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Florida School Shooting Thread

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by sharkattack, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    But just one of the theoretical would make the yearly shooting number look like a decimal point error.
  2. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Um, ok. I cant think of one school shooting that would have been impacted, much less stopped, by clear backpacks. Not one.

    I am seeking a suggestion one gun law, just one, that could have prevented this tragedy (or any of the countless other tragedies). Clear backpacks wont stop anything.
  3. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    I've got no problem with that, refer to my post #52.
  4. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Also, in this instance, the shooter made use of a life safety system to flush out targets. I would expect that could happen in the future. Most schools these days are built to very stringent fire standards, flash fires would be rare. Maybe a two step verification would have made a difference. Maybe not, but mistakes were made that can be addressed.
    XACT-Man and rd400racer like this.
  5. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

  6. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    We'd better hurry up with it while there is still a here, because in the everlasting quest for safety, it won't be long before motorcycles are banned too :D
  7. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    There's also people running others over with their car, right? Stopped crossing the street?

    It's hypocritical of you to say that anything can happen to a kid in school, but then turnaround and say, I avoid malls because of something that happened there. Things are happening in school too. So, you can't say "have lives to live" and then don't live it or question why someone is concerned about their kids safety, in a place that they are thankfully obligated to go and learn.

    They HAVE to go to school. They DON'T have to go to the mall. see the difference ;)
    galloway840 likes this.
  8. XACT-Man

    XACT-Man Not that fast....

    It's reported that the shooter was wearing a gas mask and carrying an AR..... I don't know about everyone but I know if I saw a guy with a gas mask on carrying an AR that some sort of shit was about to go down...... wonder how far this guy walked from a vehicle to the school without being seen?
  9. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    I would assume it would depend on the the population density
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    And having to go to school and fretting over every possible bad thing that might happen seems like a ridiculous use of emotional energy.

    I'm no more in fear of a school shooter at my kid's school today than I was yesterday. I'm no more fearful of her hanging herself from the ropes in the gym than I was yesterday. The odds are simply infinitesimal.

    And when I can't avoid crowds, I'm hyper-vigilant. Worse yet, is when I can't avoid crowds and can't arm myself I have no choice but to peacefully accept that my fate is in the hands of others, and hope they're of good intent. Worrying about what I can't effect doesn't grok.
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  11. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    The solution is simple and effective. Argyle ISD knew this several year's ago.

  12. galloway840

    galloway840 Well-Known Member

    Dude, seriously, who is having a seizure here? The names and insults don't really bolster whatever point you're trying to make.

    We're mostly not talking about your personal safety. Glad you've got that all figured out. We're talking about the safety of those, children in school in this case, who are in no position to defend themselves.

    Other than being argumentative as hell, what's your overall message here? That none of us can discuss what we'd like to see done to reduce gun violence because you think we should be worried about other things?
  13. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    So, to clarify, when he was arrested, one hour later, one town away, they found him with a gas mask, smoke grenades and the 'AR15' in his car. It has not been stated weather any of the above beyond the shooter were at or used in the shooting. For all we know it's going to turn out he used a handgun, this was just some of his other stuff he couldn't get in without his cover being blown at the start?
    XACT-Man likes this.
  14. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    "I really have no desire for rabid gun restrictions, but the "too soon" argument is pointless since these are almost weekly happenings now."

    The bolded part, they are not weekly nor even remotely close. I figured you were buying into the 18 so far this year lie in the media. Seems I was wrong and you were just spouting incorrect facts of your own.

    Nothing against cops in schools but if there is one cop and you are a psycho you know who you need to kill first and they are easy to spot. Let any teacher/administrator that wants to carry. That way the crazies are not sure if sister Bertha has one in her desk or not (certainly if she leaves the classroom it needs to be locked)
  15. galloway840

    galloway840 Well-Known Member

    Agree with your thought. Some members of society definitely like to tell us what we should and shouldn't do. Oddly, they're more likely to be successful at taking away our bikes than our guns. Bikers, like smokers, mostly hurt themselves, not others. That's kind of what makes gun violence different. Lots of self inflicted wounds, but lots of other-inflicted wounds too. I, personally am less concerned with self-inflicted (bikes, cigarettes, drugs, booze) than I am concerned about the endless stream of people getting shot up in this country.
  16. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    And a LOT of them were on psych meds.
  17. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    My point was that we lock down low income urban schools and take away the privacy of a standard bag/backpack - why not do it at the suburban schools where these shootings are happening.

    You want a gun law that could help - levy a tax on every gun sale that helps directly fund the additional officers needed to patrol schools. From a social standpoint, we have police to provide reasonable safety against bad actors. We also usher our kids into a set number of buildings around the city every day. I can't for the life of me understand why schools aren't already the number one thing policed during the middle of the day. What are they competing with? A bunch of domestic calls and your every so often bank robbery?
  18. XACT-Man

    XACT-Man Not that fast....

    Good point! Never trust the media and what is being reported..... Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please - Mark Twain
  19. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    My rep Mo Brooks put it perfectly this morning. Everyone of the rights in the bill of rights can be abused and that can hurt others (he then provided examples). That does not mean we should give up our freedom.

    The cure in this case is go full police state. Of course for this one kid to be stopped you will imprison many who are harmless. Further you will make speech to risky to be free and create an even worse climate of fear. Not a choice I want comrade.
    pickled egg likes this.
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Let me know when I actually address what you're talking about so anything you say will have relevance to what I'm talking about.

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