SHTF in Venezuela?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by ryoung57, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    So what happens to the education and degrees these people got? All of a sudden they have a business degree and no debt to start a business and make new innovations while the person who went a different route is now disadvantaged. So you're again rewarding people for stupid spending habits and shit personal responsibility while those who were responsible are disadvantaged. If that person could have started a business without a degree when why did they go to college? if they couldn't start it without a degree and education they shouldn't get a free leg up on everyone else.
  2. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    I'm thinking you and AOC received the same economics degree.
    BHP41 and sheepofblue like this.
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I read everything you said in that thread and you absolutely wanted to use tax money to bail out people who made bad choices. Screwing over the taxpayers AND those students who made good choices and paid back their loans.
  4. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Explain the basic math. Lots of people (who probably wouldn't have been seeking degrees because they just aren't that smart) were convinced by college recruiters to sign up for classes and take out the loans. They make it REAL easy, and don't necessarily explain the total cost. It's a very open-ended process that is intentionally vague. The emphasis is not so much "how much will you make?" but more "what do you want to be?". If you have half a brain, you can look at it on paper and figure it out, but literally millions of people just put their faith in the school to help them (like asking the fox to make sure the hen house is secure). So they borrow 30k, 40k, 50k, even 60k against a potential future job that they hope pays more than what they're doing now. It'll probably improve their lives, but if you go from earning 30k/yr without a degree, to making 40k/yr with, that's only $600 extra per month. Factor in expenses and the natural assumption that you'll live better (yes, not smart), and it gets really hard to pay that $500/mo loan payment for the next 10 years.

    It's a shitty situation. Cut those tuition numbers by 60% to reflect what the cost would have been without the schools cash grab, and it makes much more sense.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    What imaginary place do you think those monies come from?

    It's not your thread. I own all of them (boss said the BBS is all my fault and therefore mine :D)
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

  7. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I'm thinking you don't have any idea what I'm talking about but you want to jump in and give me shit just like you did in the FTP thread. So please, go fuck yourself with a baseball bat.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You keep stating your opinions and those as they are not based on factual items are indeed incorrect. You keep stating things as fact that are not, those items are also incorrect. Has nothing remotely to do with your sources. Last I checked Rush Limbaugh was frequently also incorrect and usually lying at the same time. I'd be floored of Fox news gets it right more than half the time just like all the others out there.
  9. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Damn, that's harsh.
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    If there is a communication issue it's with your inability to express what you truly mean because what you say is pretty clear.
  11. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula


    I know exactly what you're talking about, it's just that you don't.

    Please don't kick me out of your thread :crackup:
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You mean the people who chose degrees that were useless and bought house they couldn't afford? Yeah, that's all the mans fault so the rest of us should pay for it....

    Your words clearly express what you mean. I think you just don't like when it's clarified and you truly don't like when it gets pointed out who will ultimately pay for helping out those poor unfortunates.
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    There is absolutely no student loan crisis. It doesn't exist.
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The difference is more than blame. YOU want those idiots to be let off the hook - and you refuse to acknowledge who will be paying for that.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Who? The schools? With what? They've spent that shit on upgrades and tons of useless middle management. The money is gone. So any gifts of money to the morons with student loans will be tax dollars.

    BTW - that statement does not include all people with student loans. Those who are not morons are actually paying them back....
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Wow. More excuses for stupid people doing stupid shit.

    I am curious just like I was in your inability to use logic and reason in the FTP thread (which we did finally sort out was the ex) - what is your personal stake in the whole student loan thing? You have outstanding loans? A family member? Who is it that you want let off the hook for their bad decision? There is no way you can be logical in certain areas and so beyond out there in others without a reason.
  17. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    I explained math in the last thread, I also posted real numbers showing that shouldering debt on those salaries is completely possible. You, and the rest in your boat, fail to realize you won't (shouldn't) be making 40K for the rest of your life, you'll eventually get a raise and what not so your quality of life gets better over time.

    If the emphasis is "what do you want to be" it's that persons responsibility to ensure what they want to be can pay for the degree to get them there. Again it's perfectly possible to figure all this out on a calculator.

    And yes if someone makes $600 more a month with a degree, and they're paying on a $500 loan, ignoring every possible raise or promotion possible because of that degree, that means they now have $100 more to spend every month. Over 10 years that's $12K over the life of the loan. Assuming someone is 24 by the time they graduate and get a job that means they'll be 34 when the loan is paid off and another 30 years in the workforce @ $600 a month is an additional $216,000 or $228,000 over their career, again assuming they can never get a raise/promotion the degree offers. So STFU, pay your debt, and enjoy your quarter million dollars. Take the knowledge you learned and mistakes and inform your friends, neighbors, and children how to do it better.
    R Acree likes this.
  18. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Who runs public schools again?
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    The problem solvers.
  20. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I have 27 alerts after stepping away for ten minutes. You guys have fun with your echo chamber congratulating yourself on running off another long-standing member.

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