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Trump is a Winning Machine

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by blkduc, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Newsshooter

    Newsshooter Well-Known Member

    Yea, always good when the President of the U.S. acts more like a third grader. Hint, he is old.........
  2. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    He would fit in with this beeb.
  3. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Fonda Dix likes this.
  4. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    And you're short and fat. But he'd never say that. :crackup:
    Orvis likes this.
  5. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    Lol. That zinger was fucking priceless. You know rocket mans head is spinning in circles from it. Along with pansy ass liberals. :crackup:

    Wait, it isn’t “Presidential”, haha. Isle 3, that’s where the condoms for your feelings can be found.
  6. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Love when people say "he's not being presidential"

    No fucking shit. We didn't want another pussy ass steering the ship.

    Why is this even a surprise? Lol fuck that little fat fuck. On behalf of other shirt fat people, I approve the shit talking.
  7. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

  8. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Hmm, maybe I was right in the first place and his failures are too many to list. LOL
  9. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    Wow. Inventing shit out of thin air to keep this going. . .I thought only ex-wives did that. . .

    You do get that this is all written down right?

    Shit. That’s right. Cliff notes. How stupid of me!

    You: said something factually incorrect and easily disprovable about net worth of a former President
    Me: you’re an idiot. . .oh yeah here’s the proof. . .stop being a fucking idiot.
    You: said something stupid trying to prove you’re smart about a known case study. . .then repeated the factually incorrect and easily disprovable statement again.

    Pay attention because this is where using Obama as a proxy to prove you’re an idiot started.

    Me: you’re an idiot. . .and oh yeah if you want find out first hand some answers to your questions about how people make millions without being POTUS here’s their universities that you can apply to to find out.
    You: something stupid, something stupid, affirmative action, you have to use other people’s success to make yourself feel better.
    Me (to crash): G wouldn’t get in because he’s an idiot who says stupid shit. I then insinuated that if you and Obama applied at the same time, you’d get smoked on intelligence – which was a trap. . .which your dumb ass fell for. At this point you lost but since you’re a dumb ass, rather than lay down the king. . .you decided to make these cliff notes longer.

    You: third grade “that didn’t hurt my feelings”. . .and so what because 99.9% of the population couldn’t (which was pure gold and speaks volumes about not only your standards for yourself but that a default of yours is lumping other people in a group with yourself to make you feel better about your own deficiencies ).

    Again, pay attention. . . because at this point I have effectively used Obama as a proxy to “win” the argument (central point being you’re an idiot) by pointing out you don’t have a prayer of getting into the schools he got into, let alone doing what he did. WHICH YOU AGREED TO. Not only that, but you also unknowingly admitted that I have done something that you can’t based on intelligence

    That’s what’s known as using a proxy to win a debate (and has fuck all to do with elections).

    Continuing being the dumbass that you are, you opened the door that now, I can switch over to using myself against you directly. . .which I do.

    Me: You’ve admitted I’m better because I can do shit you can’t. I’ve actually studied this shit. I’d get smoked by him. If you can’t even beat me, letting you in the ring with POTUS makes affirmative action look like kiddie shit.

    Of course. . .you don’t see this. . .and thus provide more entertainment.

    You: Ok, going there was special, but since you went there, it’s no longer special. Backtrack about his intelligence, using AA to get in and his debating ability. Use Romney as a proxy. Poor attempt to get me to show you a report card (which is apparently big with you guys which makes no sense because you’re dying to see his transcripts (aka report cards) but you think it’s funny when people show them – you are aware that holding those positions simultaneously is beyond fucking stupid. . .of course your are).
    Me: you’re an idiot. . .a big fucking idiot. Maybe one of the biggest I’ve ever seen. But just to make sure, I throw in a bone about farming (clued in by the corn and ISU reference from El Jefe).
    You: (and I admit, now I’m thinking that you may be a little touched and wondering if this is like clubbing baby seals) canned political insult. . .Something about me being dumb about using Obama as a proxy. . .why are you on the beeb if you’re so smart. . .’merica. . .homework about being a farmer. . .
    Me: cluing you into your loss with using Obama as a proxy (again - for you being an idiot – not elections – which you again miss – thus forever blowing any shot of me believing you actually can keep up). Pointing out that smart people are on the beeb (and that once again you’re using bringing others down to make yourself feel better – that’s twice in two days. . .you should really watch that character trait because I guarantee others will). You’re still an idiot. . .personal anecdote about farming. . .smart ass reply to your challenge on econ.

    And that brings us to today. Which will undoubtable lead to you posting “see. . .I didn’t say anything about elections”. . .further shinning the spotlight on you being a dumbass.

