The Art of Racing in The Rain

Discussion in 'General' started by CMMFL, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. CMMFL

    CMMFL Well-Known Member

    Has anyone here read this book? I picked it up because of the title and the front cover. I thought it was a great book. I think some of you dog-loving racers would love it. So would your girlfriends.... :up:
  2. rabbit73

    rabbit73 Scheiße

    I'm about halfway through. Kinda Tuesdays With Mory with racecars. Well written and quite interesting so far.
  3. JamesC459

    JamesC459 Well-Known Member

    I read it about a year ago.Good read,nice ending. Pretty good writer.
  4. OldSchlPunk

    OldSchlPunk Well-Known Member

    A customer turned me on to it last week, have to get to the library to pick it up on CD.
  5. khill

    khill Well-Known Member

    I liked it....

  6. Macon663

    Macon663 Well-Known Member

    In the middle of it, great book so far.
  7. Rich SmithMoore

    Rich SmithMoore Well-Known Member

    Good book but my lap times didn't drop and now I have to let my dog use the TV remote..........:rolleyes:
  8. CMMFL

    CMMFL Well-Known Member

    I am the type that talks to my dog like he's human...telling him where I'm going and when I'll be back, etc. The book made me feel less"crazy, stupid" for doing that. :p Loved the ending, too.
  9. Quiks66

    Quiks66 Billy the Kid

    Great book, read it in three sittings. And I rarely read anything resembling a novel. Pick it up if you have a train ride or flight to catch.
  10. exracer941

    exracer941 Well-Known Member

    My girlfriend read it and loved it. Just starting it now.
  11. Manxboy

    Manxboy Well-Known Member

    Great book, now I tell my cat were I'm off to and when I'll be back!
  12. Keep Up

    Keep Up N 142

    I bought the book but haven't started readingi it yet
  13. mcskeeto

    mcskeeto Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2009
  14. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

    I think a movie would be badass! I wonder who will play Enzo?
  15. yetidave

    yetidave Well-Known Member

    Kick ass book. I read it a few weeks ago.
  16. speedluvn

    speedluvn Man card Issuer

    Can I get the cliff notes on this book?
  17. ubermoto71

    ubermoto71 Well-Known Member

    Great book, I read it in one sitting. I talk to my girlfriend's dog more now... :p
  18. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    I thought Vincent Chase had that lead?

    Patrick Dempsey, proof that all you need to race a car professionally is money.:rolleyes:
  19. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

    cliff notes wont really do much, basically is a story narrated by a dog named Enzo and he tells the story of his master Denny and his struggles with life while trying to become a professional race car driver. Very good book, I for sure recommend reading it.

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