Wanting to get in to racing....

Discussion in 'General' started by dogdoc, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. hotnail

    hotnail Well-Known Member

    Im with Kesler on this one.....Worked for me!
  2. caferace

    caferace No.

    No mention of turbo 'Busas...

    what is this world coming to?

  3. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

  4. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    You are absolutely correct, I don't know what the hell I was thinking. My apologies, all.

  5. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    At least Kesler didn't say a 400 vfr Honda.
  6. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    If you can find one for a thousand bucks...
  7. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Will he tow it with a big gay truck though?

    That's the question that must be answered.
  8. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    With, or without a blown engine?
  9. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    Good luck, man! Conserve your money, this shit ain't cheap. I finally got my act together and got out on the track a bunch last year. I took the STAR Racing School (great school) specifically to get my WERA license, then lost my job when the economy was teetering on total collapse. When I realized that it would take a minimum of $5000 to do the full WERA West season without crashing even once, I decided that I will wait until I finish school and get a real job. Then I'll be able to race AND eat!

    I'm not even bothering right now because I can't do it the right way, as in being fully committed to learning the sport, and getting as much track time as humanly possible by doing near every event, and not having to choose whether to buy new tires to be for the next event, or pay pesky rent. :D

    Point being, do a realistic analysis of the costs involved with this sport and your budget and make sure you have enough money to do it the right way. Some guys here will probably tell you to take your cost analysis and double it. They're likely correct. I did a fair bit of work on an Excel spreadsheet to figure out my budget. I can send you that if you PM me your email and you can play with it and adapt it to your needs. Hopefully others will have something written down that they're willing to email to you also.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2009
  10. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    Ow ow ow...that was a low blow. :D

    Right way? Nobody ever told me there was a "right way", guess I've been doing it the "wrong way" for several years. Never mind I've had a ton of fun, gotten faster, taken a few trophies home and made some good friends, now that I see the error of my ways.

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