Florida School Shooting Thread

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by sharkattack, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    Minors should not be allowed to own guns. They can't smoke, can't drink, can't join the military. Why should they have a gun? Want your kid to be a hunter? Let him use your gun. If a kid shoots up a school with a parents gun the parent should hang for it. Be responsible and lock that shit up. If you sell a minor a gun and they shoot up a school.... you should be on the hook for it. There is no accountability in America.
    jase and R1Racer99 like this.
  2. Pride & Joy

    Pride & Joy Well-Known Member

    Additionally, due to political correctness among other things, there are very few ways to cull the bad apples from the barrel.... Apparently, many of the kids knew the shooter was a problem looking for a place to happen.
  3. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Yup....and not only that they are zombies


    They don't want to get out, go anywhere or do anything. I'm not saying underage drinking and sex and necessarily a positive thing, but neither is being a shut in glued to some electronic device either.
  4. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  5. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    That is utter bullshit. Are you going to trot out the 18 so far this year propaganda that includes accidental discharges and suicides?

    If you want early guessing I have read there was a well thought of coach who put himself in harms way to save kids. First if true thankfully he was only wounded but consider if it was not a gun free zone this is one of the people who might have been armed and instead of taking a slug for someone he could have shot the POS shit saving lives. Instead all of the law abiding people were disarmed in the gun free zone making it easy for the POS killer.
    Photo, BHP41 and XFBO like this.
  6. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Waiting to see what meds this one was on.
  7. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    So when your teenager starts driving and kills someone with your car you are ready to go to jail for them right?
    kangasj likes this.
  8. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Hate to say it, but there seems to be an uptick in shootings like this with. ....do I dare say it.....with millennials. Dems will blame the tool like they always do when this shit happens but they won't consider the drugs or entitlement indoctrination that's been going on strongly during that time frame, to the point, they can't handle their shit if it doesn't go their way.

    Short answer, the only way to minimize this shit and to stop bad guys with a gun is by letting good guys with guns in the's GFZ's. Lotsa retired cops out there who would happily take these kinds of armed jobs.
    pickled egg likes this.
  9. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    And yet every day minors smoke, drink, and *gasp* even do drugs that are illegal for adults to do!

    The only blanket statement that should be thrown around here is "gun control advocates are simple minded idiots".
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”


    And this^^
  11. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    Guns and cars are two very different things.

    But... If the kid killed a bunch of people with a car I might have to sit and think about it for a while. I don't know. Anyway it seems this kid was 19 so that part is moot.
  12. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    Where did I say anything about gun control? I said people should be responsible for their guns.
  13. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    This is the only viable solution. A heavily armed guard zone is probably somewhat less attractive to a potential school shooter. I'm truly amazed that no school system has been sued out of existence yet. Attendance is mandated by law, and then the students are turned into helpless targets by law. Surely there is a duty to provide a secure environment for the children. I would be happy to know that a bit of my tax money was used to pay my local XFBO to prowl the halls of our schools.
  14. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Which of the two do you suppose causes more deaths annually?
  15. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Adult accountability is adult accountability. You don't get to be selective about it. If you want it for one thing then you want it for everything they could do to harm others and there really is nothing to think about if you truly believe your previous statement.
  16. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    And 99.9% of them are.
  17. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  18. speeddaddy

    speeddaddy Well-Known Member

    Yes and the person using the gun is responsible, not the person who sold it. Who the hell would sell one otherwise?
  19. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

    Don't be fooled, school shootings happen in other countries like the Niger Delta or the Caucasus by armed gunmen. They don't even have the newest video games in those parts of the world.
  20. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Teenagers and aging cops. Welcome to the lack of impulse control Olympics.


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