Bernie Sanders: What he's really about, in his own words

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by The Dung Beetle, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    You planning on taking up arms?
    If not, don't compare your not-voting to those who did.
    What have you changed? Nothing.
    Nor can you exempt yourself from the problems because you don't like available solutions.
  2. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    So then lets limit big media as it is larger speech :beer:
  3. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    Can you answer a question, or just come up with more BS to avoid answering?
    I voted, I just didn't vote the way you think I should, sorry that I don't bend over and do as I'm told like you happily do.
    What have you changed? Oh that's right you helped all along the way making us all be less secure, and our loss of rights.
    Never said I was exempt, I just don't vote to continue those problems by voting for heads/tails of the same coin.
    Until you can answer some questions yourself this is my last reply to you, I know you like everything to be one sided so talk to yourself.
    The Dung Beetle likes this.
  4. That's why I'm for Bernie. Yes, he's running as a democrat this election, but as you can see, the DNC is strongly against him!

    If Bernie doesn't win the primary, I won't be voting for the "lesser of two evils" in the general.
  5. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    I agree. If we are picking lesser of the evils I think Trump would mess less stuff up in my world. But in my mind it is the difference between suck really bad and suck really really bad. A Trump Presidency would have more entertainment value though.:D
  6. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    Personally I don't see him being any different, IMO he tells people what he thinks they want to hear. I still think him and Trump both are just illusions being put out there to get more people to run back to the dems/repubs. I also still think that Bernie will not get the nomination and will endorse Hillary (or whoever the dems decided their person is) when this happens.
  7. Bernie's been saying the same stuff since before he was even Mayor or Senator, let alone running for President.
  8. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    So he is a habitual liar. Cool.
    Ghost of Casby and Robby-Bobby like this.
  9. LOL
  10. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    I am giving you answers, you just don't like them.
    and yes, you are saying you are exempt because "I just don't vote to continue those problems by voting for heads/tails of the same coin."
    But you blame me for the current state of affairs because I vote for people who can actually win, and only the winners can actually do something.
    You never vote for someone who can win, therefore you never vote for someone who does anything, so you therefore can't be blamed for anything that gets done.

    No, you aren't exempting yourself much.
    Or blaming everybody but yourself.
    "I didn't vote for (name of any actual winner here) so don't blame me!"

    Now, what have you changed?
    How does voting for a loser further your cause or address any issues you think are important?
  11. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    When you were racing, did you pull off track if you couldn't podium?
  12. No. What did you do when you were racing? Why do you keep trying to make this dumb analogy when HPPT already crushed it?
  13. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Question: would it help third party candidates if the media did not report any election projections until all the votes were in?
  14. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I don't believe it wuld make a significant difference unless you are talking MONTHS before the election and that will never happen. Too much money is at stake.
    Ghost of Casby likes this.
  15. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    But don't.

    Nor, does it seem, do you

    Again, nor do you

    So you're accepting responsibility for Obama?

    Ever asked a question you're too embarrassed to answer yourself? I mean, before this one.

    Or this one?
    Ghost of Casby likes this.
  16. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    I don't know if that would help. I think getting the dem/repub ran commission to allow them into debates and on the ballots (in states where they are not) would.
  17. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Nah. You'd still have the Cruz campaign telling voters his opponents have dropped out. :D
    Ghost of Casby likes this.
  18. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    No, talking general election. There is only one winner. Everyone else is a loser, whether the get 0.5% or 49% of the vote. But somehow, some believe that the 0.5% wasted their votes whereas the 49% did something meaningful.
  19. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Don't get all grumpy,D'ern, cuz TurdRoller and yourself share a political view......just in case you missed it though, he WON'T vote for the lesser of two evils either if his boy Bern doesn't get nominated.......a beer summit might be in order for you two wild coyotes. :beer: :eek:

  20. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Looking at all of the candidates economic plans, from the prospective of the Tax Policy Center, all of them would cost the hell out of us in the next ten years and beyond unless some changes occur within the economy in general. What it all boils down to is that there are a lot of unknowns to consider and, since they're unknowns, we cannot tell if all those plans will work or not.

    Bernie's "free stuff" plan is one of the most costly with the Republicans plans right behind. All the talk from both Bernie and Hillary about paying for their free stuff giveaways by taxing Wall Street and the wealthy is an attempt to divert everyone's attention away from the pocketbook of who actually will end up paying. If they tax Wall street then who is on the hook? We investors are. That's where Wall Street gets their money. Individual investors, retirement organizations, school districts, city governments, and others, are the people that are invested in Wall Street so, TA DA, we get to pay those extra taxes to pay for free education and medicare.
    Smoke and mirrors. Again.

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