn't understand the cultural norms, the bureaucracy, and a host of other issues. That's what needs to be fixed. There needs to be checks and balances and due diligence but what we have today isn't working. As a result we have the symptom of illegal immigration being masked as the problem when in reality the actual problem lies with the process. We also have the political standoff between the two houses of Congress using these people as pawns in their giant pissing match. The large majority of illegal immigrants would rather be here legally but they simply don't know how. They get lied to, taken advantage of, threatened and treated like an animal when all they want to do is feed their family by working a job that no American wants to take anymore.
  15. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    so in your analogy... if the store had more registers (at the US port of entries) the problem would be solved?

    I get people leaving their home country because of Cartel violence and crimes. Where is the UN in these conditions??
    Isnt that what the UN is supposed to be doing... addressing immigration & humanitarian needs?
  16. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Seems as if the same old-same old still don’t understand what the definition of illegal is.
    And I’m sure that 100% of all crimes committed by illegals in their “community” are reported. :rolleyes:
  17. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    So are you saying all immigrants should be represented by an elected czar of sorts with defined rights & liberties??
    In your situation with the attorney... did you have a contract? It would seem to me that you do have a path to recourse through the State bar under which the attorney is licensed.
  18. nd4spd

    nd4spd Well-Known Member

    Huh? No. I’m saying that the process should be simpler and easier to understand and perhaps better marketed through the existing channels of immigration offices, embassies and other related offices.

    The latter part of your statement shows how disconnected the public is from the experience and process of something so incredibly convoluted, complex and daunting as the immigration process. No working class immigrant knows the first thing about the state bar office or anything of that nature, I can assure you of that. They have no desire to cause trouble or seek attention. Nor do they understand what rights are because where they came from they had none. They’re trying to stay under the radar and survive to live another day. Literally. That’s it. They live in fear of deportation and being separated from their family or jailed.

    Take your absolute worst DMV experience, multiply that by 10 and you might be in the same ballpark as what you get at the INS office. Those people have no empathy, no incentive and no desire to help. They’re there to collect a government check and benefits. The person on the outside of the counter doesn’t matter.

    I’m not disagreeing that there are bad immigrants who are criminals and take advantage of the situation. But that’s the minority. The majority are good people who would be an asset to the country if given the chance but they’re being used as pawns in a game that they have no stake in.
  19. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Better marketed?

    I’m pretty sure the libs are marketing the fuck out of welcoming immigrants regardless (or despite) legal status.

    It shouldn’t be easy. The USA doesn’t owe you, your family, or anyone else not a citizen jack shit. You’re welcome for providing you a lawful means for your family to immigrate and assimilate and earn your own keep.
  20. nd4spd

    nd4spd Well-Known Member

    So I suppose you're Native American then, right? Why shouldn't it be easier to understand/navigate? What makes you better than someone who wasn't born in this country?

    Nobody said that immigrants are owed anything.

    This shouldn't be liberals vs conservatives. It should be about one set of humans treating another set of humans with kindness and showing them empathy.

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