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Prayers for Sweden

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Focker, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    And if it were the guy you like, he would be not only getting a pass, they would be giving him a Nobel.
    Robby-Bobby and crashman like this.
  2. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Shh. Don't talk about that.
  3. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    What happened in Norway 8 years ago, I mean, can you believe it?!! :D

    Actually, that one was a pretty much an odd surprise for everyone.

    At least Barry was also puzzled by it. His Trumpiness would have wondered why it took so bloody long... :D
  4. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    As would I, considering how low they dropped the standards.:D
    Orvis likes this.
  5. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Come on you have to appreciate the irony of it a little. The Obama got a Nobel and was sending tingles up reporter's legs before doing anything. While Trump was a Nazi and his wife a prostitute (cannot remember if his kids were also tagged with slanders). Both prior to inauguration when they had done nothing. It illustrates the bias so wonderfully and is funny on top of it.

    We now have the 8 years of Obama and while it was not universally bad I will save you having to scroll past the list of downs like food stamp participation etc. However we really cannot see much on Trump until about this time next year. Even the stock market bounce is speculation by buyers more than results.
  6. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    So because the guy mistakenly added two words ("last night") to his refugee rant we should throw out the entire gist of what he was getting at??? That un-vetted refugees can absolutely bring in too many undesirables? And that not controlling the amount of incoming refugee's, one's own country begins to lose it's own identity???

    Gasp, what a jerk!!! :rolleyes:
    gixxerreese likes this.
  7. Hooper

    Hooper Well-Known Member

    speeddaddy, Fonda Dix and XFBO like this.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I think it was more he forgot a couple of words to make it "I saw on a show last night"... Either way it's absolutely a misspeak and not a total fabrication. He does those more about himself :D
    XFBO likes this.
  9. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    F#(kin' Swedes. What do they know? Don't they watch MSNBC?
    crashman likes this.
  10. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I don't know Papa. I don't see Trump like that. What I've seen of Trump over the years is a man that's so impulsive that he let's his mouth lead him around from issue to issue that's of his own making. He's not stupid or ignorant necessarily but just childish in his approach to public speaking. It reminds me of a young guy sitting around a table in a bar with a bunch of other guys while continually popping off with statements before he actually thinks about how those statements will sound to others. I suppose you could call that ignorance.
  11. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    So true. Teleprompter president is gone. Time for results, not polished public speaking and the slow crawl towards communism. IDGAF how many feelers are hurt by Trump's words, his job is not to protect feelers. His job is to MAGA and he's off to a great start.
  12. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    "I hear about these things from CNN just like the rest of you"

    --Barack Hussein Obama
  13. Jred

    Jred Jred

    Snowflakes are melting in droves...that's a good thing. A parents basement should not be occupied after 40...just sayin'.
  14. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Yeah but he was talking about the Brangelina split.... :D

    And by the way, what does Trump put in his Kool-Aid, <Spock voice> it's fascinating.
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    That's not what I call ignorance. He is both childish and ignorant. But I do not use "ignorant" and "stupid" interchangeably. I don't think that he is stupid.

    Isn't Trump supposed to be an improvement? Or have you given up on that already? Can't blame you but damn, that was fast.
  16. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    He's trying to perfect Obama's "red drank" recipe. :p
  17. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Perhaps you did not understand what I said above. IDGAF what the orange guy says that hurts feelers or embarrasses snowflakes because he no speak good. In the areas that matter, Trump is without question an improvement. "but, but, but...Obama speaks better!" Good for him, that's fantastic for him and the pearl clutchers that are so easily offended and need a president teleprompter to preserve their idea that all that matters is what the rest of the world thinks... but it doesn't do a damn thing to fix the issues the country faces.
    Liberals want a minority or a woman to be president because they care about image. I could care less what color or gender the president is, or how great they are at reading a script in front of cameras...zero...fucks...given. I care about results.
    ringdingding and XFBO like this.
  18. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Nice rant. In what way does that address what we're discussing right now, though? You know, calling the news media fake, getting his information from them anyway, and completely misunderstanding what he heard…
  19. dsapsis

    dsapsis El Jefe de los Monos

    It's the new (fine-tuned) winning.
    Newsshooter likes this.
  20. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Isn't all that based on not liking what he said and how he said it? Is what I typed out not addressing that very argument?

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