Track on sunday

Discussion in 'Tech' started by Lars77, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Lars77

    Lars77 Member

    First Time with regular street tires and a brand new bike. What pressures should I run? Tire warmers? Super excited
  2. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Would depend on the brand of tires, but with most street tires I start at about 30/30 cold and work from there. No need for tire warmers with street tires.
  3. Lars77

    Lars77 Member

    What does work from there mean. My Dunlop rep gave me set pressures for the slicks. When should I move the pressures up or down
  4. 418

    418 Expert #59

    You need to tell us what tires you're running. Tire pressures for slicks has nothing to do with the tires you're running.

    First time on the track? Set your pressures in the morning and forget about it.
  5. afm199

    afm199 Well-Known Member

    Slicks? You said street tires. Start at 30/30 or so. First time on the track? Just remember that street tires are street tires, not track tires. You'll spin them up exiting corners much more easily than track tires.
  6. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Dunlop race tires are pretty similar cold pressure recommendations 30/21 cold. You just said you are running street tires. If in fact they are Dunlop Q2s, then as I said Dunlop recommends 30/30.

    Is this your first time on a track?
  7. Vstate60

    Vstate60 Jaspon&Armas, PA

    Better question: Is this your first time on the interwebz?

    When I ran street tires at the track I started at 30/30 cold, set them and forgot about it. Took maybe two trackdays before I went to DOT race tires with warmers so start planning for it. Don't run warmers with the street tires, just take a couple laps hard on the gas when not leaned over and likewise hard on the brakes. I got made fun of for doing the back-and-forth esses to warm up the tires my first time out.
  8. Lars77

    Lars77 Member

    Sorry last post was confusing. Running bridgestones that came with the bike. I'm a slower expert class. Just never used street tires on the track. Going back to mostlystreet and sometimes track. Bridge stone battle ax pro hyper sport is what's on the side wall
  9. Lars77

    Lars77 Member

    Should I expect a lot less traction to apex or just a little
  10. afm199

    afm199 Well-Known Member

    What tires EXACTLY are you planning on running?
  11. Vstate60

    Vstate60 Jaspon&Armas, PA

    Stock on the new GSXR's I think.

    If you're running expert pace (so many people in expert who shouldn't be, all the way up to disgusting fast guys and girls so who knows where you fit in) and you're not looking to make a 'backing it in/wheelies/and long slides' video you should probably just keep them for the street riding and run good tires and Warmers on the track. Plus I ate up street tires with the quickness on the track and I was far from expert pace when I ran street tires.
    Don't cheap out on rubber, run those things on the street and save the track riding for track tires.
  12. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Well-Known Member

    Those tires are not even fit for the street!

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