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Mueller report is out....kind of

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Motofun352, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    That was a do not a try


    Seriously, stop for a second and think about that feeling in your gut right now. That tenseness in you as you read anything you perceive as defending the cheeto. That shit ain't normal when just bs'ing about a politician. It's not good for you.
  2. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Why would Rubio lie about hiring a firm to research the opposition, he would be stupid not to know the details of everyone? Hell, saying he didn't seems more likely a lie than claiming it as true. Now, after all the SHTF hubbub around Fusion, I can see him lying as to distance from the shitshow.
  3. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    Well, most of my gut muscles don't work so I have no tenseness or feeling down there. In fact, I have to remind myself to eat sometimes.

    Going back to my post 1245 was a reflection point intended for both sides to think about. No emotion involved. The exact opposite actually. Yes, I believe the meeting was incredibly stupid to have. No good could come out of it and had it never taken place would we even be having this "discussion"? How can that be perceived of perpetuating my dislike of 45? It can't. I wish the meeting never happened. I wish the investigation never got launched. Now, both sides should drop it and move on but they won't. No good can come out of keeping it going either. Do I like what Trump is doing or who he is? No. But, he is POTUS and another election comes around in 2020 and who knows what will happen? It is what it is and time moves forward. He will be gone in 2 or 6 years and then we will all have a new target to throw darts at.
  4. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Read that again, and tell me why Trump should face impeachment...
  5. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    I've said MULTIPLE times in this thread that impeachment is a waste of time and money. I AM NOT in favor of going down that road. I stated that before the report was even published. Fucking A.......
  6. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    The "investigation" was a (failed) attempt at finding something impeachable.

    So the "investigation" was a waste of time and money.

    And still you have legal illiterates saying how even though he did nothing illegal he's still bad.

    OMB. We get it. Now just shut the fuck up and let the adults unfuck all you've fucked up.
    brex likes this.
  7. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    You go first.........
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I usually do. Someone has to lead.
  9. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    In fucking up I assume......
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Yet another mistake on your part. Glad it never gets old for you, I find it a source of immeasurable amusement.
  11. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    That makes two of us. Mutual amusement.
  12. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    I think there’s a lot more out there then you think. The amount I have run into is what disheartening to me.
  13. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    Could also be I live in Colorado the place where 72% voted not to touch their oil and gas. Then also voted straight democrats in who promised to shut down the oil and gas. Just doesn’t make sense sometimes.
  14. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Well, it's official.

    Trump has upset poor Willard.

    I'd wear that shit as a badge of honor.
  15. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Eh...Mittens is just upset he didn't get a job....poor Mittens....
  16. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Mittens is the New McCain'ishLite
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Well, he of most anyone has reason for his OMB :D
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yeah, you've got more people who would tend toward extremes there with the hippie influx over the last however long gaining power over the conservative ranchers and the like.
  19. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    In the ring of shitbag RINOS, this asshat is the ring leader. What a back stabbing piece of shit. Can you Utah folks primary his ass next round? Unfortunately, that's 4 years away.
    kangasj likes this.
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Watch him get the veep nod from Creepy Joe...

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