
Discussion in 'General' started by Chango, May 5, 2016.

  1. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

    Math in general lol What are the long term High School plans? I am asking because my sister in law is teaching my nephew and he is 12 but she doesn't know what to do yet.

    Mine comes home with CC math crap and gets mad because I don't know the common core way and can't teach him that either. Stuff sucks.
  2. 6_Myles

    6_Myles Well-Known Member

    One word: Abacus. Solves all math problems

    Unsure about high school, we take it year by year. Most get through, or mostly through middle school in the homeschool circles here then either public or private high school. It just gets too hard to teach higher level stuff unless you are part of a large co-op.
    cajun636 likes this.
  3. solson1041

    solson1041 Well-Known Member

    I actually might be able to contribute here. I get the impression that I'm a good bit younger than many of the guys on this board, I'm 24, and I was homeschooled until high school.

    I think most people have pretty well covered the main points to be covered, but I've got a couple things to add from first-hand experiences. My parents worked very hard to make sure my brother, sister, and I were well-socialized, but IMO it still wasn't enough. I hated days where I didn't get to see my friends, and I think I would have done much better in public schools. Additionally, as hard as my mom worked, I still got a mediocre education. I remember my first day of high school, freaking out because I couldn't remember exactly what an adjective was, and I couldn't keep the other parts of speech straight. I was bad at math, but I was decent at literary analysis stuff. I think that's a direct result of the home schooling, because I read a whole lot when I was younger, lots of classic lit stuff, LotR, etc etc, but it's easy to find excuses for the boring stuff to hammer down, like math and parts of speech.

    On the flip side, though. I think it helped me in other areas, but not enough that I'd ever want to do it again. I know some of my best friends growing up (who were home schooled) can barely string together a sentence without stumbling over spelling errors, but then there's the other end of the spectrum, full of hyper nerds who have no social skills, but are encyclopedias. And a couple of kids who can't spell or talk to chicks.

    There are home schooled sports as well, I played lots of basketball through middle school. Luckily, my love of football pushed me to go to the high school.

    I'd wager to say, the nature wins over the nurture though, unless you really fuck it up. I think the religious background behind my family at the time caused my siblings and I more long-term issues than the home schooling.
    BigBird and cajun636 like this.
  4. Newsshooter

    Newsshooter Well-Known Member

    At times I was one of the weird kids, curly red hair, braces, I didn't stand out at all. Not at all cool like the kid in Room 222, though that is what my hair looked like in high school. :)
  5. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    You do know that a huge number of these people have no idea what that reference is about?
  6. Newsshooter

    Newsshooter Well-Known Member

    Yea, I know, I mean Broome didn't know motorcycle racing existed before 2006. :) But I knew there would be a few that would get it.
  7. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Learning to fight is going to teach a kid how to deal with "that boss that is an asshole, that college teacher that is a dick, the asshole neighbor"?
  8. r6boater

    r6boater Logged out

    Dang... So what do you think of my kid? Just finished his 4th year of homeschool and while he may be a weirdo, I don't think he's too far out of the "normal" category. If he is, I like to think he's on the outside leaning towards better-than-average; but I guess I'm a bit biased.

    And to dispel a myth, not all homeschoolers are Bible-thumping-no-shower-taking-introverted-cult-like-families. Some of us actual feel that homeschool can open a lot more opportunities for better-than-normal education and interactions by having ultimate flexibility. Oh, and I have always required he be at his desk by 8am, showered, and dressed. The goal is to still be ready for the real world.

    If anyone ever has any questions about homeshcooling resources, curriculum, etc. Please feel free to PM me. My wife runs a rather large local homeschool facebook group that has spun off into a Volunteer Service Organization.
  9. JBall

    JBall REALLY senior member

    My home schooled daughter in law has about a year left in her surgical residency. Didn't seem to cause her any issues.
  10. Jker

    Jker Member

    Like solson up there ^ I was also homeschooled so I feel like I should kick in with my experience. I'm 23 now, just graduated college, and have a great job.
    I was homeschooled all the way up until college, but did do some co-op stuff and dual enrollment in community college. I think it was a pretty decent as far as on the education, I got a 24 on the ACT so it's not like it doesn't provide decent book smarts.

