Agreed. I'm actually not sure why he keep getting away with doing this and why nobody's tried to call him on it (and by call him on it I mean punt him clear off the track).
They can want a change all they can but the schedule will always be ruled by the tv broadcast in Europe
Except for the fact that it was the early hours of the morning in Europe. If they really wanted peak broadcast hours across the water it would be a 2:00-3:00 start here.
That would work perfect for a 11 am start time here and 8 pm time in Europe. Except they want to show all the lights and Vegas is ugly in the daytime.
As I was driving into Vegas from Hell-A a few days ago, coming down the hill into the valley, the smog was the worst I've ever seen it. Really Hell-A level brown shit. Not a good look on TV for 'Merica, the greatest country in the world.