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Who would like to race COTA?

Discussion in 'General' started by obcbr, Jun 5, 2018.

  1. obcbr

    obcbr Well-Known Member

    If the opportunity arose, who would like to race COTA as a club level racing event? If not, what would be the limiting factors; tires, travel, entry fees, too scared to compare yourself to Jorge? I understand this would be a huge risk on the organizer in and of itself. This is not meant to judge any organizer and their fear so. This is merely to gauge the interest other people who may be interested, and what all would it take to make it happen.
    Cooper#346 likes this.
  2. fastedyamaha

    fastedyamaha Well-Known Member

    Exorbitant entry fees and a really bumpy track surface come to mind. I had a friend do a track day and I think he said it was $450 just for the entry fee, now add in all miscellaneous expenses.
    Gixxerguy855 and obcbr like this.
  3. obcbr

    obcbr Well-Known Member

    Bumpy is tolerable. This would be a one off event. Understandably, it would be expensive. Just curious if there's interest.
  4. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan My 13 year old is faster than your President

    For a Motogp track bumpy is not tolerable
    03RumbleBee and throwdown like this.
  5. Joe Lopez

    Joe Lopez Well-Known Member

    Have you ridden the other Texas tracks?
    CoTA is butta compared to the rest.
    But, then again....I don’t make my living “racing”.
    flyingpig70, panthercity and crashman like this.
  6. obcbr

    obcbr Well-Known Member

    It's also an amazing track! I bet it's nowhere near as bad as NOLA.
  7. Rogue4

    Rogue4 Well-Known Member

  8. TX Joose

    TX Joose Well-Known Member

    Of course we'd all love to race there. If entry fees were unchanged from normal events I bet turnout would be huge.
    Gixxerguy855 likes this.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    No way to do it for the usual entry fees - it's at least triple the expenses of the most expensive track we run currently. Granted I would expect numbers to be up so that would help but it would still have to be double the normal charges.
  10. rafa

    rafa Well-Known Member

    I would like to but not very likely.
    Too far away and never rode there before. I am more likely to do a trackday then race there.
  11. obcbr

    obcbr Well-Known Member

    The idea is, there would be a track day on Saturday and race on Sunday. This helps cut expenses down for both orgs and doesn't leave out the track day guys who would like to come ride; where as, a race practice would. Furthermore, if some of those track day guys wanted to race on Sunday they could better race license and do so.
  12. Tristan

    Tristan Well-Known Member

    Too far for me at any price. Only way I'd be tempted to try and make it happen is if it was an endurance race (not much chance of that)
  13. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    Isn't it 50k a day to rent?
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Around there yeah.
  15. inge

    inge Between fight or flight, one should choose wisely.

    It's a bucket list item, in an amazing town.

    I've never noticed the bumps.

    Track is far more fun than Laguna or Indy.
    VFR#52, Joe Lopez and obcbr like this.
  16. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    This. I think people are taking the comments of the MotoGP guys about tracks being bumpy and assuming that it means club racing bumpy. When I rode there last fall the only place I noticed the bumps was on the back straight and it was not even bad enough to get the bike moving around to where I would call it unsettled. Maybe it is worse on a 1000 but it did not seem bad to me.

    That being said, I am one of the idiots that loved TWS and Cresson is my favorite track so my opinion on what is bumpy may be a bit skewed...
  17. obcbr

    obcbr Well-Known Member

    ^^Agreed. It would be cool to gauge yourself against the world's best, but i hoghly doubt it's anywhere near unrideable for us.
  18. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    TWS and Oakhill are the two tracks I really miss. :(
    VFR#52 and backbone like this.
  19. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    Unfortunately I never made it to Oak Hill. I heard it was pretty awesome once the cow poop was swept off. :D
    panthercity likes this.
  20. JBall

    JBall REALLY senior member

    For 450 bucks, I better get 450 bucks worth of track time, which is about an endurance race. No way would I pay that much for a couple of sprint races.

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