Who is watching Breaking Bad?

Discussion in 'General' started by HPPT, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Sorry to hear that.
  2. Schitzo42

    Schitzo42 dweeb

    The burning one in the pool?

    From the mid-air collision caused by the ATC dude who was the Father of the chick that was dating Jesse that Walter let suffocate on her own puke.

  3. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Because you are so far behind.
  5. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    I wish I would've started earlier. Watching Walt deteriorate is fun.
  6. interesting because it showed up in more than a couple of episodes!
  7. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    I was re-watching the series leading up to the finale, and found what I think is the creepiest place it showed up. This is the scene where Jane's dad was in her room picking out her burial dress. Jane had painted this mural on her wall.

  8. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    It is stuff like this that makes this series more interesting than the Wire, Sopranos, etc...

    Series that I liked very much.
  9. antirich

    antirich Well-Known Member

    When I saw that scene, I though he was leaving it as a some sort of clue for the authorities. Waited for it to become relevant in the final episode, which obviously it didn't.

    Then I heard Vince's explanation and lost all respect for his story telling abilities :crackup:
  10. tommyd273

    tommyd273 Well-Known Member

    Friend sent this link to me. Thought it was awesome. Yep, know there's rules, but I've broken my share in my past and I'm sure it won't the last time, albeit less frequently than years past.

    Johnny, tell me what I've won. I hope its not a repost.
  11. SVandST

    SVandST Well-Known Member

    Sorry for bringing up an old thread. Started watching on Netflix earlier this year and thankfully realized that the final season was this year and set the DVR to record it.

    Just finished watching the final episode. Damn, what a fantastic show.
  12. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    What a great series. It'll be good to catch up on some sleep again. We had the first two seasons on one DVR and the other three seasons on another DVR from the marathon. We couldn't stop watching and I feel like we cheated some of the suspense (if that's even possible) by not having to wait week-to-week between episodes.

    The acting, writing, attention to detail, character development/switching back and forth between good and evil, etc. made this show so addicting. I know I'm late to the party, but I had been avoiding this thread like the plague for not wanting to read any spoilers. Phew, what a ride. I was on the edge of my seat for basically the entire final season. I don't know what to do with myself now.

    edit: BTW - probably covered already, but who called Hank and warned him over the phone about Tuco's cousins coming for him? Was it Gus?
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2014
  13. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    I just finished season 1. Ed get season 2 on DVD for me :D
  14. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    I deleted them already, sorry. Ha.

    Get out of this thread. Don't want you spoiling any of the fun for you and Crista. And all I can say, is the series just keeps getting better and better with each season.
  15. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    You just missed another marathon.
  16. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

  17. darylbowden

    darylbowden Well-Known Member

  18. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    I have the entire series on my DVR.
    If I record on best quality, I can get 90 minutes on a disc.
    I would have to watch as I record in able to cut out commercials.
    I'll probably start watching season 1 this weekend.
    I'll do a quality test then.
  19. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Don't think it's been covered here, don't think a clear answer was ever provided, but I'm certain it was either Gus himself or someone acting on Gus' orders.
  20. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Breaking Bad marathon on today on AMC

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