    That about sums it up right?
    SnacktimeKC likes this.
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

  11. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    Fuck. Of course it doesn’t.

    Page 216, post 4320. . .response to Crash, second and third sentence. While I am aware you have a challenged memory in regards to things that you write just a few days prior (as grossly evidenced by the majority of the bullshit you write) it is not wise to assume that others have similar deficiencies in this regard.

    I came to that conclusion based upon your comments. Perhaps in your zeal to engage in a losing debate, you should be a little more careful how you phrase things. It takes work, dedication and thinking through different angles and approaches but if you start now, based upon what is evidenced here, I’m guessing you should get the hang of it in about. . .oh, who the fuck are we kidding, you’re never going to get it.

    Count up how many times you reference that athletic conference v. me. (should tell you who’s really wrapped around the axle about it). It only comes up when it’s relevant. Given that we were talking about certain schools and peoples ability to get in them and that you issued a challenge specifically about it in relation to people using their own accomplishments – seems pretty fucking relevant – no?

    If you’re really curious. . .I’ll tell you why the 75% was thrown in there. . .but you gotta ask nicely. . .

    Funny how when conservatives do it, it’s “tough love”. When conservatives have it done to them “It’s being an elitist prick”. How about we split the difference and call it “tough love for a stupid prick”?
    SnacktimeKC likes this.
  12. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    Oh good god I want it to end. . .but when somebody gives me a job to do. . .:D
  13. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Broome isn’t even in this debate. There’s just no reason to challenge to a word count challenge. You KNOW he can’t say no to a challenge.
  14. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    My fare lady?

    pickled egg likes this.
  15. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Does the Ivy league teach you to use five sentences instead of using one or do you over use words in order to try and baffle others with your babbling rambling bull shit.

    Its not even a debate. The fact is that Obama entered politics with zero and left with millions. This is the point I was making. If you want to make any issue with regards to the time frame in which he accomished this, fine. But don't try and spin it like you are trying to do. The overall point hasn't changed. He came in with nothing and left a millionaire.

    You brought up how educated he was and how educated you are etc and how he and you are such great debaters. Etc. You introduced the subject of being highly educated, not me. Again I simply pointed out that the got his ass handed to him in the first presidential debate. You want to try and expand this to include other things etc. But the statement is fact. Your great savior Obama got destroyed in a debate. No other way to put it even though you keep trying.

    Smart ass reply or not it's still all factual. You introducing that you know all about farm land values because your brothers sisters family has a farm in all places SoDak is priceless. Might as well compare it to land on the moon as they are so different.

    The only reason I brought it up is that you keep making a point that I couldn't or wouldn't be able to get into one of your precious ivy league schools, as if it was a goal of mine. You also seem to think that this somehow bothers me as if it was my chosen path and I failed. The reality is and the point I'm making is the last time I checked farm land values I'm doing more than OK even with out your awesome education and over priced piece of elitist paper. Here's some simple math for you professor. $12,500 X 1700. Ask me again what I think about your education. You try and broaden the scope of this and try to make into something else.

    Again to be clear I could give a crap about your ivy league education or said report card. The point is you are such a self proclaimed scholastic educated econ debater wonder boy but yet here you are. Again stop trying to broaden it while trying to make it about something else.

    Obama was a failure as POTUS. Trump has already secured more economic deals and is continuing to resolve the failures the savior created while in office. You continuing to remain butt hurt over this is funny.
  16. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    Is that Toll Booth Willy?
    V5 Racer likes this.
  17. jase

    jase Your kind makes me sick!!

    Just like you are getting here...

    Butt hurt much???
  18. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    I missed this if it was covered..... motorkas, did you benefit from affirmative action when accepted to an Ivy League school? I am sure it is here but I cant read those tomes you two are putting off.
  19. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    How does one go about finding out if they did or not? :confused:
  20. motorkas

    motorkas Well-Known Member

    Beat me to it. . .:D.

    Who knows, maybe, maybe not. No way of knowing. . .it’s not like they put “accepted because of affirmative action” on the letter. I did have the highest GPA at my high school while starting varsity from my sophomore year in three sports. I also didn’t put my race(s) on the application but my name is definitely not “American”. If you adjust for inflation, my yearly high school tuition was about 60,000.00 so there could be other factors at play as well.

    Truth of the matter, even if I was accepted because of Affirmative Action, according to the numbers, I’d mostly be displacing an Asian or an Indian. Check out the research on it. White people actually need affirmative action to get in when stacked up against those two races.

    Who knows, maybe it was the white side they were letting in over the black. Or the black over the white. . .no way of knowing for sure.

    Why do you ask?

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