Would I have gone to jail if I...?

Discussion in 'General' started by sharkattack, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. 88/532

    88/532 Simply Antagonistical

    It’s funny to watch people who are always in a hurry and have no patience get old...er. Oh, I’ll never be like that, and then they are.
    BigBird, panthercity and R Acree like this.
  2. bigkaley

    bigkaley Well-Known Member

    Within reason, agreed... for some things it's just wanted energy.. :dead:

    ... and all this is hypocritically being said/ typed by an acknowledged control-issue individual (meaning me).. :confused:

    Gorilla George likes this.
  3. Spitz

    Spitz Well-Known Member

    This is why I go shopping at 1am and get shit done. No traffic in my fucking way, no dipshits leaving the store walking diagonally across the lane of traffic (takes 2x longer, assholes). Like walter says, get my shit and get out. My latest is Kwik trip gas stations. They sell everything goddamn thing in their store and people go in an "shop" after they get gas, except there is actually people at the pumps waiting for these assholes to get done. I even emailed their corporate and told them this shit is ridiculous. If you want a grocery store, open one next to the fucking fuel island.
    BigBird and Gorilla George like this.
  4. renegade17

    renegade17 Well-Known Member

    They usually leave their car at the 1 or 2 diesel pumps.
    V5 Racer likes this.
  5. Crybaby™

    Crybaby™ Well-Known Member

    Not knowing all the circumstances but, the correct thing to do was agree with the lady in front of you. Checks?! Really GTFO with that crap. Same issue I have with most people that use the self check out. I can tell most of those people have a VCR blinking 12 and don't even know what Netflix is. F@cking morons don't belong out in the world. Also, that old lady is retired. GO TO THE STORE BETWEEN 9 & 11 or 2 & 4 when working people aren't there on their short lunch hours.

    If the old lady had the check pre-filled out with everything except the amount and just before writing the amount she added the donation when the cashier asked if she wanted to donate and then it really took less than 60 seconds to finish filling in the check, then I'm OK with the old lady. Other than that scenario f@ck her.

    Oh and you are lucky I wasn't in place of the lady because we would have thrown down if you had tried to call out my frustrations at being delayed. It's funny how most people think things but never actually say anything. I'm definitely not that guy. I would have shown the frustration on my face so she would know to change her ways. Then when she apologized I would have suggested next time pre-filling out the check. If that upsets her then so be it. If that upsets others then so be it. ITS THE TRUTH
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
  6. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Nobody should be ragging on old people, we're all gonna be one eventually. Just sayin...

    Hey you kids, GET OFF MY LAWN !! :p
    BigBird, ToofPic and panthercity like this.
  7. Crybaby™

    Crybaby™ Well-Known Member

    They don't charge you a quarter. It's a deposit so you return the cart the quarter is released from the holder. Or you can leave the cart by your car and leave your quarter
    BigBird likes this.
  8. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Who the f**k carries a quarter with them? I don't. Plastic FTMFW.

    Hire a special needs individual who can and will work to push the damn carts back inside like everyone else does.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  9. Crybaby™

    Crybaby™ Well-Known Member

    It's funny what a single quarter will do to change habits to the way they should be to begin with. I usually grab a cart that's in the lot to bring it in. I almost always leave my cart before I leave the store, if I only have a few bags to carry. And if I need the cart I almost always return it to a cart corral. Most people walk past a damn cart at their car to pick one up in the store and then leave the cart next to their car because they are too lazy. All about efficiency and being courteous.

    It's funny to me that most people see my rage issues as me being selfish but, if you take a closer look most of my rage is directed at lazy, self absorbed people acting selfishly. Especially drivers
    BigBird and Gorilla George like this.
  10. :stupid:

    There are homeless people, high school people, retired people who want exercise, etc that would love to have that job.

    Rather than creating a ballache for your customers, help someone help themselves by creating a job.
    auminer likes this.
  11. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Um, their business model is cheap prices.
    Personally, I don't need someone to handle grocery cart logistics for me, but if you're that prissy...
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  12. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I used to do the middle of the night trip but it started backfiring. They'd never have any registers open and the aisles would be crowded full of the weirdos they've hired to night stock and the drunks wandering around.

    The best time is early in the morning. The shelves are still full from the night stockers, but all of the nightime weirdos are gone and the daytime weirdos have yet to arrive.
  13. I don't know anything about that story. We don't have that chain where I live.

    I can/do handle my own carts also. I'm just saying that I would rather see them create a job for someone, rather than making customers pay to use carts.

    However, I do realize that one of those makes them money and the other one costs them money.
  14. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    We know what kind of couch you were sitting on:crackup:

    Gorilla George likes this.
  15. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    All that working out is paying off.
  16. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    If a $8 an hour employee breaks their business model then they were already f**ked


    They're all over DFW. I haven't darkened the door of one in 15 years since I discovered their rental cart policy. Or deposit... or whatever it is. All I know is by the time I went back out to my truck to see if there was a quarter in the console, I had decided to go elsewhere to do my shopping. I even wrote them a nasty email full of Outrage (TM) but they just sent me hack a form letter about their policy and added me to their spam list. :mad: Dammit, I'm gettin' mad all over again just thinking about it. Thanks a lot!

    Usually I too grab a cart from the parking lot, and more often than not I'll at least push it back to a corral.

    Them charging for a cart has at least cost them any business I would have thrown their way. I'm actually pretty loyal to Kroger for their fuel points, so I know I regularly spend $400 in a month at the grocery store.
  17. DrA5

    DrA5 The OTHER Great Dane

    Here I thought you were going to say the woman in front of you spent her time bitching and then when it was her time to check out, once the total was completed, only then started to fill out HER check. That kills me. Fill it out the second you finish unloading your cart. You can do the date, the place name and your signature.....not a problem. Its ok to fill in the amount last......its ok.

    Because I find that, along with lack of any awareness of your surroundings, say standing by the door of the store talking with someone as you two block the way in or out, worthy of a death penalty.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  18. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    And that, right there is why I carry three quarters, a dime, two nickels and four pennies in my left pocket. ALLWAYS.
    Sabre699 likes this.
  19. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Are they real injun pennies or those newfangled ones with that guy from the War of Northern Aggression on the front?
  20. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    For spite its 2xIDATM.
    Just dont kiss her after, cause...you know...chocolate lips.
    sharkattack likes this.

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