That Was AWESOME! The whole crowd went dead silent. It was like a religious experience. Which is something for an atheist. 10/10, would do again
Pretty cloudy here, but they broke just before and we got to see a nice partial. Just too far north for totality.
Really glad I got to take my teenagers to see the total eclipse. We were only a 30min drive from to see it.
I have to say that was pretty effing awesome I timed Also Sprach Zarathustra perfectly to synchronize with the full eclipse and it gave me goosebumps!
If you get the opportunity, don't blow it off. It is quite spectacular. We were in in Northern Vermont. Weather was Clear and unusually warm. It's very hilly and rural here. People from all around were parked everywhere. It was neat. At the moment of totality you could hear people from all over the area just overwhelmed and screaming and yelling, crying. The cool thing was how the yells were echoing and distorting because of the landscape. We were so giddy as it was happening. Truly something different.