Keto Diet

Discussion in 'General' started by ryoung57, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. Prospect

    Prospect Hayai

    I agree with that, I wasn't talking about it in the context of keto, just in general. The more you push your heart the better fatburning you'll get. You don't have to keep your pulse lower than your potential to achieve optimal fat burning, that was a myth that was debunked IIRC a long time ago.
  2. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    Anyone else suddenly become a teetotaler on keto?
    It feels so backwards to drink now that I can see my abs most days, and I can stack 90lbs on the squat bar (this coming from the girl that could only do bar squats 2 months ago).
    Aside from that - half a drink and I'm bombed.
  3. Prospect

    Prospect Hayai

    A friend of mine had to have some pizza and a rice stirfry after doing keto hardcore for 3.5 weeks. He had bathroom explosions for an hour.
    I think the body starts to adjust and doesn't like going back to carb laden foods from what I'm hearing. Then again some people do the keto diet with one carb cheat day every week in which they can eat all the carbs they want.
    BigBird likes this.
  4. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    As a yacht chef the fad diets are ridiculous and stupid. I've seen and cooked for every rich white person under the sun. Just got back from Grand Cayman and had our 13 guests getting the IV royal flush to help their hangover. It's not rocket surgery, you get what you put in, and if you exercise you get skinny.
    Wheel Bearing and G Dawg like this.
  5. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    You are welcome to your opinion on how someone else eats all you want - but - really - why does it matter to you what people eat? Serious question - does it just annoy you as a chef to have to make what people want? I know chefs who don't care at all and chefs who do because it interrupts their artistic vision and the food experience they want their patrons to have. Ask them to leave the cracker crumbs off the mahi-mahi they just spent 12.5 years perfecting and they lose their shit.

    Meat and veggies and fruits ain't a fad for me. It's how I've eaten since I was diagnosed with Celiac 8 years ago because gluten free grain products are fucking expensive. There is just a name behind it now for me. I like not having blood sugar crashes every two hours and being able to push through a 5 mile run without having to down a sugar laden protein shake afterwards - We all know that weight is calories in calories out, macro and micro nutrients, and a whole host of other things - you can't just eat a 5lb stack of burger-no-buns and think you are gonna loose fat and feel awesome. It's not a magic trick.

    At 5'8" and size 0-2, weight is the least of my concerns. I've really tried to move away from the lazy keto in the last few weeks because of my mental status. It's all about feeling good and helping my brain make the happy drugs. Cuz damn - with all of the stress in my life, my fucking brain refuses to do the chemical love triangle I need to get out of bed every day without eating clean and working out every day. Excessive carbs and alcohol are instant depressants for me - but you bet your ass I will have the GF chocolate cake when I am out for dinner at a fancy place.

    Fuck everything else when there is cake in front of you.
  6. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    Eat what you want and how ever you want it. I just see a lot of people always on some stupid diet, fighting with themselves only to go crazy and eat everything that their diets says not to. It's not a personal thing to me as a chef. I actually like to cook food with lots of things that would not be considered "healthy". Butter, cheese, cream, pasta, carbs taste good
  7. Sabre699

    Sabre699 Wait...hold my beer.

    :stupid: Yeah...what she said!
  8. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    I am a farm girl at heart - I use real butter, cheese, cream, whole milk, massively fatty cuts of meat and fish - Just can't do the grains.
    My trainer keeps telling me I am gonna have a heart attack - but we are both around the same fat percentages with vastly different diets and my lipid panels make the doc salivate. I am unconcerned about my fat intake.

    Carbs do taste good - but it ceases to be a struggle after years without it.
    The smell of a good crusty loaf of fresh bread still will cause a madness in me that is hard to control after nearly a decade without it - but the pain and weeks of lethargy and illness that come with gluten are not worth the 3 seconds of bliss. People still die from complications of celiac disease.
  9. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    Like I said, to each their own, I get paid to cook food, what ever diet you are on. But Celiac effects less than 1 % of the population of the world. But somehow on yachts with rich white people about 60 percent have the disease. Kind of funny running a restaurant in the South Pacific for a year serving around 50,000 guests and never had one gluten intolerant person
  10. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Seems Dern and gluten are interchangeable here, eh?
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  11. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    i found this, and it's magical. 3 pills sometime before the drinking event, and 3 pills before sleep, and i wake up like a champ.

    Drinkwel pills for hangover.

    As said, being on Keto you get drunk much faster, but with this after being carb reduced (<50g carbs day) I didn't drink in like 3 months, drank a lot and work up like let's drink some more the next day, and I did, and did again for like 3 days straight. you still need enough sleep though (6 hours or so)
  12. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    Yeah - but the poisoning your liver aspect of it after you are nailing it at the gym and with your nutrition seems backwards to me. :crackup:
  13. rocalotopus

    rocalotopus thick member

  14. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    lol, the whole fighting yourself thing, I'll have my rum and coke, eat a bowl of pasta, and go fishing.
  15. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    oh I don't go to the gym, and well I like me a drink with the boys, so I'll take the poison.

    It's a lot of fun just chilling and all of us drink except their is one that also vapes, so he's the equivalent of the Vapor OP in real life :D
  16. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    leave it to the beeb, did I misspell something too??
  17. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    It isn't a fight if there isn't an interest though.
    Hard is that to understand? There is literally no desire to do those things.
    Half a glass of wine and I am in poor decision making mode? Pass.

    The only desires I have are to be fit enough to climb a mountain this fall. Food is fuel.

    I have nothing against it.
    Just doesn't have an appeal to me anymore - I can't enjoy drinking if I am hammered before everyone else even finishes their first round. And the depression that comes after a drink sucks too. :)
  18. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    totally understand that. a reason why I didn't drink for three months too. felt like I was wasting my efforts. But in the right environment, it's fine.

    I also read that Keto can sometimes on its own lead to depression since you feel like you're missing out. I can understand how that happens because at times I felt like that when I couldn't junk out.
  19. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    The word diet means you are changing and thinking about how you eat. Great for you. I'm done with work and have a week off so going to drink myself silly and eat lots of foods bad for me
  20. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    just PM where you hid for bank roll, you know...just trying to help you out :D

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