Superstock R6 Rule Interpretation

Discussion in 'Tech' started by Rich SmithMoore, Feb 24, 2003.

  1. Rich SmithMoore

    Rich SmithMoore Well-Known Member

    Is the Yamaha GYT Race Wiring Harness legal for Superstock? My local dealer claims it is but I hate to find out the painful way.

    BTW- Same dealer also claims Yamaha GYT Cams and GYT Gear Clusters are legal cuz they have OEM part numbers. I'm hoping the answer to this is NO cuz they're way outside the budget. Plus if you think I'm gonna be swapping tranny clusters between practice sessions...........

    I'd just hate to think that everybody else is running this High $ stuff cuz then I'll feel inadequate!
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    This will probably piss off someone but your dealer is either an idiot or just trying to sell you something.

    Just because Yamaha markets a part does NOT mean it's legal.

    I actually can't answer specifically about the harness not knowing the differences between it and a stock one - however if it is ANY different other than having the allowable items unplugged then it's illegal for our SS classes.

    Tell your dealer that HRC stuff has Honda part numbers too. For that matter R1 parts have Yamaha par numbers so does he think that we'd allow an R1 motor in the 600 class?
  3. Rich SmithMoore

    Rich SmithMoore Well-Known Member

    Gyt Harness

    Dealer (D******N's) told me the GYT race harness (when used with the Yamaha GYT ECM) causes the high beam light to become a shift light and has little switches to choose various advance curves and all kinds of other groovy stuff. Sounds like this would be a "No-No".

    The way he explained it, it caused the instruments to tell you everything except maybe your lean angle!
  4. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    WTF is he talking about?! Man I want that wire harness if it'll do all that crap!! DAMN!!! You're dealer is F'd up dude...

    Unless this is all for the 03 R6 and not the 99-02's...
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2003
  5. Rich SmithMoore

    Rich SmithMoore Well-Known Member

    Harness Me!

    No, this was for an '02. What can I say. This guy's been in business longer than Yamaha's been making bikes but.........he does race in CCS!!!

    I went to him for advice cuz he does a great job of getting me my 2-stroke parts.

    FWIW- This is not the dealer who gets to put sponsorship decals on the bike!
  6. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Wow man... I tell ya what... find out what the Yamaha part number is cuz I'm curious... if he gives you a part number it *could* be legit.. but I've never heard of all that before! It would be really cool to have though!
  7. HFD1Motorsports

    HFD1Motorsports BIKE TUNA

    all true. the ecu also needs the differant harness to work looked into all of that last year to expencive. Get you some adjustable cam and ing. sprockets a bunch of jets and good sticky tires and ride it.

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