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What creature would...

Discussion in 'General' started by Hotfoot, Jul 4, 2020.

  1. Hotfoot

    Hotfoot Well-Known Member

    … stuff the water tank vent lines in my toyhauler with cut leaves?

    I tried the fill the tanks on my toyhauler and it wasn't venting. I checked the vent hose, which is maybe 5/16" or so in diameter, and found it was full of green leaves that looked like they had all been cut to the same size and ROLLED UP and shoved in the vent hole. The leaves, unrolled, were a little less than 1/2" square. After I got all the green leaves out there were some blackened ones and then some gritty black stuff and then the last thing was a sort of plug that was either wrapped leaves or something wrapped IN leaves. I poked at it to try to unroll it but it squashed and yellow/orange stuff came out.

    WTF does that, any ideas? For sure not a person, I live out in the country and no one has access to the trailer. But there is a LOT of wildlife and the scent or presence of water may have attracted something to the water vent hose.

    (The vent hole used to have a screen on it, not sure what happened to that but it is getting replaced tomorrow!! )
  2. RIB333

    RIB333 Well-Known Member

    Last thing was probably some kind of insect larva or something like that.
  3. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    it was cocooned butterfly/moth/bug larvae
  4. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    leaf cutter ants?
  5. Hotfoot

    Hotfoot Well-Known Member

    I wondered about those; I was concerned ants would come boiling out when I started clearing the tube but I didn't see any. I didn't know those lived around here, but apparently they do.

    Then I thought about a caterpillar but couldn't see how one of those could carry that many leaves., there were LOTS of them, filling up 4-6" of the tube.

    After some more research, I found the answer - a leaf cutter bee!
    "Leafcutting bees, as their name implies, use 0.25 to 0.5 inch circular pieces of leaves they neatly cut from plants to construct nests in cavities. They construct cigar-like nests that contain several cells. Each cell contains a ball or loaf of stored pollen and a single egg."

    Nature is amazing. Also a PITA, sometimes; cracked the fitting on the water tank before I realized the vent was plugged. :(
    backcountryme likes this.
  6. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    That’s interesting. I have never heard of those, but I have seen leaves like that with the circles cut in them.
    Hotfoot likes this.
  7. pefrey

    pefrey Well-Known Member

    That's cool, not the plugged vent though. I learned something. Thanks for the follow up.
    Hotfoot likes this.

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