    Would I recommend homeschooling? Nope. My social interactions growing up were friends through church or small homeschool co-ops. Basically, I didn't have much of a choice as to who my friends were, it was basically just that I had to be friends with people who were stuck in the same situation as myself.
    All throughout college I've struggled to adjust and adapt so that I can relate to my peers and I still struggle with anxiety and shit like that. I have a great life now, but that is all due to what I've pushed myself to be. I would say that my upbringing really held me back. The main thing that helped me was getting out of the house when I was 18 and working with normal people haha.
    cajun636 likes this.
  11. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Let me ask you this....Does the Draik ever get in trouble for talking too much in class? Because Lawd have MERCY he's got some oratory skills. That track walk I took him on at CMP was the longest 2 miles of my life.:D

    (You know I'm just messin. I love the Draik)

    (oh, and I went to public school so I have no idea if oratory is a real word or not)
  12. deepsxepa

    deepsxepa Hazardous

    the public fool system seems more a accurate description IMO

    this comment not directed toward any of those commenting here but a generalization.
  13. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

    Where did I say fight? I said coping skills to deal with it.
  14. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

    Why was he first Home schooled? And no, there can be very successful individuals. I'm not sure about the no shower taking and all that other stuff you mentioned. I think Draik is a fine boy. And not an introvert, at ALL. What was wrong with your education? Or your wife's, or the schools near you.

    I wrote what I wrote knowing that many kid racers and actors, and the like are home schooled.
  15. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

    And this is exactly what I'm saying.

    If your kid wants to be goth and listen to death metal. He should have that choice and pick who he wants to associate with. But doesn't even know who they want to associate wjth
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I've known homeschool kids who get bullied as they're older.

    Also bullying can easily happen at home, you didn't have older siblings did you? :D
    noles19 likes this.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I was too - a lot of times because I was the biggest kid in the class. Also because I read a lot. Granted I didn't complain to the school or my parents even, I'd defend myself when it was physical and I'd lash out eventually if it were verbal (which is something I did get sorted by the end of high school).

    Social media bullying to me is pure bullshit - there is no way that ever would have had any effect on me. Getting beat up sure. Kids calling me names in person all the time sure. But on something I can turn off? From people who post things I would never see since I'm not friends with them anyway? No way in hell. And parents raising kids who feel they can get bullied like that are doing something wrong.
    daveknievel and BigBird like this.
  18. r6boater

    r6boater Logged out


    We moved to TN when Draik was in 4th grade (mid-year). He finished 4th, took 5th and started 6th in public school (as he had been in IN). We had been rather disappointed in the education system in TN but wanted him to get the whole experience of school.

    In 6th grade, the first year of middle school, he wasn't doing bad, at all, despite not necessarily being a strong student (always tested average). In November of 6th grade, a kid who he had been having issues with on the bus decided to take out his aggression on Draik. Just before yanking Draik out of his desk he said "well I guess I'm about to get suspended again" (this made his 3rd time in 4 months). He started kicking Draik after he pulled him out of his desk and to the ground. The teached didn;t intervene until Draik kicked back to get the kid off of him. Since he was "fighting" (although it was self-defense) he was suspended for 3 days. That was 4.5+years ago and he never set foot back in that school. It was the last straw for us.

    Since then, he has (with a lot of hard work) been able to test above average and just finished his 10th grade year with straight A's.

    I really enjoyed school, I was a good student without even trying, was always top 10 in junior high and was in the top 10% in high school, I was the fat nerdy kid but always had a great group of friends and even managed to get myself to the cool kids table. I didn't complete college though, I had no study skills as I never had to in school. My wife also was a great student bur never finished college, just life stuff in the way. We both went to school in Indiana.
  19. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

    Yes. One that kicked my ass. Lol

    But I also had a younger sister that I had to take up for. Which was also a source of more fights.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I was the older sibling, did my share of bullying but got over it pretty quickly. I could beat up on my sisters but no one else could for sure, I've chased people across cities for that shit. Allegedly :D

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